Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!
And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),
- Created By AsagiTaichou
"Have I kept you waiting?" "Fool, ofcourse you have," Ichigo sat next to Rukia on the bed, his hand covering her's, she was propped up on her elbows, the silver coin on her collar shone brightly through the dark room, it matched well with the rest of her black and purple outfit, "Sorry about that," he wispered, "You should be," "Well, excuse me for keeping you this way for 10 minut-" "It wasn't 10 minutes, I've been waiting for months," "Tch, YOU'RE the one that's kept ME waiting," "No, you fool, you keep asking me, keep telling me to be sure of my decision, you've delayed this too long, you evil, evil man," "YOU'RE the evil one here, taunting me like this for an entire year," "Crazy....you're crazy...." "You want to become a monster, you want me to spread venom through your blood and curse you for eternity, and yet you're calling ME crazy? You've got some nerve," "Well, here I am asking you, Mr. Vampire, to take my blood and you just won't do it, I think THAT qualifies as insanity," "I wish you'd reconsider wat you're doing, you'll be like this forever," "Pretty strong word for YOU, but don't forget, it's only to spend eternity with you," "You've fone it now Rukia , it's pay back time," at this point they were so close, ...so unbareably close, their breath was all mingled together, and their lips met, Rukia licked the sharp fangs that hung from the roof of his mouth, he trailed his tounge down her neck, stoppoing at her collarbone to give one last kiss, before his fangs sunk into the sweet tasteing skin, Rukia bit her lip, the pain wasn't as bad as she had imagined (well, as bad as he had told her it would be) but she could certainly feel the venom begin to course through her veins, her nails dug through his shirt and into the skin of his back, he didn't mind, he finally released the hold he had on the skin beneath her neck, he licked the extra blood and kissed her, kisses, so sweet, so....
Rukia shot straight up, her eyes huge, she looked around, she was in the closet, in her lavender jammies, ...she pulled the collar of her shirt aside and felt her collarbone, no bite marks, nothing, not even a cut, the skin was completely smoothe and untouched, her emotions quickly changed from shock to complete rage, "CRUD!" She hit her fist against the wall, "Why'd I have to wake up anyway?!" at that point the door slammed open, Ichigo glareing in all his disheveled, bed-head glory, "Wat could you POSSIBLY be screaming about at 3 A.M.?!" he snarled, Rukia crawled forward, he tilted his head, she was acting strange....then she pulled his mouth open! "M-M-Midget!" he yelled, "No fangs, ..." she muttered, "Fangs?! Wat fangs?!" "Nothing, never mind," "Well, ...you were talking in your sleep," "I was? Oh, well, - Wat was I talking about?!" "Dunno, somethin' 'bout blood and 'sweet pain' and, ..you said 'Bite Me Ichigo'....wat were you dreaming about?!" Rukia stared like a deer in the headlights, "Um, uh, um, ....well, ...I had gotten...hurt, and you were being an overprotective Idiot and told me to do...something or other...and so I told you to bite me! That simple," she had weaseled her way out of that one...it was obviouse by the deepining scowl on his face, "Well wat about fangs?" "I, um, just thought that....your Canines...look alot like fangs, you should have that looked at," success! He felll for it! Slamming the door, Ichigo gave a quick "Goodnight you annoying Midget! And no more screaming!" before heading back to bed, muttering repeats of her statements as he went
She felt his eyes on her, she didn't flinch, so wat if he was stareing holes through her? Why did it matter? Who was HE to judge her?! (Ofcourse....he WAS the other half of that little dream that pleased her so,) she grimaced at that, a sudden sick feeling comeing over her at the thought, ....so if he was part of the dream...maybe he DID have the right to judge her.....she groaned slightly at that, "Rukia? Wat-" "Wat right do you have to judge me?!" she finally shouted, "I bet YOU have some really weird dreams too!" he sighed slightly, looking at his watch, "Feburary 5th, 1:10 P.M.," "W-Wat are you doing?" "Marking the exact date and time that you lost it," "L-Lost wat?!" now she was blushing, "Um, your sanity?!" "Oh," the blood all went back to her body and her face was normal for a moment, "Hey! That was an insult!" "Wow you're slow! Is there something wrong with you all of a sudden?!" "N-No," she watched as he aproached her, for every step forward he took, she took a step back, finally he caught her rist in his hand, her breath caught, his hand neared her face and she leaned back, he touched his palm to her head and she cringed slightly, "No fever, you aren't sick," his indx finger lightly rested under her chin and he turned her face side to side, looking for any sighns of brain damege, "Well, your cheeks are red, but-" she lightly shoved his hand aside, "I'm fine," she insisted, leaning back on the bed, Twilight Book in hand, she resumed reading at the place she had left off at, that is, untill Ichigo planted himself next to her and seized the book from her, he put it on the table and she growled slightly, "I'm FINE!" "....Wat was your dream REALLY about last night?" a blush began to tint her cheeks for the umpteenth time that day, "Y-You being an idiot," "So then, why don't I believe that?" "Um, because you're STUPID?" "Rukia, why can't you tell me the truth?" "Because you'll think I'm weird," "Rukia I already think that," that earned him a punch in the face, "Look Ichigo, MY dreams are MY buisness," he glanced at the book, then at her, then at the book again, then at her again, "You're haveing nightmares about vampires aren't you?" Rukia tensed, 'Not exactly...but that's way too close!' she thought, "Stupid books, I should keep these things away from you," but before he could begin his mission she had snatched said object and held onto it for dear life, "NO! These are MY books! Come on Ichigo! Don't be mean!" "But if they're giveing you nightmares-" "They aren't!" he looked at her confused, "I may DREAM about vampires, but I don't have NIGHTMARES about them! Wat am I? 5?!" "Oh~! So wat are these dreams about?" "None of your buisness! Get your own dreams!" "It's ok, you don't have to be embarresed, women dream about being in love with vampires all the time," "Huh?" "Yeah, vampires are apealing to women, it has something to with being 'in love for eternity' or somethin' like that," "I'm gonna kill you," "Why? Because I hit the nail on the head?" "No! Because you got it completely wrong!" she hit him on the head with her book, "Oh is that so? Sorry, my bad," "Stupid Idiot Men,"
The rest of the day there was an awkward silence between them, "Hey Ichigo?" "Wat? You gonna hit me again?" "No no, I no it's a s-stupid question but, do you have ever...have dreams...about me?" he looked down at her in surprise, "Yeah, all the time," "R-Really?!" "Yeah, ...why?" "N-nothing," "You dream about me too don't you?" "S-Shut up," "Hey Rukia?" "Wat?" "Come here," sighing, she placed a bookmark in her book and sat next to him on the bed, his hand covered her's, his other arm encircling her mid-section and gently pushing her forward, she closed her eyes, he smiled, she new, he could tell, he closed his eyes too and finally their lips met,
Rukia smiled to herself, her legs swinging back and forth on the side of the bed, "Wat're you so happy about?" he asked, "You kissed me, wat do you THINK I'm happy about?" he shrugged, laying in bed and pulling her down beside him, "I believe I need another answer," "Wat? You think I'm this happy JUST because you said you loved me? Tch, Sap Ball," "Well couldn't you have said that first?" "But if I wasn't happy with that, then hy would I say it back?" "Tch, you're weird," "Yeah, maybe, Goodnight Mr. Vampire," "Oh, so THAT'S wat you dreamed?" "I said 'Goodnight'!"
Averge Day
NOTE: I wasn't gonna post this for a wile, but oh well
This was the scariest thing of my life, worse than walking down the aisle, having a baby, or being faced with the Vulturi and hundreds of new borns! I was alone in a room with Alice,normally that'd be ok, but we were alone in her bathroom, AKA Beauty Shop Central, and if that wasn't scary enough, she was going to play Make-Up Barbie with me so that we could mail a picture to Renee', and her excuse, "See? A little make up can make her look like she hasn't aged a bit!" Alice thought that would be funny, and worse than that my owne daughter had abandened me! Rensemee and Isabella had gone to find Jacob and Seth so they could play, AKA pretend to hunt him, and they got closer to succedeing everytime, oh yeah, Isabella was Alice's daughter, not an Immortal Child, she was half and half like Renesemee, Carisle had said that she was defenitly Alice and Jasper's, but there was something about Rensemee's attachment to Alice that somehow changed she and I and allowed us to have children, it's strange, but apparently all those headaches she gave Alice meant that it was because Alice and I were changing, it's very complicated and I barely understood any of it, neither did Alice, although that's probbably because she was freaking out, Isabella wasn't that much younger than Rensemee, only a few months, the situtations were almost identical, oh yeah, her name, I tried to persuade Alice to not name her after me, but her argument was, "You already got Esme's spin off name, now I'm doing a spin off of YOUR name, besides, you arent legally Isabella anymore, you're Bella, and we can call her Isa for short, fair?" it was like a buisness negotiation rather than naming a baby, well, regardless of all that, Rosealie is unbelievably jealouse of Alice and I, it was kind of ok wen she felt like she had a hold on Rensemee, or Nessie as they called her, but after Isa was born and Alice and I both had our owne children she really started to get upset, I heard her asking one night (she thoght I couldn't hear her) she had been asking why Nessie affected Alice and not her wen Alice had barely spent anytime around her before she was born, Carisle had said that it had something to do with the excess of cells in Alice's mind, and by Rensemee blocking that, the cells were forced to expand or something like that, I wasn't paying much attention to his explination, I didn't think I wanted to no, it just irritated me that she asked something like that instead of being happy for Alice, and ofcourse the lucky physcic in question was a vampire and was all but nocked out through the hole thing, and ofcourse Isabella had powers of her owne like my Rensemee, but right now I was vicously annoyed at all three of them!I can understand Isa leaving, but Nessie nos too well wat Alice can do to me unsupervised, and yet she still left me! There would be some SERIOUSE trouble!
Well, I had more or less gotten away from Alice in one peice, I darted out of the house as Alice had to get more film for the camra, I raced to the cottege to get Edward to liberate me, I was abe to cross in and bolt the door, Edward looked up from his book and started chuckling, "Edward, please shut up," I requested, "Want me to liberate you?" "Yes," after about an hour I was in normal clothes, it wouldn't have taken as long, but Alice had removed almost all of the normal clothes from my closet, she thought she had been thorough enough, but I had an emergency stash of shirts ad jeans under the bed, (in a box, with a lock) it isn't like she had spared Edward either but he didn't mind, honestly Alice! Not everyone can wear fancy clothes 24/7 like you! Ugh! Well, afterwards Edward, Nessie, and I went to meet up with Alice, Jasper, and Isa, to go hunting, Alice was visably irritated the entire time that I had not only escaped,but that I had somehow stashed normal clothes somewere, Edward leaned over to me wen Alice was out of hearing range (even for a vampire) and said, "Just to warn you Love, Alice is going to do another sweep of the house as soon as she gets the chance," "Then we'll just take the stash with us and GIVE her a chance," I wispered back, "Excellent," I smiled, it WAS an excellent plan,
We rushed out of the house and back to Carasile's, therefore giving Alice the chance to search the house and find nothing, I snickered as she and her minions (Jasper and Isabella) left to search the house, I felt sorry for the child because Alice had taught her that normal clothes were bad and that the fancier the better, the poor girl already believes that so early in life, and has been taught how to seek and destroy, as for Jasper, well, I think he's only there to keep Alice humain, although so far he wasn't doing a very good job, suddenly the door slammed open, I quickly hid the box of normal clothes behind my back, Alice glared at me, and snatched the box, opening it and shaking her head disaprovingly, "Bella, Bella, Bella, tsk, tsk," I glared at Isabella as Alice went to her room to dispose of my last hope, Jasper mouthed the word "Sorry" to me and lead Isa away to their room, Isabella could see the past, the opposite of her mother's gift, she could only sense things wen someone was nervouse though, the opposite of her father's gift, Edward glanced at me, "Don't worry Love, we'll go shopping later, that's assuming that Alice didn't steal our keys," and then I heard Alice's bell-like laughter from the next room, that couldn't be good,
Sure enough, she had slipped the keys to both of our cars in Rosalie's stuff, and Rosealie and Emmet were both hunting, I was about to give up, but then little Rensemee came to my rescue and showed me that she had somehoe saved the keys to the volvo, and THAT was why she left me alone with Alice! I had such a smart little girl! We darted to the car wile Alice was still (I could only assume she was burning) my clothes, on our way to the mall I smelled steak, someone must've been cooking out, I was suddenly glad that Jacob wasn't around here, well, we maneged to buy a few pairs of jeans and some shirts (and some normal clothes for my daughter and husband) and left, well, we were almost in the house, and Alice was waiting for us, I gave the bags to Nessie and told her and Edward to go around the back wile I took over here, "Alice," I started, "Bella, please, don't try, I'm gonna take the clothes," "Alice, did I mention that... Edward is taking your Porche?" I watched her eyes grow, "No he isn't," "Yeah, he is, he thinks you have too much power with a car, if I were you, I'd go hide the keys," she darted, as soon as I was inside I locked the door, "How did you get her gone?!" "I told her you were taking her Porche," Edward shrugged and kissed me on the cheek, yep, just an averge day
Just Another Day
"Now look Physicic! You better-" "Better wat?! Dog!" "Shut up Leach!" "Make me Mongrol!" "I will Blood Sucker!" "Try it Wolf Pup!" "STOP IT!" Bella yelled and stepped between Jacob and Alice, "Wat happened to you two now!?" she saw them open their mouths to speak at the same time and said, "One at a time, Alice, you first," "Why does SHE get to go first?!" Jacob protested, "Because, ladies first, Jake," Alice smirked and made the most innocent face possible, then turned to Bella and said, "Well, I was just minding my owne buisness, sorting through my closet, because you no how HARD it is to put new outfits in there, it's so crowded and-" "Alice, could we get to the point please?" Bella interupted, "Right, well, I was minding my owne buisness wen the WOLF, -" "Alice, Jake, no insults," "Right, wen, JACOB came into my room looking for you, well I happened to get a vision, started giggling, and then he just started harrasing me about it and I get scared because I'm just a little woman and he's a big strong man and he could break me in half," Bella rolled her eyes at Alice's theatrics and Jake mouthed a few choice words of his owne, Alice stood behind Bella and wrapped around her waist like a child, "Oh please!" Jacob moaned, Bella rolled her eyes and tryed to pry Alice's arms from her mid-section, she gave up after about a minute, "Jacob?" Bella asked tiredly, "Well, I was looking for you and entered the little Witche's-" "Jacob," Bella said warningly, "HER room, and after having one of her little visions she started laughing at me and so, naturally, I tryed to find out wat it was, ya' never no Bells, she might've seen my death! And anyway, then she came runing down here and I chased her, and now she's putting on some little 'innocent' act and trying to look cute! But you're too smart to fall for that right, Bella?" "Bella!" Ailce sqealed, sqeazing Bella tighter, "Alice... squishing... me... let... go...!" Bella hissed, Alice let go, "Woopse, sorry!" Bella shook her head slowely, just then Edward and Jasper came flying down the stairs, "Howdey Ladies," Jasper greeted, "Hello?!" Jacob groweled, "I said 'ladies'," Jasper said, unbelieveably with a straight face, Alice bursted out laughing, Edward started laughing too, and then Jasper, Bella visably bit her lip to keep from joining them, "Now look-!" Jacob started, "Jake, let it go," Bella insisted, "NO! That little freak saw me dieing or nearly dieing or something and I wanna no wat she saw!" he said pointing at Alice, "Now wait just a minute!" Jasper protested, standing infront of his wife protectively, "Maybe she saw something funny! Like a giant cupcake falling on your head!" Alice giggled at the thought, Edward stepped infront of Bella, (next to Jasper) and said, "OR maybe it wasn't about YOU! Maybe she saw something about ME! And YOU happened to be there! I won't deny that my sister has a weird sense of humor, but she dosen't think death is funny, even enemies aren't worth it in her mind!" "Now wait a minute, since wen is Jake an enemy Edward?" Bella asked, hands on her hips, "Well, he isn't yet, but-" "Yet?!" as the four went at it, Alice slipped towards a drawer and returned saying, "THIS should solve it!" Alice held up a large nife and grinned, "SEE!?" Jacob protested, "She's kidding!" Edward deffended, "Says you," Ailce mumbeled, "Look! This'll all be solved if Alice will just tell Jake wat she saw!" Bella suggested, "Fine," everyone mumbeled starting into the living room, "Alice, honey, put that thing away," Jasper requested, and as Alice turned on her heel she, well, tripped, and although she stopped herself from falling, she had to grip the nife by the blade to stop it from landing point down in Jasper's shoe, she slid the bloody nife on the table and held her rist, "Ow," she sqeaked, Jasper picked up her hand and sighed, "Well, you're defenitly dameged," he said, Alice grinned, "Come on Darlin'," he said, leading her into their bedroom, Bella began to get up from the sofa but Edward put his hand on her shoulder and said, "I'll get it Love," heading towards the kitchen to clean up the blood, "Ironically the Blood Sucker is bleeding," Jacob mumbeled, Bella slapped him on the back of the head,
"I no it hurts Love," Jasper said sweetly as he tied the bandeges around Alice's hand, "You missed one," Alice said, Jasper looked down at his wife's bleeding finger, "No problum," he took her finger and stuck it in his mouth, sucking on it a little, then pulled it out and kissed the cut, before putting a bandege on it, "You aren't going to go berserk are you?" Alice teased, Jasper smiled and held out his hand for her and she excepted, hopping off the bed, they walked into the living room, "There you are!" Jacob was standing by the door, picking up a coat, "Wat did you see?!" he groweled, "Well-" but just before Alice could start explaining, the door slammed open and hit Jabob smack in the middle of his face, he fell and hit his head on the nearby table as Rosealie and Emmet walked in, they looked at Jacob, shrugged, and went on upstairs, "Pretty much that," Alice said, sitting in Jasper's lap in a recliner (said chair would've swallowed her if Jasper wasn't under her)
"So," Jacob began, removing the tissue from his bloody nose, "I no I'm a werewolf and all, but why isn't my blood making you crazy?" Bella reached back into the first aid box for another bandege, "Edward, you wanna take this one?" Bella asked, glancing at her husband, "Bella dosen't drink blood, she still eats human food, how is beyond me though," Jacob glanced at the speaking vampire and then back at Bella, "So then, why aren't you fainting?" "The urge to faint and the urge to drink canceled eachother out," Bella replied, Jacob glanced at Alice for a moment, "And YOU! You couldn't have told me that your vampire sister was gonna smack me in the face with the door?!" "Well," Alice began, "I tried, but I was too late," she shrugged, Jasper snickered under his breath, "Now hold on-" "Jake," Bella warned before Jacob could cause possible damage to her sister, "Bella! You are so lucky that I have no desiere to get on your bad side again! Otherwise that leach of a sister over there would be pulp by now!" Bella smacked him on the back of the head again, "Ow! I didn't do anything to her! ...Yet,... ow!" another smack, "Wat did I say about threats and name calling?" Jacob glared at Ailce, who stuck her tounge out at him childishly, "Alice, put your tounge back in your mouth," Bella commanded, she did, Edward hit his head on the back of his chair a few times, "Carefull my vampire, I don't want to patch you up too," "Yes Love, I understand, I just wish we didn't have to do this so often," "It's part of the new treaty Edward," Edward glared at Jacob, "I no," he groweled, this time it was Bella's turn to start hitting her head on the furniture
His Voice
NOTE: About Edward from Bella, I actually DO find Edward more poetic though
His voice is like velvet,
It seeps through my mind,
It keeps me sain,
And courage I find,
His voice is so soft,
As it calls out my name,
It makes me so happy,
And still I stay tame,
His voice keeps me here,
Keeps me from going mad,
It gives me my strenth,
Even wen I'm sad,
It's his voice that I hear
Happy Ending
NOTE: A little quicky, and yes, the book she was reading was from the Twilight series
There she sat, in the floor of his room, her heart quivering, her entire body shaking uncontralably, her tears streaming from her eyes, down the sides of her pale face, she was the great Rukia Kuchiki, nowen for being able to stay stern wen no one else could, to never cry, no matter wat, but there she was crying, because she couldn't hold back her tears, and also because it was safe to cry, because he would be gone for a little wile, but wat had caused this noble Kuchiki to throw aside her preciouse pride and break? Snap, after all the times she should have? That thing was so stupidly simple, it wasn't even real, it was a stupid romance novel, she had gotten through the first of the four book series, but the begining of the second made her heart tear to shreds, she shut the book with a slam and held her nees, but it wasn't the romance novel that really had her in tears, it was the simalarity that broke her heart, that simalirty between her life and this book, at first there was nearly no simalaritys at all- save for the fact that the lead male's sister looked remarcabbly like she could be her twin- but all of a sudden she was pulled into a swarm of memmories, somehow, she felt like it had happened to her, no, she new that it had, she understood how painfull that goodbye must have been for him, if it hurt the girl in the book so much, and then she realized something that made the dagger in her heart dig an inch deeper, she hadn't even had the curtosy to give him a warning or a goodbye, like the boy in the book had, funny, how her role seemed to be the boy in the book, the one to leave out of self-hate and the intentions of protecting the person she loved, and how he, Ichigo Kurasake I mean, resembeled the girl, a dear stuck in the headlights, not understanding really wat was going on, but just waiting to die, laying in the pouring rain unable to do so much as think, and then it hit her, something she hadn't understood before, it made her think, made her wince, how simaler she could be to this fictional charector, (an odd sentence yes indeed) met their true love by fate, check, wanting to avoid contact and being rude to said love for a time, check, somehow being stuck with that love, check, being hundreds of years old but looking like teenager, check, having atleast one unaproving sibling check, changing that love's life forever, sadly check, leaving and erasing every trace of your existence, check check check! And it made her feel guilty, and then remembering how much she absolutly loved this fictional charector's younger sister, and thinking that she resembeled her as well, mostly in looks, but also, in other ways, not remembering wat it was like being alive, was a god example, but still mostly in looks, and then it happened, the worest thing possible, he walked through the door, "Rukia? Why're you crying?" he sounded worried, stupid tears! Agh! Stupid human emotions! (oh, that was another thing they had in common) "Nothing! Why do you ask?!" "Because you're crying, and would you stop being so defensive all the time?!" he looked down at the small pile of books at the ground, "Oh great! Ya' no, my sisters read these, had them in tears a few times too," "That's diffrent! They're human! I'm-" "Human," "No, I'm a Soul Reaper," "You," he couldn't hold back a smile, "You don't learn much from books, do you?" "Huh?" "Think about it, that guy, whoever he is, despite the fact that he's, wat? A vampire is it? Ain't he still human in some ways?" "Yes," "Because he acts like it, right?" "Yes," "Then why are you diffrent?" "..." "Exactly!" "But their story sounds like our story," Somehow the words "our story" sounded right directed at him wen they fell from her lips, "And we've had hard, rough, patches, but have you finished reading?" "No," "Maybe it has a happy ending," "And our story?" "Do you want a happy ending?" "Yes," his mouth was next to her ear as he wispered, "Then we'll have a happy ending as well," and then he kissed her, "How are you sure?" "Dosen't love get through everything?" "Are you saying that you love me?" "Yes, I'm saying that I love you," "That's wat he said before he left," "Do you love me?" "Yes, I love you," "Then, there's no problum, I'll follow you to Soul Society, because, if I'm not mistaken, in the book, there was a reason that she couldn't follow him?" "So?" "Well, keep reading, there may still be a happy ending, don't you think?" "Yes, a happy ending," and she picked up the book, and started again