Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!
And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),
- Created By AsagiTaichou
Alone In The Tower
I was alone in the tower,
Sitting by myself,
Slowly loseing everything I had,
My hope,
My tears,
My heart,
Sitting all alone,
In that lonely tower,
I was giveing up,
I was ready to die,
Untill he came for me,
And rescued me,
From being alone,
In the tower
I felt so lonely,
Always lonely,
Untill you came,
And all of a sudden,
Since you anyway,
I wasn't lonely anymore,
I had anything,
And everything,
That I ever needed,
Ever wanted,
All with you,
Because now,
I'm not lonely anymore
New Rain
It was raining, not an abnormal thing, but wat was happening WAS abnormal, wat was happening you ask? Nothing, nothing at all, and that was abnormal, it was strange, it was just weird! They were both safe and dry and here, they were here, home, it's were they belonged, it was safe, it was nice, it was, just too weird! It was even sort of disturbing, no one was crying, everything was peacefull, too peacefull, and it was grateing on her nerves, "Ichigo?" Rukia asked in an annoyed tone, "Hm?" "This is weird, don't you feel like something's wrong?" Ichigo looked up from his Manga and swirved around in his chair to face the girl on the bed, she looked out the window again as she spoke, looking at the rain, "Wat're ya' talkin' about?" "I mean, well, everytime it rains, our worlds seem to crash," "You mean like, Soul Society and-" "No, your world and my world, wenever it rains something always goes wrong and they crash and then we rebuild them untill the next rain," "Oh, I get it," "..." "Well, maybe we need to change that," Rukia turned her head to look at him, "Say again?" "I just mean, well, maybe the rain something to hate, I'm just saying that we should try to find a reason to like it, that's all," she turned her attention back to the window, "Mm-hm," she replied, the night was silent for a few more minutes, "Wat were you thinking?" she asked after a moment, "Huh?" "Wen you rescued me, wat were you thinking?" "Uh, 'scuze me, have we met? I think your brain just died or somethin' 'cause that's a really stupid question, I was thinking that I wanted to save you," "No, I mean, tell me wat you thought exactly, wen you saw me," "Wich time? The first or the second?" "Both," "Why do you want to no?" "I'm just curiouse, very, curiouse," "Are you really just curiouse?" "Well, sort of, I mean, looking at this rain, having nothing on my mind is annoying because then my thoughts wander to unpleasent things, 'wat if', just, talk for a little wile, talk about things that will keep my mind busy," "And you chose this rather then the age old question of my favirote couler?" "Well, it can't be something mindless or I'll have a tendensy to tune you out," "Gee thanks," "Just, tell me," "Well, wen I first saw you I was worried that you weren't the same, you looked so much more vunerable than usual, that's actually why I proveked you, to see if you were the same Rukia, you were, also, red isn't your couler, my first priority after rescuing you was gonna be gettin' that coller off!" "Yeah, I remember your attempt, you told me to be absolutly still and close my eyes, then I asked why and you took out your sword and your exact words were 'Don't move, I don't wanna accedently kill you,'!" "Yeah, then you started squirmin' around!" "Because you came at my throat with a 6 ft. sword!" "Well, it worked didn't it?" "If you had waited someone else would've gotten it off! Ya' no, in a way that WOULDN'T kill me!" "Watever!" there was a short pause, "The second time a saw you was better, you snapped at me more," "Why did you throw me off that scaffold?" "Was there another way down?" "Yes, you could've taken me with you!" "Well, we would've risked getting caught more," Rukia didn't respond, she did however, lay down on the bed, "Does it still hurt?" she wispered, "Does wat still hurt?" "Your scars, do they still hurt?" "No, do yours?" "I don't have any scars," "Oh," "Besides, you got those scars for me," "So?" "So, that makes a diffrence," "How?" "Well, do you, do you ever regret rescuing me?" "Nope, not at all," "Not even a little bit? Ever?" "Nope, never, not even a little bit," "Why? Why don't you regret it? Why don't you hate me?" "Rukia," "Why did you save me?" "Rukia, I saved you because you needed to come home, you don't deserve to die, you never did and never will," "But, didn't you trust that if I was really that good someone else would rescue me?" "No, I didn't think anyone else there had a heart, except you ofcourse, besides, I didn't want to abanden you, I wanted to NO that you were ok, not just hope it," "Why don't you hate me?" "Why should I?" "I twisted your life around," "And I like it, Rukia," "Why? Why don't you regret saving me?! Why?" "How could I? Because, Rukia, I'm in love with you," "Ichigo," "I no it sounds a little crazy but, I am, really, truly in love with you, Rukia Kuchiki," "Ichigo? Do you no why I kept trieing to insist that you leave me alone to die? Or alone in general?" "Because you're a suicidal midget with the insane ideah that you're a bad person and have the mind to kill" "No you idiot! It's because I was scared, I was scared that you didn't love me, and I didn't no wat to do, because I am so in love with you, but, I didnt want my heart to break again, it was selfish, I no, but, I was just so scared," "Rukia," Ichigo was now laying next to her on the bed, "there's no reason to be afraid anymore, I'm right here, I'm not going anywere," "I love you Ichigo Kurasake," Ichigo grinned, "I'm really glad that you chose me, no why?" "No," "Because you'll get to keep the same initals," "Wat do you mean?" "Well, wen we get marrried your initals will still be RK," "Why wouldn't they be?" "Well, if you had chosen some other guy, say Renji, or someone, your initals probbably would've changed to RA or something," "Why?!" "Well, because, wat are the chances of marrying someone with the same last initial?" "Why does that matter?" "It dosen't but, I mean, I just think it's cool, and Rukia Kurasake fits you very nicely," "Wat?! I'm not changing my name! You're changing your name!" "Wat?! Why would I do that?!" "Because I'm nobility! It's my job as a Kuchiki to keep the family name going!" "Well too bad! There's no way I'm gonna change my name to Ichigo Kuchiki, that has a really nasty ring to it! Rukia Kurasake however sounds nice," "Wile I DO agree with you, we'll still have to name the kids Kuchiki," "No," but before she could retort, he leaned down and kissed her on the lips, "We'll sort it out later," he mumbeled against her lips, the rain was no longer such a bad thing, it had become something diffrent, something else, something safe, it was a new rain
A Poem For Rukia
NOTE: Ichigo's POV
The day I saved her,
Was unlike any other,
As those flames licked her skin,
I saw a singal tear stain her porcelin face,
And that reminded me,
Why it was I wanted to save her,
That tear was proof,
Proof that everyone else was wrong,
And that I was right,
Because tears are human things,
So you see,
Rukia is more human then she would care to realize,
But that singal tear,
Is proof that she dosen't deserve to die
Protecting You
NOTE: IchiRuki, Ichigo's POV
You ripped out my heart,
Wen you turned away,
You may have done your part,
But I wish you would stay,
Why you left me,
I still can't understand,
But I'm back on my feet,
Ready to stand,
I'm ready to fight,
Weather you like it or not,
So shut up already,
Before we get caught,
I'm taking you with me,
I'm not leaving you here,
I'm Dragging you back
Even if you shed tears,
Don't tell me to leave you,
Don't scream, don't shout,
I won't let you go,
Don't even pout,
I told you already,
Don't make me repeat it,
I don't wanna hear it,
You better believe it,
I don't hit girls,
You're lucky you got it?
That promise I made,
Don't tell me you forgot it,
That promise I made,
To protect you ok?!