Well,at least you're on the popular list period.Lolz.XDDDD
Yay!I was leaning in that direction!You read my mind!ASAGI ISH PSYCHIC!!!XDCan't wait for it to be done~!^^
Hey,you know what?You've inspired me!I'm gonna go and make another world today or tomorrow!Yay!
You know you can make 5 worlds now,don't you?At least,I think.Well,yeah,I saw that my friend Sakura Kokoro had 5 worlds as well as Adam.So that means...MORE RANDOM JUNK FROM ME!!!XD
Anyway,I hope you're "raised up" on the popular list!^^
No, someone dropped me as a subscription, but yes, all my subscribers get a request, (requets are always open though) I'll post a MomoShiro, -AsagiTaichou
What?You were 96?HOW DARE SOMEBODY DO THAT!!!Maybe somebody below you got more subscribers...D:
Hey,didn't you say that everyone got a request because there was a certain number of viewings you had on one of your worlds?Well,if that is...then...I would like to request that you make either an IshiHime or MomoShiro fanfic!Your choice.:DI think you should take a break from all of that IchiRuki stuff for a tad bit.It may become a fatal disease.Who knows?
Like how my fatal Boredom Disease is going to kill me someday.Lol.
...If I was correct,we all DID get rewarded a request,right?
Anyway,I just wanted to say that.*OMG!More spammage!*XD
*Laughs like a maniac*
Another great fanfic as always,Asagi-chan.^^
Hey,you know what?I had a weird revelation that I could listen to music while I surf around online to cure the fatal Boredom Disease.XD
And THEN,I clicked on the popular list,and there you were,#99!XD
So I did a happy dance and celebrated the fact that YOU ISH ON THE POPULAR LIST!!!!^^
...To help cure the fatal Boredom Disease along with the music.XD
So BYE and HI.Whatever.
...I'm done spamming you now!XD
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/18/08 | Reply
@Summer Daydream:
I did some MomoShiro!
Summer Daydream
Mahou Shoujo (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/18/08 | Reply
Well,at least you're on the popular list period.Lolz.XDDDD
Yay!I was leaning in that direction!You read my mind!ASAGI ISH PSYCHIC!!!XDCan't wait for it to be done~!^^
Hey,you know what?You've inspired me!I'm gonna go and make another world today or tomorrow!Yay!
You know you can make 5 worlds now,don't you?At least,I think.Well,yeah,I saw that my friend Sakura Kokoro had 5 worlds as well as Adam.So that means...MORE RANDOM JUNK FROM ME!!!XD
Anyway,I hope you're "raised up" on the popular list!^^
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/18/08 | Reply
@Summer Daydream:
No, someone dropped me as a subscription, but yes, all my subscribers get a request, (requets are always open though) I'll post a MomoShiro, -AsagiTaichou
Summer Daydream
Mahou Shoujo (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/17/08 | Reply
Maybe somebody below you got more subscribers...D:
Hey,didn't you say that everyone got a request because there was a certain number of viewings you had on one of your worlds?Well,if that is...then...I would like to request that you make either an IshiHime or MomoShiro fanfic!Your choice.:DI think you should take a break from all of that IchiRuki stuff for a tad bit.It may become a fatal disease.Who knows?
Like how my fatal Boredom Disease is going to kill me someday.Lol.
...If I was correct,we all DID get rewarded a request,right?
Anyway,I just wanted to say that.*OMG!More spammage!*XD
*Laughs like a maniac*
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/17/08 | Reply
@Summer Daydream:
I was 96 but someone dropped me
-AsagiTaichou visit my site for a good fanfic
Summer Daydream
Mahou Shoujo (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/17/08 | Reply
Another great fanfic as always,Asagi-chan.^^
Hey,you know what?I had a weird revelation that I could listen to music while I surf around online to cure the fatal Boredom Disease.XD
And THEN,I clicked on the popular list,and there you were,#99!XD
So I did a happy dance and celebrated the fact that YOU ISH ON THE POPULAR LIST!!!!^^
...To help cure the fatal Boredom Disease along with the music.XD
So BYE and HI.Whatever.
...I'm done spamming you now!XD