Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),

ABC's Of Love

NOTE: Short paraghraphs

A is for Adoption... Rukia continued to draw in her sketch book, the coulers seemed to blend in her mind, she put down the crayon she was holding and looked up at Ichigo, the man wasn't paying attention, "Brother dosen't like you," she didn't no why she said that, the silence was just getting to her, "Oh yeah? Tell him the feeling's mutual!" "Sorry, I don't no why I said that," "It's ok, it's not like that information is new or anything, so, do you hate me?" "No, why would you think such a thing?" "Well, you always do wat your brother tells you to do, why is that anyway?" "Because, I grew up in distrect 78, Hanging Dog, the lowest of the low, there were only two distects that were worse off, it was strange, for Renji and Me, being street trash and becoming Soul Reapers, if it were not for Brother, I don't no, Renji was immidiatly excepted, you no why, Aizan's plot that Renji didn't even no existed, but, I wasn't powerful or anything, so, wat was I going to do? Who would want street trash like me serving under them?" "You aren't street trash, you never were, and wat do you mean you aren't powerful? Your brother held you back, and making you noble just put more pressure on you, he lied to you, none of that seem's like something a real brother would do," "You always had a family, you were never alone, you have never lived in Hanging Dog, being treated like street trash, and you were never adopted, so you could never understand,"
B is for Brother... "Rukia, that's true, I've never been in your position, but, I am an older brother, and, I can't understand having a little sister, and treating her so wrongly," "Brother does it to protect me," "I protect my sisters too, but, I don't make them unhappy and neglected," "I am not neglected Ichigo! I'm perfectly fine!" "Rukia! You're blinded by a false sense of acceptence!" "Ya' no Ichigo, I've never been accepted before, only by Renji, and only by my brother, and I thought, that that had changed wen I met you, but, apparently, I was wrong," "Rukia! I'm talking about your brother!" "I no that Brother didn't want me! I no that no one ever would! I no that it was only my sister's dieing wish! Why do you think that I don't no that?! Because I do! And, I just want to deny it, I just want to think, that I'm special, why is that so wrong?" "It isn't wrong, Rukia, none of wat you said is true, you're very special, if you weren't, why would all that fuss in Soul Society about you?" "Fluke," "No, it isn't a fluke, you're very special, you're a girl that any brother would want to have as a little sister, if Karin or Yuzu ever turned out like you, I'd be really lucky, Rukia, you're someone that everyone wants to protect, that everyone wants to take credit for, that's who you are," "Thank you, Ichigo," she held onto him, closing her eyes, and never letting go of him, and he held her as well,
C is for Captin... Rukia was tired, so very tired, wat a day, wat a day, wat a VERY long day she had had, first, she had to get up at Dark A.M. and head to the meeting hall, and was expected to be fully aware, and fully awake during the meeting, well, THAT wasn't gonna happen! She had barely gotten out of the building wen she had to go meet her squad, lovely, well, then, because of the Ryoka, Bounto, Arrancar, and any other distructive thing you can think of, (primarely Ichigo,) had torn through Soul Society, and destroyed a bunch of houses, AND the builders hadn't gotten around to re-building many of them yet, she and Ichigo had to share a house, AGAIN! Well, after moving her stuff AND Ichigo's stuff into the house, because he was playing meet~and~greet with any thing and everything in Soul Society, well, she was more than ready to hit the bed, wen Mr, Bigshot called a meeting! And here's how long it was, it was sunny afternon wen the meeting started, it was pithch dark wen it ended, Rukia was tired, Ichigo had the energy of ten Soul Reapers, and it was late, she walked into the house, put on her night gown, and stepped into the room, then she noticed that Ichigo was in her bed, she stepped over and kicked him, "Wat?!" "You're in my bed!" "Oh, I thought this was my bed," "No! I rolled out my bed! Not yours! And I'm too tired to roll out yours!" "I'll move onto the floor," "No, just roll over," and she climbed in the bed, she slept very peacefully that night, not just because she was tired, but because Ichigo was there next to her, protecting her,
D is for Denial... Rukia sunk into the hot springs, her body ached because of trainning with her Leitenit all day, and she thinks she pulled a muscel in her leg, the water seeped through the wite towel that covered her skin, "So!" Orahime began, Rukia opened one eye to look at the girl, "Rukia, do you like Ichigo as more than a freind?" "Orahime, I already told you that I don't, that really is a tired old question, you no," "Well, that was a long time ago, right?" Momo chimed in, "It was last spring!" Youraweichie answered, "Last Spring?!" all the girls sqealed like it was some sort of crime, "Wat?! We haven't exactly had time to sit around and chat for a wile," "Still! Your feelings have changed by now, right?" Rangiku inquiered, "Well, yes, but-" "Then you DO like him!" SoiFon cut her off, "I do not!" "You do so!" "No I don't!" "You're in denial," Asagi demanded, these girls were like cats of prey, preditors just waiting for the chance to pounce, and they found it, they were pinning her with the hole "Denial" plan, well she wasn't going to fall for it, "I am not!" "Then prove it!" or is she? "Ok! I sorta, kinda, do have a teeny tiny crush on him, oh who am I kidding?! I'm in love with him!" "I hear wedding bells!" well, maybe the steam had finally seeped into her brain,
E is for Embrace... Ichigo was sorta depressed, he didn't no wat it was, but something had been bothering him, perhaps, it was that he hadn't seen her all day, and he missed her, he had gotten used to being with her all the time, so shouldn't he be savering the few moments he's getting to him self? Well, he tried that, but he only got more depressed, he felt someone's presence behind him, he felt slender fingeres slide down his neck, "Wat's the matter?" her crisp voice asked, "Nothing," "I don't believe you," Ichigo stood up, and started walking away, she let him get a few inches away before she got up, ran towards him, and threw her arms around the young Soul Reaper, she embraced him tightly, "Please, won't you tell me now?" Ichigo smiled, turned around, and embraced her as well, "I just... missed you a little," Rukia smiled, the embrace growing stronger,
F is for Freindship... "So, you and Ichigo have been getting pretty close, huh?" "Yeah, the past week as been really nice, I think I might be comfortable enough with him to were soon, I can tell him I love him," "Really?!" "Maybe," "You're so lucky! I wish I had enough courage to get closer to Suishi!" "Well, be slow about it," "Slow?" "Its been a year and we haven't progressed to anything except close freinds," "Take it slow and then slowly spring it on him!" "Yeah, thanks Rukia," "Wat are freinds for?" she waved to Asagi and walked away, 'I wounder if I'll actually be confedent enough to tell him,' she thought, "Oooh," she bumped into someone and landed on her back, "S-sorry," "Sorry," she looked up, "Ichigo," "Yeah?" "N-nothing, never mind," "You've been acting weird lately, is everything ok?" "Everything is fine," "You can tell me you no," "There's nothing to tell," "I'm your freind, and weather we like it or not, we're connected, so I no that right now, something is bothering you, so tell me," he had now advanced to her side, "...I'm just a little nervouse about something," "Wat is it?" "Well, there's something I've needed to tell my freind for a wile now, and I'm worried about how he'll react," "Well, if he's a real freind, then he defeinitly will tell you the truth, and will be your freind no matter wat, is he a real freind?" "...Yeah, He's defenitly a real freind, thank you," "Wat are freinds for?"
G is for Good Greif!... Why? Why was Ichigo such an idiot? Why? Well, incase your woundering wat on earth he's done now, it's quite simple, he tripped over a rock and fell off a two ft. clif, see? Simple, how someone is so simple minded that that would happen, well, that information is currently unnowen, and after he emerged from the cliff, he was doing fine, untill he neglected to notice that the chain of his sword was wrapped around a tree branch, he went running, and the sword flew right out of his hand, Rukia simply couldn't understand how he was THAT dumb, how he was captin commander with his pitiful logic, and how she could have fallen in love with him, but as she watched him train he looked so strong, for a moment, she thought of telling him, but then he tripped over another rock, and all she could think was, 'Good greif!'
H is for Heartbeat... It was night, the rain poured, and pelted the roof, thunder blared, lightening flashed, her heart jumped, the storms always scared her, she sat in her bed, and hugged her nees, she buried her face behind her legs, she hadn't thought about this, used to, wen she was alone in Byakuya's house, a long time ago, that's wat it reminded her of, after Kian died, and before she met Ichigo, that's wat it reminded her of, wen Kian was alive, he used to stay up untill she went to sleep, she remembered waking up sometimes with Kian sprawled out on the floor, wen he was alive, she felt like she was finally part of a family, not a family of misfit children, but a family, Kian, Miyako, and her, then she felt alone again, she met Ichigo, and she was part of a family again, her, Ichigo, and everyone else, wen she returned to Soul Society, squad 13 was her family, and she prayed that it never rained, somehow, wen it did, she was always with Ichigo, never alone in the rain, wen she was a child, she was with Renji, and wen Kian was alive, with him, she had never been alone in the rain, except for ounce, wen she felt alone, the night he died, she couldn't take it, tears began to seep through her eyes, she felt alone, then, there was a nock at the door, "Yes?" Ichigo stepped in, "You scared?" Rukia looked surprised, "Wat?" "Are you scared?" "Well, yes," he walked over to her, and stroked her hair lightly, "Don't be scared," he wispered, a blush tinted her face, but it was to dark to tell, he slid under the covers and grabbed her rist, pulling it towards him, she laid down next to him, snuggling into his chest, the soft sound of his heartbeat lulling her to sleep, he pulled her a bit closer, and as she drifted into a land of dreams, she was calmed by the soft thumping of his heart beat in her ear, it also reminded her that she was not alone, because Ichigo was there,
I is for Ill... She felt rotten! She felt terrible! She felt sick! Why oh why today? She didn't understand, just last night, she was laying next to Ichigo, so incredably happy! So how did this happen? The timer went of, Ichigo pulled the themometer out of her mouth, Rukia blushed, she tuned out wat he was saying she was trying to have a conversatin with her self, 'There's only one explination, I hope I'm wrong, but, I think I'm...' "Lovesick?" Ichigo asked as Rukia hung her head, Isane had just confirmed her worst fears, "That's wat I said," "So, lovesickness is a real thing for Soul Reapers?" "That's right," "How do you cure it?" "The lovesick person has to kiss the person that he or she, is in love with," "Oh, that's sanitary," "Look! Lovesickness isn't dangerouse, contagouse, or anything like that, it's purely symptom based, honest," "Well,-" "Isane," Rukia interjected, "may I speak to you in private for a moment?" she death~glared Ichigo, "I'm leaving," and he left the room, "Wat do I do?! I'm not ready to tell Ichigo I'm in love with him yet! And he'll no I am if I kiss him!" "Well, I don't no wat to tell you," they walked out of the building, 'I am SO dizzy!' she thought, back at home... Rukia layed in bed, she still felt horrible, and her headache was getting worse because she was trying to figure out how to kiss Ichigo without revealing that she was in love with him, 'Maybe I should just kiss him and say that I had to kiss SOMEONE and he was the only other person in the house, but then he would ask why it was called lovesickness not kisssickness, yeah, he's THAT stupid alright, ughh!' Rukia repositioned the cold compress that was slipping off of her head, she was so miserable!
J is for Jerk... 'Ichigo?' Rukia thought instinctively, waking up, 'Wen did I fall asleep?' "Ichigo?" Rukia sat up, bad ideah, she put a hand to her aching head, "Ichigo?!" no answer, she stood up and stumbled out the door, looking for Ichigo, "Rukia!" Orahime yelled as she ran towards the sick Soul Reaper, "I heard wat happened! Let me help!" Rukia couldn't concentrate on anything except how bad she felt, "Come over here!" Orahime and Asagi tugged on Rukia's arm pulling her forward, and before Ichigo could object, Momo and Rangiku grabbed ahold of him, pulling him in the other direction, Orahime and Asagi turned Rukia around so that she was facing Ichigo, "Please... don't, don't spin me," Orahime held the girl steady by grabbing her shoulders, Asagi grabbed her waist, Rangiku and Momo spun Ichigo around a few times and threw him forward, his head coliding with Rukia's they collided and Rukia wound up on top of him, she leaned down and kissed him softly, then he raised up and their heads hit eachother again, nocking them both uncounciouse, and the next morning, only Rukia remembered wat happened, how lucky
K is for Kick... "Are you ever going stop trying to draw?" "Wat do you mean?" Rukia looked up from her skethch board and put down her crayon, "I mean, you can't draw, you no that right?" "Wat do you mean I can't draw?!" "You- Can't- Draw," "Yes I can!" "No you can't!" "Yes I can!" and then she kicked Ichigo in the shin, "Why you little-" "Watch!" Rukia turned to a new page and started to sketch, Ichigo looked over her shoulder but she turned him away, "Alright," Ichigo looked at the drawing she had done, "Woa," "I no!" and before he could ask her why she didn't draw this way all the time, she kicked him again, "Now who can't draw?!" she took her drawing tools and stepped over his flattened body, leaving to share her drawings with the world, the entire day had surprised Ichigo, and he still wanted to no, why didn't she draw that way all the time?
L is for Lavender and Lace... She entered the room, the towel wrapped softly around her waist, starting just under her coller bone and stopping right above her nees, the steam drapped her skin, she brushed by him as she made her way across the room, her hair and skin smelled like lavender, her skin felt like lace, her eyes looked like crystals, why was Ichigo looking at her from a new perspective all of a sudden? Rukia, why was she suddenly so beautifull? He watched her walk into her room, the scent of Lavender lingering in the air, the feeling of lace lingering on his skin, she was so beautiful, she stepped back in the room, fully dressed, she brushed her silky hair, he blushed a little, her beauty was spectacular, her scent was of Lavender, her skin was of Lace,
M is for Massage.... "Oh! Man! Today was rough wasn't it?" Ichigo asked walking into the room, "Mm-hm, but you no wat helps sore muscels?" "Hot springs?" "Exactly," and after that... "Are you still sore?" "Yeah you?" "Yeah, " Rukia sat down, "Do you, um, do you, want a massage?" Rukia blushed as she spoke, "Sure, do you?" "You're offering?" "Well yeah," "Then, sure! Why not!" "Well, ladies first," "That's ok, you can go first," Ichigo shrugged and removed his shirt, he layed down on his chest, she touched him lightly, at first feeling her delicate fingers on his skin tickled, but as her fingers worked and began to flow into his back, he became more relaxed, wat seemed like only minutes later, (but wat Rukia assured him to be hours later,) Rukia said, "Ok, my fingers are going to go raw if I keep this up," he rose up, put his shirt back on, and motioned for Rukia to switch places with him, she losened her shirt and it draped off as she layed down, as she felt his hands meet her skin, she felt as if she could fall asleep right, there, in fact, she wanted to, but she didn't, otherwise Ichigo would just wake her up again, besides, she didn't want to forget this,
N is for Noble... "A Nobel's ball?" Rukia asked, "Yes, tonight after Sundown," "Yes, thank you for the information, Brother," Rukia bowed and ran back to her house "A Nobel's Ball? Isn't that were snobby rich people go to discuss their plans for world domination?" Rukia slapped him playfully on the back of the head, "Ichigo," she warned, "Ok, so, are you going?" "I might," "Why?" "Because I'm a noble," "You don't act like one," "Is that supposed to be a compliment?" "Yes, most nobels are snobby rich people that are concerned with the fact that their hair isn't perfectly placed instead of the fact that oh, I don't no, their sister is dying, stuff like that," Rukia gave him a disapproving look, she didn't like it wen he insulted her Brother, but she new that he didn't like the way her brother treated her, "Actually, only Kuchkis really act like that, but their really the only ones that attend," she smiled at him softly, later that night... "Aren't you supposed to be at that rich people dance or watever it is?" "I decided not to go," "Why not?" "Because, like you said, I'm not like them, I'd have a better time here with you than going that Nobel's Ball anyway, ok?" "Ofcourse," she really wasn't like any other noble,
O is for Opinions... Rukia sighed, it was late in the day, but she was already tired, she leaned on the window sill, she was at Soul Acadamy, this scene felt familer, "Captin Kuchki!" she heard, she looked around, waiting to see her brother, but she didn't, "Captin Kuchki!" she heard again a young girl came running down the hall, "Hello," "Did you hear me calling?" "Sorry, I was't sure weather or not you meant me, I'm not very used to the name," "Oh, that's to be expected I guess," "You no wat I think?" the girl shook her head, "I think, that having two Captin Kuchkis is too confusing, how about from now on everyone calls me Captin Rukia?" "How come?" "Because, 'Captin Kuchki' just dosen't fit me very well," later that day... "I heard you wanted to be called 'Captin Rukia'," "Yeah?" "Yeah, it's my opinion, that that suits you alot better than 'Captin Kuchki'" "Oh? Why?" "Because 'Captin Kuchki' sounds really snobby, and you're not like that," Rukia smiled, for ounce, Ichigo was right,
P is for Pateince... Rukia was having a bad day, Rukia looked up at Ichigo, she was going to yell at him for no real reason, except to blow off some steam, but then she thought for a moment, "Ichigo? Have you ever done something just for the sake of doing it?" "Wat do you mean?" "Well, like writing for the sake of writing, making a poster for the sake of making a poster, yelling for the sake of yelling?" Ichigo looked at her, "Yeah, but if I ever need to calm down I just do something that makes my brain turn to goop," "How did you-" "Do you really think that I don't no you're having a bad day?" "Well, you need to try those 'brain gooping' techniqes a little more, who am I kidding? Alot more," "Yeah, I no, still though, you have the pateince of a saint, you no that?" "I do?" "Well, pretty good, better than me," "Godzilla had more pateince than you!" thay both smiled, somehow, she had calmed down by talking to Ichigo, either he was magic, or she really did have a lot of pateince! So, later that day...
Q is for Quirk... 'Squad Quirks' Rukia titled the papper, 'Squad 13: Despite the captin being costantly ill, the squad seems to be one of the most responsible squads, weird, Squad 12: So many of them really aren't Soul Reapers, weird, Squad 11: Despite being the roughest squad, they are also one of the most freindly, weird,' Rukia bit on th tip of her pen, 'Ichigo Quirks: He's sweet and sour, he's funny and dosen't have a sense of humor, hm, he's basically opposites rolled up in a ball,' Rukia giggled, wat she wrote was true, more than true, he was opposites rolled up in a ball, "Hey," Ichigo walked in, "wat'cha written'?" "Nothing," she hid the list behind her back, "Let me see!" she shredded the papper and left, 'Rukia Quirk: She won't tell him how she feels,' Rukia thought,
R is for Risks... Ichigo jumped infront of Rukia, the hollow charged ahead, Ichigo slashed the hollow with his sword, the beast disapeared, "I'm sorry," Rukia began, "For wat?" "For making you risk your life for me again," Rukia curled her hands into fists, Ichigo smiled, "I risk my life for you, you risk your life for me, it's the circle of Soul Reapers, right?" "I shouldn't be that way, people used to fend for themselves," "Well it isn't like that anymore, besides, wat is life without risks, right?" Rukia smiled, "Yeah, I understand," Ichigo smiled again, they were both happy, taking Risks is a good thing, not that you should risk your life for no reason, but, wat Ichigo said was true indeed,
S is for Sorry... Rukia sighed again, she was in a pool self-dislike, it was the anniversery of the day that Ichigo was nearly dead, and that she had been taken back to Soul Society, she still felt like it was her fault, everything was, in her opinion, how could things have gone so wrong? "Wat's the matter?" Ichigo asked, coming up behind her, "Ichigo, I'm sorry," "For wat?" "Because I almost let you die,If it wasn't for me-" "No, don't make me go through this AGAIN! Wat happened a year ago shouldn't be another ring on your stack of 'Appoligies to make', besides, if anyone should be appoligizing, it should be me," "You? Wat on earth for?" "Because, wen I rescued you last year, I failed to rescue you from Aizan, and wen you say that I almost died, I let them take you, I could never save you, wen it really mattered," "Ichigo, that isn't true," "Yes it is, both times I just lay there, and let you be taken advantege of," "That's ridiculouse!" "You think?" "Ofcourse I do!" "Then, do you see wat I see wen you keep apologizing?" "..." "Stop appologizing, ok?" "Ok,"
T is for Trust... The rain pelted the window mercelissly, Ichigo stared out the window, "Rukia?" "Hm?" "Is your offer still good?" "Wat offer?" "The one you made a year ago, that wen I was ready to talk, you were ready to listen?" "Yeah, ofcourse," "Then, I think I'm ready to talk to you," "Why now?" "Because... I feel like I can really, really trust you," "Ok," and he told her, told her everything about his mother, about an hour later, this was the scene: Ichigo's head was firmly in the crook of Rukia's neck, his eyes were closed but he was not asleep, she stroked his hair softly, and her head was ontop of his, "Rukia?" "Hm?" "My offer is still good too, you no that right?" "Yes,I think I'm ready to tell you, because if you trust me, then I trust you" and she told him, told him everything, and by the time she finished they had changed places, they were now listening to the rain that pelted the window, they both smiled softly to each other, on both nights, on both deaths, they died in the rain, so why was the rain, suddenly so calming? It didn't matter why, but for wat ever reason, it did, Ichigo lay down, and Rukia layed with him, they were in the same position, just laying down, Ichigo stroked Rukia's soft hair, and brushed a stray strand from her eyes, "Rukia, I love you," he said, but the girl next to him was already asleep, he was ok with that, he wasn't so sure that he wanted to tell her yet anyway, he listened to her soft breathing, and looked at her one more time, he did want to tell her, he wanted her to no, and he wanted to tell her, he was going to tell her, yes, he had to tell her, that he loved her,
U is for Unbelieveable..."You're going to do wat?!" Renji yelled, "I'm going to tell Rukia that I love her!" Ichigo replied, "You're nuts!" "No I'm not!" the two bruts argued, "Personally," Toshiro raised his voice so that the two arguing idiots could hear him better, "I think that it's a good ideah, Ichigo is in love and should admit it," "Look in the mirror!" Renji snorted, "But if that's the way you feel about it, then I'll go get Momo," Toshiro's face turned bright red, "Don't you dare!" "Oh! Hit a nerv did I? I thought people should admit their feelings!" And as the two of them argued, Ichigo walked off, "It's quite unbelieveable though," Uryuu stated, "Wat is?" "That someone as stubborn and pridefull as you would actually admit your feelings for Rukia, wat made you finally give in?" "Well, I don't really no, this past month as been really nice," "I see, it's still quite unbelieveable," "In your oponion it is, not for me though," Ichigo took off, finding a familar face, "Soifon! Do you no were Rukia is?" "Yes, she's at a meeting, and I'm late!" "Lead the way!" "This is a meeting for The Soul Reaper's Women's Leage, in other words, no men aloud!" "I'm the captin commander!" "No!" and she took off, Ichigo shook his head, "Unbeilievable," he wispered to himself,
V is for Velvet... Ichigo walked down the street of Soul Society, 'Maybe I should get her something,' he thought, but wat? Wat would be special?' He didin't really no, it was bugging him, he new that, he saw a Chappy Soul Candy dispencer, and then it hit him, he new wat he should get her! Ichigo smiled, he went through the Sinkimon gate, and into the world of the living, later that day... 'There!' he thought, he hid the small gift bag in his closet, he headed back to Soul Society, thinking of the small, pink velvet bunny he had bought for Rukia, yes, he was going to wait untill they came back to the world of thie living, then he would take her back, to were it all began, the entire story, their entire lives, and their love for eachother, it was small, but meaningfull, wich was exactly the sort of thing that Rukia liked, he walked through the gate again, woundering wen he would get the perfect chance to give her the little pink velvet bunny,
W is for Wounded... Rukia and Ichigo stepped into the World Of The Living, Ichigo was surprised that it was the next day that they were going on an assighnment to the world of the living, actually, it was Rukia's asssighnment, Ichigo was just tagging along, "There's the hollow," Rukia wispered, she drew her sword and leapd up, onto the building were the hollow stalked, "Hyaaa!" she swung her sword down but the hollow dodged it, the beast zipped around and slammed Rukia from behind, luckily, before she fell from the roof, she jammed her sword into the side of the building, "Rukia!" Ichigo screamed, "Dance, Sode No Shirayuki," her sword transformed and she froze the blade into the wall, she jerked on it, making sure it was steady, then she swung up and stood on the sword, leaping back onto the roof, "Hado #33! Shakaho Red Flame Cannon!" she shot at the sword, catching it by the ribbon, she struck the hollow from behind and ended the battle, she sheathed her sword, Ichigo leaped up onto the roof, "Rukia! Are you ok?" "Yeah, I'm fine," blood trickled down her arm, "Wat happened to your arm?" he asked, "Oh, it must've happened wen I was attacked from behind," Ichigo saw this as the perfect oppertunity, "Come on, let's go back to my old room, I'll treat it for you," Rukia shrugged and followed him back, woundering why he wanted to visit his old room,
X is for Xed... By the time they got back it was about Midnight, Ichigo mentally xed out the thought of doing everything that night,
Y is for "You're Beautiful,"... That night... Rukia was so tired, that she fell asleep right after they got home, and wile she slept, Ichigo gained another new look, how beautiful she was wen she slept, Ichigo watched her sleep, he stroked her face gently with his finger, 'You're so beautiful,' he thought, he made a resolution, that no matter wat, he would give her that bunny tomorrow, he smiled, how strange, for someone so strong and tough to instently smile at a small plush bunny, it was cute, and that thought was pretty amusing too, he watched her, time seeming to stand still, 'You're so beautiful,' he thought again, and she was, she was very beautiful, how could someone so strong, be so elegant? How was that possibe? How?
Z is for Zanpokto... It was late in the day wen Ichigo gave Rukia the bunny, she loved it, absolutly loved it, he smiled, "Have you ever noticed, how much alike and how diffrent our Zanpokto are? Atleast in their Bankia form," "Not really, how do you figure?" they were now in Soul Society, in Rukia and Ichigo's house, "Well, mine is black and red, your's is wite and blue, mine has a chain, your's has a ribbon, mine has a ball at the end, your's has a bell, the hilts are nicely decorated, like that," "Your's is the summer, mine is the winter," "Right! You no, opposites!" Rukia nodded, "You no," Ichigo began, "Yes?" "They say, that opposites attract," "Really?" "Yes," Ichigo leaned in, so did Rukia, they closed their eyes, and kissed softly, wich turned into a more passionate kiss, they smiled in between smooches, they leaned up, faces red, smiles broad, "I love you," they said in unison, before, slowly kissing again,

A Long List

I've decided to do a story for every couple I write for involving ABC, you no, A is for Apple.... B is for Berry... like that? I got the ideah from the preview for "Strawberry Soup" on fanfic.net, anyway, I liked the ideah and decided to do that, only instead of a seprete story for each letter, it'll be connected and I'll do a seprete paraghraph per letter, it'll take place over the time span of a month, (30 days 26 letters, hm, wat will day for the extra 4 days? Wait and see!) I think I'll start posting them wen I reach 500 hits, wich reminds me, for a 300 hit present wat do you guys think of me posting my only UryuHime fic? Any objections?
