Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),

2,000+ HITS!!!!!!!!!

THANK YOU ALL SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never expected it would go this high! Um, I'm still working on the 2,000 prize so, give me a minute, I just started writing it, but it's gonna be one of the best (and longest) I've written so far, (I hope)


NOTE: I haven't posted a poem in a wile Rukia's POV IchiRuki

I was exhausted,
I felt the blood seeping from my wounds,
I felt that my body couldn't move,
I couldn't breathe very well,
I guess I had a punctred lung after all,
But atleast he was safe,
Atleast he could have a normal life,
Well, normal for him,
I had healed him,
I was exhausted,
I wouldn't die,
There's no way,
But I had to sleep,
And I was sure that it wasn't possible,
But I had been right,
He had somehow found me again,
Taken me away,
Helped me,
But I was defenitly not sure wat was going on,
I was exhausted,
The last thing I remember,
Is being lifted up in his arms,
He had a tight grip on me,
My eyes glanced at him,
I wispered his name,
He told me not to speak,
I couldn't do it anymore,
I fell asleep,
And I could've sworn he said he loved me,
But I was just so exhausted

Averge Day

NOTE: I wasn't gonna post this for a wile, but oh well

This was the scariest thing of my life, worse than walking down the aisle, having a baby, or being faced with the Vulturi and hundreds of new borns! I was alone in a room with Alice,normally that'd be ok, but we were alone in her bathroom, AKA Beauty Shop Central, and if that wasn't scary enough, she was going to play Make-Up Barbie with me so that we could mail a picture to Renee', and her excuse, "See? A little make up can make her look like she hasn't aged a bit!" Alice thought that would be funny, and worse than that my owne daughter had abandened me! Rensemee and Isabella had gone to find Jacob and Seth so they could play, AKA pretend to hunt him, and they got closer to succedeing everytime, oh yeah, Isabella was Alice's daughter, not an Immortal Child, she was half and half like Renesemee, Carisle had said that she was defenitly Alice and Jasper's, but there was something about Rensemee's attachment to Alice that somehow changed she and I and allowed us to have children, it's strange, but apparently all those headaches she gave Alice meant that it was because Alice and I were changing, it's very complicated and I barely understood any of it, neither did Alice, although that's probbably because she was freaking out, Isabella wasn't that much younger than Rensemee, only a few months, the situtations were almost identical, oh yeah, her name, I tried to persuade Alice to not name her after me, but her argument was, "You already got Esme's spin off name, now I'm doing a spin off of YOUR name, besides, you arent legally Isabella anymore, you're Bella, and we can call her Isa for short, fair?" it was like a buisness negotiation rather than naming a baby, well, regardless of all that, Rosealie is unbelievably jealouse of Alice and I, it was kind of ok wen she felt like she had a hold on Rensemee, or Nessie as they called her, but after Isa was born and Alice and I both had our owne children she really started to get upset, I heard her asking one night (she thoght I couldn't hear her) she had been asking why Nessie affected Alice and not her wen Alice had barely spent anytime around her before she was born, Carisle had said that it had something to do with the excess of cells in Alice's mind, and by Rensemee blocking that, the cells were forced to expand or something like that, I wasn't paying much attention to his explination, I didn't think I wanted to no, it just irritated me that she asked something like that instead of being happy for Alice, and ofcourse the lucky physcic in question was a vampire and was all but nocked out through the hole thing, and ofcourse Isabella had powers of her owne like my Rensemee, but right now I was vicously annoyed at all three of them!I can understand Isa leaving, but Nessie nos too well wat Alice can do to me unsupervised, and yet she still left me! There would be some SERIOUSE trouble!
Well, I had more or less gotten away from Alice in one peice, I darted out of the house as Alice had to get more film for the camra, I raced to the cottege to get Edward to liberate me, I was abe to cross in and bolt the door, Edward looked up from his book and started chuckling, "Edward, please shut up," I requested, "Want me to liberate you?" "Yes," after about an hour I was in normal clothes, it wouldn't have taken as long, but Alice had removed almost all of the normal clothes from my closet, she thought she had been thorough enough, but I had an emergency stash of shirts ad jeans under the bed, (in a box, with a lock) it isn't like she had spared Edward either but he didn't mind, honestly Alice! Not everyone can wear fancy clothes 24/7 like you! Ugh! Well, afterwards Edward, Nessie, and I went to meet up with Alice, Jasper, and Isa, to go hunting, Alice was visably irritated the entire time that I had not only escaped,but that I had somehow stashed normal clothes somewere, Edward leaned over to me wen Alice was out of hearing range (even for a vampire) and said, "Just to warn you Love, Alice is going to do another sweep of the house as soon as she gets the chance," "Then we'll just take the stash with us and GIVE her a chance," I wispered back, "Excellent," I smiled, it WAS an excellent plan,
We rushed out of the house and back to Carasile's, therefore giving Alice the chance to search the house and find nothing, I snickered as she and her minions (Jasper and Isabella) left to search the house, I felt sorry for the child because Alice had taught her that normal clothes were bad and that the fancier the better, the poor girl already believes that so early in life, and has been taught how to seek and destroy, as for Jasper, well, I think he's only there to keep Alice humain, although so far he wasn't doing a very good job, suddenly the door slammed open, I quickly hid the box of normal clothes behind my back, Alice glared at me, and snatched the box, opening it and shaking her head disaprovingly, "Bella, Bella, Bella, tsk, tsk," I glared at Isabella as Alice went to her room to dispose of my last hope, Jasper mouthed the word "Sorry" to me and lead Isa away to their room, Isabella could see the past, the opposite of her mother's gift, she could only sense things wen someone was nervouse though, the opposite of her father's gift, Edward glanced at me, "Don't worry Love, we'll go shopping later, that's assuming that Alice didn't steal our keys," and then I heard Alice's bell-like laughter from the next room, that couldn't be good,
Sure enough, she had slipped the keys to both of our cars in Rosalie's stuff, and Rosealie and Emmet were both hunting, I was about to give up, but then little Rensemee came to my rescue and showed me that she had somehoe saved the keys to the volvo, and THAT was why she left me alone with Alice! I had such a smart little girl! We darted to the car wile Alice was still (I could only assume she was burning) my clothes, on our way to the mall I smelled steak, someone must've been cooking out, I was suddenly glad that Jacob wasn't around here, well, we maneged to buy a few pairs of jeans and some shirts (and some normal clothes for my daughter and husband) and left, well, we were almost in the house, and Alice was waiting for us, I gave the bags to Nessie and told her and Edward to go around the back wile I took over here, "Alice," I started, "Bella, please, don't try, I'm gonna take the clothes," "Alice, did I mention that... Edward is taking your Porche?" I watched her eyes grow, "No he isn't," "Yeah, he is, he thinks you have too much power with a car, if I were you, I'd go hide the keys," she darted, as soon as I was inside I locked the door, "How did you get her gone?!" "I told her you were taking her Porche," Edward shrugged and kissed me on the cheek, yep, just an averge day

1,900+ HITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nothing But You

It was at that moment that she felt the smallest bit of releif, for a split second, her death was postponed, at first she was almost desprete to die, almost desprete in wanting him to leave, afer all, as if this wasn't irritating enough, she was hot, very hot, as the embers licked her face, but as soon as she was in his arms she felt safe, she suddenly wanted to live again, she had something, someone, to live for, and although she'd never admit it, for a few moments, and for one of the very few times in her life, she had difficulty holding back her tears, she felt overwelmed in serenity, it didn't last long, atleast, she acted like it didn't, but everytime he touched her, it was all too difficult not to instantly relax and settle her mind around nothing at all, except him ofcourse, it had been a hard day for her, for everyone, and after everything had calmed down and they were alone, he kissed her, and it felt like her mind had exploded, she finally understood this feeling, this strange feeling, like time had stopped, like the only thing that ever existed were him and her, she had heard that feeling being discribed in many ways, but never dreamed that it actually felt this good, she had heard about this feeling, that it's just him and her and a world of bliss, and that there was nothing she could see except his face, nothing she could hear but his heart and her's beating in unison, and feel nothing but him, she had heard it all, in the many books she read (all romance ofcourse) but she had never dreamed that it could actually do that, she always thought that it was the mind of a dreaming writer, but no, this was actually it, that's actually the way it felt, like indiscribable bliss, being kissed by the one you loved, she felt like it could stop her heart, she didn't want that moment to end
How? How was it possible? How? She must have some kind of radar! That's the only explination to explain it! That everytime he stepped out, he always came back to find her curled up on his bed asleep, (there was however the one exciption; the time she pretended to sleep and then kicked him in the face) but I mean this was ridiculouse! He was gone for only 20 minutes! He looked over at the site on his bed for a moment, let's see, a midget spread eagle on the bed, lightly holding the new book that she was reading, it was open to the last page ("THE END" was printed in bold at the bottum,) it was the book that had just been released yesterday that she (apparently) had "borrowed" from his sisters, (either she was an amazingly fast reader or she stayed up ALL NIGHT, probbably both, I mean she blew through 750 pages in a day! Yeesh!) an iPod was on the floor, had he left it there? And all in all the only thing really out of place was the midget that was in his bed, why? Why did she like his bed so much? Why?! She was like a puppy only alot less innocent, well, he might as well wake her up so he wouldn't be accused of letting her sleep there
It was strange, suddenly the irrisistable bliss was fadeing, she tried to keep a hold of it, but she couldn't, "Rukia," she heard him call repeatidly, she finally realized that it was all a dream, a luxuriouse dream that she didn't want to wake from, if she could only steel back that moment of bliss long enough to nail every detail into her memory, then she would let it go, but she just didn't want to return to the aching reality, everything in the dream had felt too real to escape from, and now that that feeling was burned in her memory, now that she understood the how there was a possibility of feeling that way, she would always want it, dream or not, imagined or not, she still FELT it, even if it was only her mind, tricking her into feeling it, she still FELT it, and that, regardless of imaginary and reality, was more than enough proof that that feeling could exist, because after all, feelings exist only in your mind, so if she could imagine feeling that way, then there was nothing to tell her that that feeling wasn't real, and that meant more to her than anything, but now was a new feeling, she was no longer in a world lost with him and nothing else, she could no longer feel nothing but him, reality had bitten and pulled her back all too soon, she could feel her body again, before it was light as air and no feeling except that indiscribable bliss had existed, but she could feel her body again, she could feel the bones as they twitched to life, feel the muscels under her skin, and strangely, she felt them hurt, she felt sore and it must've been from the sleeping position, although this was certainly not the first time she had awoken with sore, stiff muscels, but then she noticed, she heard his voice, "Come on Rukia! Wake up! Ughhh! How deeply can one midget sleep?!" Oh how she did NOT want to wake up right now, but then she felt something else, she felt pressure on her shoulders, and she didn't have to even think before she figured out the pressure, it was his hands, and even though she was absolutly certain that he was just shaking her awake, it felt good, like he was purposely working the kinks out of her body and soothing the skin on her back, she couldn't stop from smileing, her eyes remained closed, but she still smiled, "That feels good," she murmmered, honestly not expecting that he would hear her, "Really? You seriouse?" he asked, her eyes shattered open, she was already on her stomch and it slightly surprised her to feel his hands sart to work delebritly on the tense muscles in her shoulders and upper back, "Yeeesh! You are TENSE! Wat does a midget like you have to be so tense about?"
She didn't answer his question, "Hey, you don't have any plans for the rest of the day do ya'?" "No, why?" "Because it'll take all day to get the kinks outta you!" "Tch, Shmuck," she wispered, then she thought about his statement for a moment, and then it hit her, did he mean that he would work on her all day? (Well surely it didn't take that long but the point was understood) Just because she had said it felt good? He would make her soft again just because he could feel the tense kinks under his fingers? Why? That question suddenly began to ring in her mind, but she found it difficult to think about anything right now, she felt almost as good as she had in the dream, she couldn't think, her mind was completely obbsessed with him, she could only feel him, and the soft deep breaths coming from her mouth, she felt like she was in a trance, she barely felt his hands work their way down to the middle of her back, but she only noticed that she was becoming more relaxed, she felt the balls of his hands dig into her skin, it felt absolutly irrisistable,
It felt sort of strange, he could feel the tense kinks of her muscels under his fingers as he worked, he could feel them losen with each gentle caress, he worked his way to the small of her back and worked the few tight muscels there before moving back up to her neck, the way she was so quite and still, he could swear that she was asleep, but wen his hands left her and she turned her head and got up he pretty much understood that she was awake, she turned to him, her eyes looked somehow brighter, and she said, "Do you want one too?" he grinned,
She could feel how stressed out he must be, as she worked the last kink from his neck, her hands lifted off of him, he sat up, she woundered if it had felt the same to him, he had been burried in the thought of her, most likely not, but it was still fun to wounder, "Rukia," he wispered, she stared at him with untame eyes, she inched closer and her hand slid onto his face, then the other, and before he had time to say anything, she wispered, "Shut up, Ichigo," and she pressed her lips against his, at first she felt nothing, but then she felt him kiss back, and she woundered the last that she could as he overtook her, 'Am I still dreaming?' it certainly felt like the dream, there was nothing, empty, there was nothing but him, nothing else at all, if she had been able to think she would've woundered if there was even her, she couldn't find anything but him, and it felt like there wasn't even the world anymore,
It felt the same for him, the diffrence was that he had never felt this before, not that he hadn't dreamed of this moment, he just didn't dream that it would be like this, there was nothing but her, he could see nothing but her face, hear nothing but her heart and his beating in perfect unison untill they sounded like one, untill they sounded like there was only one heart beat, but he was sure that there were two, he could feel nothing but her, her lips, her hands, her everything, neither wanted this moment in time to end, but then they both started going blue in the face and had to break apart, she released him, and he let her go, for a very long time, neither of them spoke, they couldn't speak, and he finally said, "Wow," "Wow yourself," "Rukia," he pulled her forward a little and slowly started caressing her face as he said, "I love you," she leaned into him and wispered, "I love you too," she waited and allowed him to take her back to that blissfull place, she felt nothing but him,