Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),

Loop Holes!

Hahaha! I dound a loop hole to my problum! "Wat problum?" you ask, the "I hate retyping these stupid things!" probum! I can copy and paste my work! Woooo! Now if you're saying, "Geez, she's just figuring this out? Is she that dense?!" I'm not dense, I just have problums with electronics and, for that matter, anything modern, surprisingly I'm the best electrition in the house, mostly because I use the "press every button untill it works" theory, but that's probbably because I watch alot of movies and try to keep up wth anime and have learned to fend for myself, it reminds me of the very cute, very funny fanfic that Nanao44 did! Wich you should all read, "Hm, who watches the most movies?... Rukia!" because they couldn't work the DVD player, so yes let's allow Rukia to do it, right about then I bet Ichigo was thinking, 'If she can figure out how to work a DVD player, she should be able to open a juice box, ah man! She's been making me do it because she dosen't want to not because she can't!' and if you're thinking, "He's just figuring that out? Is he that dense?!" the answer is yes, anyway, you'll all be getting more, longer, fanfics now! And I won't break my rist giving the thousand hit present!

Catching Fireflys

NOTE: IchiRuki, Ichigo's POV

Catching Fireflys,
Is a challenge,
And yet,
It seems to come naturally to her,
As if the fireflies come around,
Just to be around the light she gives,
I can't seem to do it,
And yet,
They surrond her,
It's the beauty they see,
For I see it too,
And for her,
It seems to be nothing at all,
To catch fireflys,
No challenge at all,
Later on,
She can teach me,
How to become,
A firefly magnet,
Like her

I'm Sorry!

Ah! I'm sorry! I no I'm supper late on my update! I had a bunch of errands to run! I have to be off by about 5, so I'm just gonna post a poem, and again, I'm so sorry Set-Chan, I'm really trying on that story!

CPR? And, How Does That Go?

NOTE: For Nanao-Chan! And I'm actually certified in CPR! Legally! Cool huh?

Rukia spit out a small bit of water, this was very unpleasent, "Alright!" Ichigo barked, she was still on the floor, still soaking wet, and he was using her as a "class example" "Look at this!" he said pointing to Rukia, ok now she was getting mad, "This is your example!" little red annoying ticks were starting to appear around Rukia, "And this is why all captins and leiteints are learning CPR!" And they've decided to live there, "If Rukia didn't no how to swim as well as she does she would've drowned! She seems to have swimming as a second nature, luckily!" Alright that did it, "Shut up Ichigo! Stop treating me like some kind of lab rat!" she said from behind him, "Oh, sorry," "Can I please dry off now!" "But-" "I'm going to dry off!" "Right! Go ahead!" and she stormed out of the meeting hall, "Well, wile we wait, let me tell you all! You are to teach your squads CPR as soon as I teach you, now, go get your leitenits, and come back," he commanded, and they did

"Rukia! Let go!" he mumbeled, raising up from her face, "I told you that I wasn't kissing you! I was-" "Giving me the kiss of life!" "Wich isn't litterally a kiss!" "Then why did you kiss me?" she was so adorably clueless! But the other captins and leitenits were starting to wounder if this was merely an excusse for the two of them to lip lock during a meeting, "Let's go over this one more time" he said, this was going to be a long day,

"Alright! Everyone understands, right?" the captins and leitenits nodded, "Now, pairs," "Ichi," Rukia smiled, he nodded a slight yes, but before anything else was heard, Asagi yelled, "I get Shuhei!! He's mine!" said Soul Reaper waved his arms and mouthed 'no' over and over again, "Watever," Ichigo declarred, "Yay!" Asagi hugged her leitenit and wouldn't let go, "Captin! Let go! You're squishing me!" watching her made Ichigo turn to look at Rangiku, then he noticed, "Rangiku? Were's your captin?" "I- I don't no," meanwile...

Toshiro woke up, 'Why isn't my alarm clock going off?' he woundered, then he remembered that it was broken, then he realized, "Oh crud I missed the meeting," yes Toshiro, yes you did,

"I'm sorry I missed the meeting! My alarm clock-" "Yeah, my alarm clock breaks all the time," "Yeah, but yours breaks because of all the steam between games of tonsel hockey," "Say again?" "Oopse, did I say that out loud?" yep!"Wel look, somewere between work toda get someone to teach you CPR, alright? And by the way, you try dealing with a fiance' like Rukia with only a few days till the wedding, then tell me that you won't try anything to shut her up," "I HEARD THAT!" Rukia yelled from wereever she was, "She hears everything," "YES I DO! ALL WOMEN DO!" "HEY RUKIA! LET'S PRACTICE THAT CPR TECHNIQE ONE MORE TIME!" And she didn't respond, "Alright, I gotta go give 'er another CPR lesson," and he walked off

Great, he walked down the street, he had to spend the day in the World Of The Living, although, that's were Ichigo learned it, and no Soul Reaper ever heard of it untill him, that gave Toshiro the mental image of Ichigo, Rukia, and a CPR lesson that he did NOT need! He shook the thought from his mind, "Hey! Toshiro!" before turning around he said, "It's Captin Hitsugaya to you!" then he saw Karin, and a little light bulb went off in his head, "Hey Karin! Do you no CPR?"

To Let Go

She wants him to let her go, he can't let her go