Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),

Pet Shop Mishaps

NOTE: This may be really stupid, but wen me and my mom are talking about Rukia, Ichigo, and Sea Monkeys, this is wat happens

Sea Monkeys: "Rukia? Why is there a fish bowel filled with water on my desk?" "Well," Rukia began, turning away from the bowel, "I'll tell you if you tell me something," "Wat?" "Were are the Sea Monkeys?!" Ichigo's eye twitched in annoyance, "Say again?" "All I see are these little specks, were are the Sea Monkeys?" "Those little specks ARE the Sea Monkeys!" "Ichigo, I'm not stupid, I no wat monkeys look like, and these are most certanly NOT monkeys," "No, they're SEA Monkeys," "So? I was expecting monkeys that could swim, not specks," "They aren't specks, Rukia, they're shrimp," "Really? They sure are small, wait, if they're shrimp then they aren't Sea Monkeys," "Sea Monkeys ARE shrimp!" "Then why are they called Sea Monkeys? Why aren't they called Shrimp?" "No one nos, maybe to get you to buy them? And by the way, were did you get the money for those anyway?!" "Uhhh, that isn't important right now, well, I'm going to take them back," "Wait! You can't do that Midget!"
Hairless Cats: "Rukia? Please tell me that you did NOT just buy a naked cat! Do you no how expensive they are?!" "Well, the man at the store said that they belonged to royality, and that this one belonged to a princess, but there was an extra in the litter and she asked him to sell this one to royalty, and nobility is almost the same thing," "Rukia, that guy was lyieing," "And how do YOU no? Lavern looks like royalty to me!" "Lavern?!" "Well wat was I supposed to name her?! 'Fluffy'?!" "Alright, how did you pay for the cat?" "That isn't important," later that night... Ichigo woke up slowly to see "Lavern" starring at him, "Yahhhhhhh!!" he screamed, "Rawwwwwrrrrrr!" she screached, Rukia slammed the closet door open, "Ichigo wat are you doing to my cat?!" Lavern's claws dug deeper into his chest, "Wat did I do to YOUR cat?! Your 'CAT' just clawed me to shreds!" "Well you scared her!" the cat seemed to smirk as she leaped into the closet, Ichigo shook his head and went to get some Iodne, later that morning... "Yaaahhhhh! RUKIA YOUR STUPID CAT JUST SCRATHCHED THE CRAP OUTTA ME!!!!!!!" Ichigo yelled, running out of the shower, "Well if you were in the shower she probbably thought you were family," "I have HAD it with that thing you call a cat! She scratches me every chance she gets! Smirks at me! And everytime that creature hisses I just no it's saying 'Ichigo', now get rid of that demon!" "Well, she just dosen't like you, it's that simple," "Ofcourse, evil cat, evil midget, makes perfect sense,"
Rats: "Rukia? Why do you have a rat on a leash?" "This isn't a rat, she's a Chiwawa," "Rukia, that's a rat," "No, the man at the pet store said she was a chiwawa," "He LIED!" "Prove it!" "Alright, get me a sumbarrow and I will!"
Parrots: "Ichigo's an idiot! Ichigo's an idiot!" "That's a good birdy," Rukia praised, Ichigo walked in at that moment, "Rukia? Mind explaining why you have a parrot in here?" "Ichigo is reckless! Ichigo is reckless!" the bird sqwaked, "Such a smart bird!" she sqealed, "You trained that bird to say I'm reckless?!" "Ichigo is mean! Ichigo is mean!" "No, I trained her to insult you," she corrected, "Ichigo is stupid! Ichigo is stupid!" "I hate this bird,"
Dogs: "Rukia? Mind explaining why you have a dog on my bed?" "Ichigo, she isn't a dog, she's a panda," "Say again?!" "Panda, see the markings?" "Rukia! Someone spray painted that dog to look like a panda!" "Now who would do someting so stupid?" "Asks the midget who fell for it," "Panda's have really sharp teeth you no!" "Rukia, aren't pandas, oh, I don't no, bigger?!" "Well, this one is a baby," "And why do you think that pet shops are suddenly selling pandas?" "Ummm, to make money?" "Rukia, I have five words for you, That Is Not A Panda!"
Bunnies: "A bunny?" "Yep! The pet store finally got bunnies in!" "Ya' no wat? After this past week, if you have a bunny, a nice, quiet, normal, clawless, bunny, I am ok with that," "Oh, well, um, thank you?"

Snake Eyes

NOTE: Notthe best I no, it was about 3 in the morning wen I wrote it

"I hate snakes!" Rukia exclaimed slamming the door, causing Ichigo to put down his manga, "I was just getting to the good part," he said, she looked at the cover, "'Bleach'? Sounds filthy to me!" she said sitting in his desk chair, "I hate snakes," she repeated, "I no I'm going to regret asking this but, wat brought that up?" "Well, I was at the pet store with Yuzu-" "Please tell me you weren't there an hour ago," "No, why?" "You don't wanna no," "Why?" "Rukia, you don't wanna no, it'll give you nightmares, and or make you cry, if you never believe me about anything else, believe me now wen I say that you don't want to no," Rukia understood that it probbably involved death and he was right, she didn't want to no! "Anyway, well we were picking out her bunny," that's right, Yuzu was getting a bunny, and it was Rukia's luck that she and Ichigo were leaving to live in Soul Soceity in three days, that was Ichigo's luck as well, somehow he felt very lucky, "and as we were waiting to get the bunny food..."
' "Rukia! Let's look at the animals wile we wait!" "Ok!" "Oh puppies! And kittens too!" they looked at all the fuzzy creatures, along with the birds, and fish, they even had frogs, and a Chinchella, then it happened, "Rukia! You may not want to go in there!" "Why not?" "That's were thay keep the reptiles," "Oh? I like reptiles actually, I love all animals," "But-" but Rukia went anyway, she was fine looking at the turtles, and lizards, the little geckos were pretty cute, but then she saw it, the death symbol it's self, in big red letters, she read the words, "Snake Central" and she- albeit about the dumbest thing she ever did- looked down to see a few snake cages, along with one, very large one that was NOT kept behind glass, but in a crate with net walls, she backed up, curtain striking her back, and then, she just couldn't help it, she let out the most ear peircing, shrill, loud scream that anyone had ever heard! The owner came in to see wat had happened, bunny food in hand, "I see you met Big Mamaba," he said, right now Rukia was to scared to move, Yuzu pulled on her arm and dragged her out, trying to calm the older woman by letting her carry the bunny for a wile, "I thought you said you loved ALL animals," "I do, snakes are the ONLY exception!" she shreiked'
"Why are snakes the only exception?" "I've never cared for snakes, but I have been bitten by two snakes!" "Really?!" "Yes, ounce in Soul Society, by an aggitated harmless one, and ounce wen I was alive, and in case your woundering, yes it killed me!" Ichigo cringed, "Besides, Gin Ichimaru is the closest thing to a snake that I can think of!" "That's true," Ichigo agreed about the squinty eyed demon, later that night.... "AHHHHH!" Rukia rose up screaming, the closet door slammed open, "Rukia?! Are you ok?!" she glanced at him with wide eyes, "Yeah, I, I just had a nightmare," she breathed heavily, 'She looks pretty shooken up,' he concluded, "Wat was it about?" "It was stupid, Gin being a real snake and killing me, enjoying the taste of my blood," she rubbed her eyes, she was so tired, atleast she didn't have to get up the next morning, suddenly she felt something, Ichigo picked her up and put her on his bed, "Ichigo?! Wat are you-" "Just shut up and go to sleep, my sisters have nightmares all the time, don't worry about it," she nodded slightly and got in, sleep dripping too far into her mind for her to object, he pulled her close to him, lettting her head rest on his chest, "Thank you," she said, eyes closed, "Mm-hm," they both fell asleep that way, Rukia felt certain that no Gin Snakes would get her now,
She walked through the grass in the yard, talking to Ichigo about nothing that was really audiable, it was strange, she was watching herself walk, she also saw a snake heading towards her, "No! Stop! Run!" she tried to speak, but her voice wouldn't sound, she watched as the snake bit her heal, Rukia passed out from pain, Ichigo was shaking her, yelling at her to wake up even though she couldn't hear him, she watched him cry over her dead body, "No!'" she tried shouting again, but it didn't work, again, "Rukia! Rukia! Wake up! Wake up Rukia!" she heard, blackness clouded her mind and she opened her eyes, "Ichigo?" "You were mummbling in your sleep again," "Oh, sorry," it was the night after she had slept in Ichigo's bed, "You want in?" he asked, pointing at his bed, she got out of the closet, and stumbled towards the bed, "Another nightmare?" she nodded, "I'm just scared I think," she wispered, he kissed her hair, she looked at him stunned, "There's no reason to be afraid, because I'll protect you," she leaned up and kissed his lips, "Why will you always protect me?" "Because I love you," she kissed him again and then curled up drifting to sleep, he shook her lightly, "You forgot something," he said, "Oh yeah, I love you too," "That's convincing," he mummbled to himself, but went to sleep with a smile on his face

A Poem For Rukia

NOTE: Ichigo's POV

The day I saved her,
Was unlike any other,
As those flames licked her skin,
I saw a singal tear stain her porcelin face,
And that reminded me,
Why it was I wanted to save her,
That tear was proof,
Proof that everyone else was wrong,
And that I was right,
Because tears are human things,
So you see,
Rukia is more human then she would care to realize,
But that singal tear,
Is proof that she dosen't deserve to die

True Love

NOTE: The first poem I've ever written!

Boy: Why do you shed a tear? I ask this summer night
Girl: Because I truly love you with all my heart and might
Boy: Why are we being so stupid?
Girl: Why cant we see?
Boy: That I'm in love with you
Girl: You're in love with me?
Boy: I love you do you love me?
Girl: Ofcourse I do can't you see?
Boy: Why haven't we said wat our hearts have clearly yelled?
Girl: Why have we kept it all witheld?
Boy: That dosen't matter I am youres and you are mine
Girl: We can stop hiding! Our hearts can intertwine
Boy: Lets stop being foolish
Girl: For our love we can't ignore
Boy: I promise I won't leave you
Girl: I won't walk out the door
Both: Together forever our love we see, wat ever earth throughs at us we'll take it on you and me

1,400 HITS!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOW! Wat shall I post? Hm, well, you'll see!