Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),

The Summer Haze Let's Me In

NOTE: IchiRuki, from Ichigo's POV

In the summer haze,
I see your face,
I see your smile,
I see your glow,
That illuminates you,
In the summer haze,
I hear you voice,
I hear your laugh,
I hear your heart,
Thay beats slowly inyour chest,
In the summer haze,
I feel good,
I feel your touch,
I feel like your with me,
In every singal aspect,
In the summer haze,
I find your sent,
And taste your lips,
In the summer haze,
I thought I was dilousinal,
Wen you embraced me,
And kissed me,
In the summer haze,
Of that paticular summer,
You came back,
And let me in,
In that summer haze,
You let me in,
So every summer,
We come back to that spot,
Were the summer haze,
Is the strongest

A Bloody Mist

NOTE: IchiRuki, from Ichigo's POV

A bloody mist,
Clouds her face,
Clouds the mirror,
Clouds our place,
A bloody mist,
That brings only pain,
Only anguish,
Only rain,
A bloody mist,
Covering my heart,
Keeping secrets,
Keeping us apart,
That bloody mist,
That only I seem to see,
Will one day destroy us,
Destroy everything,
But I hope that soon,
I can wipe away,
That bloody mist,
So it won't stay,
I'm starting to,
Trying to,
To clear away,
That bloody mist,

Blonde Rukia

Ok, it has offically been proven, I am Rukia Kuchki with long blonde hair! Yay! Actually, if Rukia and Ichigo's baby was a girl, wouldn't it have dark blonde hair? And I no that I act alot like Rukia, and unfourtinatly, sometimes a little like Ichigo, for example last night I was really mad, untill I saw a cute stuffed kitty,then I was happy, neither of us can draw, I LOVE kimonos! And she wears them all the time, both of us are diffrent from the avrege, and I no I have her attitude! And, we love romance, along with acting, actually, alot of people think I should be an actress, I am a good actress, espically at the "good girl" act, I'm Rukia and Ichigo's child! It's the only explination! (kidding) But seriously! This is kinda cool!

You Answered My Prayers

NOTE: More IchiRuki, I did this one with my freind, Neccy, thanx Neccy!

You answered my prayers,
The day I met you,
Although I didn't no it,
You were more than I asked for,
You loved me for me,
And wasn't scared to show your oppionion,
You always make me laugh,
And fill my heart with glee,
Although you can be an idiot,
I love you all the same,
You complete me,
And everything I stand for,
You answer my prayers,
Everytime I kiss you,
And everytime you hold me,
I no I can count on you,
You no my limits,
And understand me,
You respect me,
You are wild and crazy,
And that's just wat I need,
Although your techniqes can be reckless,
And a little obbseen,
Your still you,
And you don't try to be anyone else,
You answer my prayers,
Everytime I see you,
And see those sparkling eyes,
That define you,
So I say now,
Thank you,
For answering my prayers

NOTE: Eh, Neccy's ideah for the theme challenge, under "prayers" or, "answers" or somethin' I guess you can see wat parts I put in, anything that really discribes Ichigo is wat I put in, I put in a little mush, but not most of it, this is from Rukia's POV, but it helps my poetry noing that Ichigo idalizes Shakespear, *Laughs under breath*

On Fire

NOTE: Another IchiRuki

My eye are burning,
In so many ways,
As I remember,
All the days,
That my eys burned with tears,
For watever reason,
Weather it be,
Of sadness,
Of passion,
Or most freqently,
For her,
Because wen her eyes burn with tears,
And the oceans of violet within them go up in flames,
My heart too catches ablaze,
Every flame,
Every flicker,
Every spark,
In her,
Reflects in me,
In my heart,
So wen her eyes burn with tears,
My heart goes up in flames,
And wen she is burnt,
My eyes are set on fire,
With a passion for revenge,
And so,
For watever reason,
I am always on fire,