Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),

Work And Reward

I'm happy that you guys liked my last fic, it was the only one that I've ever written on the fly, I have no hard copy and I wanted to get it to Nanao44 as quickly as I could, I support MomoShiro, but this was a special request, and she has stuck with me through my MomoShiro-ness, anyway, I'm really busy, and updating takes more work and time than you think, but you guys and your praises are worth it! So, thanks alot!

Spring Time

NOTE: For Nanao44, my good freind, this is for you

The door of Ichigo's room slammed open! Causing the two to stop their luxouriouse kiss, "Alright!" Toshiro yelled, "Captin Hitsugaya, could you cme back in about, um, five minutes?" Rukia asked, panting a little as she did, "So you two can keep swapping spit?! I don't think so!" "Please?!" "No! It's gross enough that you two are playing Tounge War in the first place!" "Look, three more days and I'll be the boss of you!" Ichigo yelled, "Yes! Three more days! Not now! Subsitute!" "Can we get the verbal beating over with already?!" "Yeah, just yell at Ichigo and come back in ten minutes?" "You just said five," "Well-" "Wait! Wat makes you think that he's here to yell at me?!" "Really? Think about it," "Hey!" "Shut up you two! Wat is it, wen you aren't biting eachother's heads off your playing tonsal hokey?!" "Wow, there are alot of terms for kissing aren't there Ichigo?" "You don't no the half of it," "HEY!" They both shut up, "Now look! Rukia, your brother is looking for you, I can't exactly tell him that she's trading gum with a man that he boarders on hating!" "But we aren't chewing gum," Ichigo covered is mouth as he tried to stop laughing, "Wat?" no answer, Toshiro rolled his eyes, "Toshiro, were did you learn that?" "Your sister, and it's Captin Hitsugaya to you!" "Wat?!" "She said that her brother was trading gum with Rukia, and she said that it meant making out," Ichigo rolled his eyes, "Hey Rukia, you were supposed to tell him about us yesterday, how long are ya' gonna wait? Till the kids come?" "No, a year is a long time," Ichigo fell off the bed, "Well! You are marrying me soon aren't you!?" she asked, leaning over the side of the bed, "Yes but-" as they argued Toshiro stood in the doorway making faces to mock the two, they looked up, "Anyway, we'll tell him in three days at the meeting, wen he can't legally hurt me," Ichigo said, "And today?" "Tell him that... we're tired from fighting all day," Toshiro rolled his eyes and began to walk out the door, "Ichigo," he heard in a creepy tone right before he was out of the room, "Come here and get a tounge lashing," "Yes Ma'm" Toshiro slammed the doors and suddered, he was mature, but that was just gross! Remind him to never open that door again, he shook his head, trying to erase the unwanted mental image, "Hey, Toshiro," "That's Captin Hitsugaya to you!" he barked without looking at the person he was yelling at, "Wat's with you? Did you see them nawing eachother's faces off?" "Yep," "Oh," "Have you seen it?" "Yeah, I hope I never do anything gross like that!" "You won't!" "Wat's that supposed to mean?!" "Nothing," Toshiro started walking down the stairs, "Hey!" Karin followed after him, she followed him outside and to the park, they were in a race by the time they got there, Karin was panting, Toshiro picked up a soccer ball and started doing tricks with it, "Aren't you tired?!" she panted, "No," he bounced the ball on his nee and kicked it up, then back on his nee, "Wat are you doing?" "Thinking," "About wat?" "Three days, wen your brother becomes my bss and the leader of Soul Society," "I pitty you," "Yeah, well, we made it so he couldn't make any diccesions without Rukia, so I'm pretty sure that Soul Society won't blow up that day" Karin laughed, "Seriouly, wat are you thinking about?" "Rukia, her brother wants to no were she is and I need a better excuse than, 'She's tired from fighting all day,'" Karin shook her head, "In my openion everyone in Soul Soceity needs a good shrink! Just for an hour atleast! One day! One day with a good shrink and I guarnteethat things won't be as messed up!" "Even you?" "I wouldn't mind having my head shrunk ounce in a wile," "Then, why don't you suggest it?" "Oh please! Do you honestly think that your brother would go for that?!" she thought for a moment, "I no! Sine Ichigo and Rukia are tgether now-" "They'll get they're heads shrunk? I doubt it! Besides, those two would take the longest!" "I wasn't finished yet! I was going to say, maybe you can have couple theropy," "Trust me, they don't need it!" "Not couples couple!" "The diffrence?" "In couple theropy they have the person's...partner, be the shrink!" "No kidding?" "Honest!" "They might just go for that, but, there aren't many couples in Soul Society," "Well, just have the couple thing for couples and mainly those two so they can get their heads shrunk! Everyone else can have an actual therapist!" "Yeah, but how much you wanna bet that if we hide a camra in there we'll catch more kissing than head shrinking?" "That's not allowed, but, probbably," "Eh, I don't really trust therapists, who's to say they won't get drunk one night and spill everything? Espically in my case!" "Wat do you mean?" "My leitenit! She'll do anything to get a credit card! In my name! Here's wat she'd do: Get the therapist drunk, convince said shrink to spill her guts, then black mail me untill I get her a credit card in my name! And do her papper work!" Karin couldn't help but laugh, "Hey!" "Sorry, it's funny!" "Yeah, if it isn't you!" "Well you no, I'm not aloud to drink, or go to Soul Society," "So?" "So, um,-" "You no," "Hm?" "My freind, she really needs a good therapist," "Oh?" "Yeah, she isn't nuts or anything, she may need shock treatment though," Karin laughed a little, so did he, "No, she would cry if she heard that," "Yeah?" "Yeah," "You no, as long Ichigo dosen't start yelling and throwing insults, you could probbably get him and Rukia to say yes," "Why did you say that about Ichigo?" "Well I overheard her talking to Orahime, she was saying stuff like, 'And then I thought, "Sometimes I wounder if you're all there!' I mean, wat am I?! His shrink?! It wouldn't be so bad if he was calmly talking wen I was there to listen, but I was reading and he was yelling! And- sorry, I'm doing the same thing to you aren't I? Sorry,' and then her and Orahime were talking about nothing again," "Yeah," "You no, Yuzu and Dad aren't home," Karin blushed a little, "Yeah? Race you!" and they took off

"Ouch!" they heard as they walked in the house, "That hurt!" "Well sorry!" "Be more carefull!" "I'll try!" they heard, "Well, never a dull moment," they said in unison, "Do you want to go see wat my idiot brother did to Rukia?" "Not really, she probbably tripped over something or something, I mean he's pretty carefull with her," "Really?" they were walking up the stairs, "Yeah, I mean, he's always pretty protective of her, if you look at Rukia side ways he'll nearly kill you, I'd hate to be around the blood bath wen someone actually hurts her! Espically an enime! I mean, you no everything he did to save her right? He may have throwen her off of a 500 ft. scaffold, but, still, I mean, he was inredably mad at her brother for everything," "Wat did her brother do?" "He was going to let her die, maybe even kill her himself, remember?" "Oh, yeah," "And then! Wen Aizan stuch his hand through her, wen Grimmjow not only stuck his hand threw her, but then threw her! Aronino, the list goes on and on," "Yeah," 'I never new that about my brother,' "I mean, one time Rukia broke her arm sparring, you should've seen him looking for the sparring partner!" they sat in Karin's room, "Hey, maybe he bit her tounge?" "Nah, wat did I just say? He may be a reckless clutz, but he's carefull with her," "So, early, I was thinking, maybe, I could be your shrink, ya' no, since it's a one time thing," "That, sounds nice," they were both blushing, they leaned a little, closed their eyes, and, "We're home!" Yuzu yelled, slamming the door down stairs, "Well! I have pepper work to do," "Yeah, and I have homework," "Maybe, see you later?" "Yeah, later, um, we weren't gonna-" "It was just the pollen, you no, spring, heat, pollen, it all makes everyone kinda crazy," he got up and left, wen he was gone she wispered to herself, "Yeah, spring, crazy,"

If anyone wants more just tell m and I might do a seqeul


NOTE: Rukia's POV, IchiRuki

It's illogical for me to feel this way,
For me to act this way,
Someone like me,
Feeling this feeling,
The only word that can discribe it is,
Because I have never felt this way,
This feeling called love,
Is so strange,
So forbidden to me,
And yet,
It feels good,
Even if it is,
It's a good kind of Illogical,
I don't want it to make sense,
I don't want it to be,
Because if it was,
It wouldn't be special,
And so I like it,
I like this,
Illogical feeling,
Every now and then,
We can be free,
we can be insane,
And we can be illogical,
It's the only thing in my life,
That is feels strange,
And so,
This is my time,
To be,

He Makes It Work

NOTE: IchiRuki, Rukia's POV blah, blah, blah

He makes it work,
This complicated life I live,
With these complicated feelings,
He makes it work,
As hard as it is to deal with these emotions,
He makes it work,
Because he always nos how to get my mind off of something,
How to get me to feel happy again,
He makes it work,
Wen I feel like I don't belong,
Because he gives me a place,
He makes it work,
As complicated as things are,
He always makes it look easy,
He makes it work,
Even if he dosen't no how,
He acts like he does,
For my sake,
He makes it work,
And he told me,
How he makes it work,
He said,
"Because you are always there to make it work for me,"
So I guess,
We make it work,
For eachother,
No matter how complicated it is,
We make it work

Because The Night

Ok, I'm kinda bored so I'll post a couple more AMVs, this is one of Cascada's new songs, I love her music, this is probbably in my top 5 fav Cascada songs, I don't have a Bleach AMV, so sorry, unless you count about 5 seconds oh Ichihime, anyway, NaruHina! Haha!