Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),

The Music Of Coming Footsteps

NOTE: Told you that you'd be rewarded! Wrote this last night; by the way, the paraghraphs are a long time apart, not really even related

She listened, it was a sweet sound, because she new who was making it, she no longer tried to get up, she decided to let him come for her, she decided, that he deserved to rescue her, and that she deserved to be rescued, the question of why penitrated her mind, and she answered it in four words, "Because I love him," normaly she would have been long gone, she would've willed herself to stumble onto the battlefeild again, willed herself to pass by him and refuse his help, but this time, she would let him, she would let him help her this one time, why? Because she loved him, and she wanted him to feel like she needed him, because if she spent her hole life avoiding his help, and avoiding his touch, he would give up, and so, if she let him help her, let him feel needed, then, does that means that he will let her feel needed as well? Maybe, but a 'maybe' is certainly better than a 'no', isn't it? His coming footsteps and yelling voice sounded like music to her, "Rukia!" he yelled her name, "Ichigo!" she yelled with every bit of her breath, he found her, she wasn't looking, but the stop of that music, the hault of his coming footsteps, and then the sudden run of his steps, let her no, "Rukia," he shook her shoulder gently, she looked at him, "Ichigo?" "Don't talk, geez, how many cuts can you get?" "Did you find Orahime yet?" "Yeah, Orahime!" He shouted, she wished he was a little quiter, but that was ok, she didn't mind that much
He listened, those tinny little footsteps were nearly inaudiable, if it wren't for the creaking of the floorboards, and the fact that they had a way of making your feet stick to them a little as you walked, he wouldn't have heard those footsteps at all, he heard the bathroom door clink shut quietly, and then the water run slightly, he pretended not to care wen she said that she was going to take a long bath since his family was gone, he pretended not to care, but he wanted her to stay with him, take adavantege of that time and stay together, alone, just the two of them, but he sighed, it was nearly a lost cause, and then he noticed something so humerousily cute about her, she walked on the balls of her feet, tiptoeing even wen she didn't need to, it must be a habbit, but it's a cute habbit, a very cute habbit, it made her seem more girly, a little wile passed, then he heard the door clinck shut again, and those soft, padded little footsteps returning to his room, the door opened, "Wat are you smileing at?" she asked, "You walk on your tiptoes," he smiled wider, "So?" "So, nothing," she shrugged off his weird response and went back to her drawings, he really didn't hate her poor little drawings, he found them cute actually,
They listened, the sound was harsh, rain pelting the sheets of glass that stood proudly in the window frames, there was a buzzing sound, and the lights flickered out, steady footsteps made their way through Rukia's ears and through her mind and thoughts, the door opened, so she heard, "Ichigo?" she asked, no answer, she found her way out of the room, he heard her footsteps behind him, and then that sweet little voice of hers, "Ichigo?" she wispered, he grabbed her rist, "Eeep!" she sqealed, "Hush," he commanded, she tugged on his arms, "Be carefull, we're near the stairs," he said warningly, she clung to him a little tighter, "Go back in the room, I have to go turn on the generator," he said, "I don't want to," "Why not? Would you rather trip and fall down the stairs?" "No! Ofcourse not!" "Wait," she could hear the smirk on his face, "you scared?" "No!" "You are! You're scared! You're scared of the dark!" "I am not!" "Then go back to the room!" "No! I'm not scared of the dark either Moron!" "Oh, so it's the storm then?" "No," "Yes it is!" "Just shut up!" and she stmped back into he room, he rolled his eyes, he heard his bed sqeak softly, "Get off of my bed Midget!" He yelled, no response, how did he no that?! She ignored him and layed on the bed anyway, so wat! She was happy atleast! After a few minutes he was upstaires again, and staring at a sleeping, raven haired girl, in his bed, on one hand he wanted to wake her up and tell her to move, but on the other, he wanted her to stay like that forever, crawl in with her, and be with her, see her soft little face right next to his owne, and how could he not love that soft, sweet, little, porcelin face of hers? That face that had been pained too much, winced too many times, to often wore a cold expression, or a frown, those eyes, now closed, had seen too much anguish, sorrow, and above all, too much death, they had cryed too many tears, -she hardly ever cryed, but for her, one tear was too many- they had nearly deadened too often, and they had lifted not nearly enough, that little mouth of hers, that was open ever so slightly, only enough for her to breath, had frowned to much, yelled to much, cringed too much, even bled too much, and that cute little button nose, well, it was a cute little button nose! Nothing else to say about that one! But she didn't smile enough, or laugh enough, and wat a pretty laugh she had, and then her giggle was like pure bliss, so cute and innocent, and her eyes almost never smiled, ah, he went with the latter, but that would cost her, oh yes it would! He would never let her just have his bed! No, no! He may let her SHARE his bed though, now there were two optiones here, one: They would spew romantic gushy junk for the next hour, or two: She would wake up, yell, and crack him on the head, causing him to respound with: "That'll teach ya' to steal my bed Midget!" he really hoped it was the first one, not that he liked those stupid romance novels that she read in fact he HATED them!- but it wouldn't be from one of the novels she reads, -so he hoped- because the ones she read had no plot, vocabulary that would make an English teacher question the English langeuge, and the insaneity of the words "I love you" being semi-meaningess, always wanting more love, oh well, he shook his head and climbed into the sheet covered bed next to her, "Ichigo," she wispered in her sleep, "I'm so in love with you," his eyes went wide, he couldn't wait till she woke up! But, at the same time, he wouldn't want to disturb that sleeping godess of beauty, but that was ok, she woke up on her owne, and rolled over so that their lips were only centimeters apart, he kissed her awake, "Ichigo," she responded, a smile entering that soft face of hers, those delicate lips turning up and showing those little wite teeth of hers, everything about her was small actually, but that was good, that way, he felt like he was protecting her even more than he was, that wen his arms wrapped around her teeny tiny body, there was another reason to protect her and pull her close to him, "I love you too," he wispered in her ear, and before she could say anything, he wispered, "You dream about me," she smiled too, and softly smacked his head,
He listened, he heard her footsteps crossing to the wardrobe in their room, her weight slightly heavyer than that day, due to the babby that was going to quickly become taller than her ounce it was born, Ichigo felt sure of that, he heard her hand touch the plastic over her gourgeouse wedding gown that hung as a trophy over the wardrobe, he would have said that she never looked more stunning than that day, but that was wrong, she grew more stunning by the moment, and then he heard her soft footsteps race back to the bed to continue cuddeling with him, she actually thought he was asleep, wat a laugh!

To Let Go

NOTE: For Nanao44, my freind

"Hey Rukia!" Ichigo nocked on the door, "Hey Rukia! Get up it's noon! Hey Rukia!" 'She deaf?!' finally Ichigo opened the closet door, to reveal that Rukia was not inside, 'Were could she have gone?' he thought, he called Renji, "Hello?" Renji said on the other end of the phone, "Hey Renji, is Rukia in Soul Society with you?" "No, isn't she with you?" "No," "You lost her?!!" "No Idiot! I just don't no were she is exactly," "You moron," "Hey! It isn't my fault that she just up and left wile I was asleep! Wat'd'ya' want me to do?! I mean, she is an adult, if she left there has to be a reason," "Well, you check that world, I'll see if anyone here has seen her," "Alright, I'll call you if I find her," "Same here," "Bye," "Bye," and Ichigo left on a search for the raven haired girl that had left from his closet, little did he no wat would unravel that day, and how one little misunderstanding would change his life forever,

Ichigo and Renji had been looking for Rukia for an hour now, neither one had told anyone that they had "lost her" they didn't want to make a big deal out of it, Ichigo searched in the woods between his house and Urahara's shop, and he found her, but not in theway he expected, Rukia was lying in the snow, in Soul Reaper form, with her sword drawn and clutched in her hand, "Rukia!" he yelled, she didn't move, her body was ice cold, how long she had been there was unnowen, and as he got closer, he realized that the snow around her was red with blood, he lifted her up, the warm flow of blood that he could usually feel, was no longer there, the heat of her skin, the warmth of her eyes, it had disapeared, and the moment that he saw her, the question that first popped into his mind, 'Is she dead?'

Rukia awoke slowly, but waited a moment before she opened her eyes, 'Warm, soft, a bed? My hand feels warm too, is someone holding it?' Rukia opened her eyes and looked over at Ichigo, who was clutching her hand and was slumped over the bed, sitting in his desk chair, and he was asleep, an adoring grin crossed her face, and entered her eyes, 'Ichigo, ounce more you came to my rescue, ounce again you saved me from death, and yet again, I put your heart in termoil, because I couldn't stand up on my owne, Ichigo, I'm sorry, but I'm too dependent on you, I can't fight alone like I used to, I'm sorry, but I can't depend on you anymore,' the girl thought, sitting up, "Ichigo," she wispered, and hoped that he would stay asleep, "I'm sorry, but if I keep depending on you, 'll lose my strenth, I'm sorry Ichigo, but,... Goodbye," Rukia resolved with her final word, she slowly got off the bed, put her sword back in place, and then there was only one thing left to do, she took Ichigo's hand, and slowly slid it off her owne, a ingal tear falling from her eyes and hitting his hand, Rukia opened the door, and shut it quitely behind her,

Rukia walked down the street, wen she looked up she saw a disapointing, and angry, sight, "Ichhigo," "Were do you think you're going?" "Ichigo! I have to leave! I can't stay here anymore!" "Wat are you talking about?" "I've become too dependent on you! I can't do anything alone anymore!" "That isn't true," "Yes it is! Why do you think I went off to take care of that hollow by myself?! Because I wanted to prove to myself that I could!" "I still don't understand! You took care of it on your owne!" "Yes, but then I got wounded and fell uncounciouse in the snow! And who did I wake up with?! You!" "Do you not like me?!" "It's just that I can't do anything without you doing something to help me! And I can't do anything without you anymore!" "I could say the same about you!" "Oh yeah?! How do you figure?!" "Because the only way I could've won all those battles in Soul Society is because everytime I thought about giving up, weather it was giving up on winning or on living, or anything! It's because everytime I thought about quiteing, you came into my mind! Your face your voice, everything! Entered my mind! And so did the thought of loing you, wich made my resolve that much stronger! And you always heal my wounds, so, we're the same!" "That isn't all the time!" "Yes it is! Everytime I fight I think about protecting you! So if you're dependent on me then I'm dependent on you!" Rukia was silent for a moment, "Ichigo let me go, just, learn to let me go!" "No I won't!" "Let go! Understand that we must let go of eachother!" "Why?!" "Because, because, because we just do, it isn't right," "Why? Wat's wrong with it?!" "I, I just have to let you go, and it'll be much harder if you don't let me go," "Let me go, the same way you let Renji go?" Rukia was silent, "Don't you understand? The only diffrence between me and Renji, is that wen you were taken away from him the first time, he let it happen, and he waited a long time that he shouldn't have let you go, but I new it the first time, and don't you understand," Ichigo had been walking towards her, he put his hands on her shoulders, "that if you left, I would just go back and claim you again, bring you back again?" "Ichigo," her head was tilted down, she grasped his hands and lifted them off of her, "I am not your's to claim, and, I would not come back, because, I cannot stop loving you, but atleast I can try, so please, let me go," "Rukia," he embraced her, "Don't you understand, that the first time I had no intention of letting you stay in Soul Society, I had no intention of doing anything but bring you back, and if I hadn't met so many people that cared about you, wen said that you wanted to stay, I would've said no, I would've ignored you and brought you back, the same way I ignored you wen you wanted to die, and don't you get it? That it broke my heart wen you said that? And that everytime you leave, it still breaks me heart? And that, no matter how hard I try, I can never let you go?" "Ichigo, I do understand, and I don't want to hurt you," "Then stay here, and let yourself depend on me a little, just a little, you no how stubborn I am, but I depend on you, not alot, just enough, and I love you, you see? We're the same," "I don't want to hurt you, and that's we have to let go, because if we become too dependent then we'll both die," Rukia was crying, even Ichigo was starting to give in to his overwelming emotions, "Ichigo, me me go, and if you don''t," she jumped back, put ne hand on her sword and one on her sheath, "then I'll make you," they were both in Soul Reaper form, but Ichigo did not grip his sword, instead he only walked foward, "Let me go Ichigo! Please, let me go," he shook his head, "Rukia, can you honestly draw your sword against me?" her hand shook, the metal blade inside shaking as well, "Can you? Can you hnestly draw your sword against me? Because if you can, then I'll let you go, even if I don't want to, I will," Rukia's hand still shok as he got closer, he put his hands on her shoulders again, her hands left her sword and it's sheath, "No, no I can't, I can't do it, I can't Ichigo, I can't" her tears flowed more now, Ichigo embraced her tighter, and she cryed in his shoulder, "Ichigo, I can't let you go, but I have to, please help me, I don't no wat to do anymore, please help me," Ichigo put his head on hers and allowed himself to cry just a little, a few minutes later he lifted his head up, and broke from her, "Rukia please, just do one thing for me," "Wat is it?" "Tell me that you tell me," "I love you Ichigo, I love you," "Then stay, I promise everything wil be alright, just stay," "Ok, it's ok, ok?" "Ok," they cryed a little more, before kissing, "Please promise me something Ichigo," "Anything" "Promise that you'll never let me go, and I'll never let you go," "I promise,"


She winced in pain, the treatment stung a little, "I'm sorry, I no it hurts," "It's ok," she assured the man treating her, "Did you no, that souls remember how they die? They weren't alive wen it happened, so they remember," "Really?" "Mm-hm," she raised her arm from his hands, "Soul Reapers can tell how other people died as well," "Really?! Can you tell how I died?!" "Mm-hm," "Can you tell me? And also, since I'm the Captin Commander and live in Soul Society now, can you tell me weather or not I'm dead?" "I don't really no, I don't think so, but I can't say for sure," "How many lives have I lived?" "Four, not including this one," "And how have I died?" "In your first life it was a heart attack, that's why you sometimes hold a mirror over my mouth wen I sleep," "You, uh, no about that?" "Yeah, but it dosen't bother me or anything, in your second life you died by exicution, you were wrongly accused," "Do I even have to say it?" "In your third life you drowned, and in the fourth," "Yeah?" "You died in battle," "I see, Rukia? Is it too touchy a subject to ask, how you died?" "No, it isn't touchy, I had four lives, not considering this one, if I'm even alive," "You are," "Thanks, in my first life I tripped and hit my head on a rock, in my second I was suffocated to death, by someone I trusted, in my third I died of Lukimia, and in my fourth," she trailed off, "Wat happened?" his eyes swam in concern, he lightly gripped her hand, "You no that I died as a babby, I died," he smiled in a way of saying, "Its ok" "because, I was born preature," she closed her eyes tightly, "I'm sorry," "It's ok," "That's why you're so small, right?" "I perfer 'petit' but yes," he pulled her hand and held her closely, vowing to himself to never let her go,

"Rukia! Be carefull! I'll take care of this one!" "Ichigo!" this was irritating! He had ben acting like this all week! It was really getting on her nerves! All week he had been p;rotecting her like there was no tommorrow! And from everything!He worried about her getting pappercuts! He had a protective nature, she excepted that, but this was rediculouse! "You ok?" he asked, falling from the sky, hollow dienigratng, "Yeah, considering that I didn't get to do anything!" "Something wrong?" "Ya' think?!" "Well, wat is it?" "All week you haven't let me do anything! You've been overprotecting me!" "I'm just trying to keep you safe!" "But there's a diffrence between protecting me and treating me like a child ho can't protect herself!" he said nothing, "You no wat? This all started a few days ago wen I told you about that dying thing, wen I told you about how I died," "Rukia," "That's it isn't it?! You think that because I was born premature I can't protect myself don't you?" "Rukia," "No! You no, I never should have trusted you, it was a big mistake!" "Rukia! I didn't-" "You no, you are the only person who no's about this, even my brother and Captin Ukitake don't no, and you have proved exactly wat I was afraid of, that by telling someone, I'm telling them that I'm weak, thanks, I'll never tell anyone again," she started to walk off, "Rukia! Stop!" "In your eyes, am I still the person I used to be? Sill the person that fights hollows everyday?"

"Rukia! Rukia! Please talk to me!" he banged on the closet door, "Go away!" "Rukia I'm sorry! I just wanted to protect you! I didn't mean to over do it! I'm just scared!" she slid open the door, "Why?" "Because Rukia, I've always been afraid of you fighting, even more so wen I saw you in Soul Society, up on that scaffold, and more than that wen you were scared that night and crawled in my bed, I remember pulling you close to me and thinking, 'She's so small, how can she be so strong, and so yet so tiny?' and I started thinking, and remembering how ffrail you are, how easily you bleed, how quickly you bruise, and I started woundering, if I was doing the right thing by letting you fight,and then, wen you told me that, it all came to light, Rukia, being born premature, and dying from it no less, is more than just being small, it's so much more than that, I mean, I lived next to someone that was born at seven months, and she had alot of problums, and I was just scared, you were already so fragil, and I, Rukia, I just don't wanna lose you," they were sitting on the floor now, "I'm not made of glass Ichigo, I'm not going to shatter before your eyes, and weather or not I fight is my desciosion, not yours, and I am small, and I do have trouble with taking a hit sometimes, but I still want to fight, and I am still a strong warrior that I was a few months ago, only I'm stronger now, Ichigo, I am not made of glass," "But your heart is, Rukia, your heart is as fragil as glass, even though most people can't get past the wall that surronds it, and it's already broken far too many times," "Ichigo, why do you even care?" he thought for a moment, "Because I love you, and I want to help peice yopur heart back together, even if you aren't made of glass," "Ichigo, I'm sorry," her voice was weak and she almost started crying, "I'm sorry, I nlo this is hard, I just want to be normal for ounce in my life! And you were the only one who gave me that unreachable normality, but suddenly it felt like that was slipping away, and I don't want to go back to the way it used to be!" "It's ok," he held her close, as she rocked back and forth in his arms, she eaned up and kissed his lips softly, "Ichigo, I love you too," he kissed her back, "Would it be too painfull to ask, how old? I mean, how many months?" she pressed her lips silently against his in a way of silencing him "Between six and seven," she wispered, he closed his eyes, "and the best part is, there wasn't any pain at all, all I remember is being in Soul Society and finding Renji," he kissed her lightly, she narrowed her eyes and kissed him quite passionatly, "I'm not made of glass, remember?" continuing the passionate kiss

Love, Pain, And Desiere

It hurt, her chest hurt, no, it wasn't her chest, it was her heart, "My heart is dying in an untimely manner," she wrote, continuing her sad song titled "Wind", she leaned back, her head nearly hit the back of the wall, she looked down at her unfinished fare well letter, she put her pencil back on the papper, her heart pounded faster and more painfully, as if telling her to stop, to not do this, to for ounce in her painfull life, let something happen, and not fight against it, a long sigh slipped from her lips, he woundered if he would try to come for her? Her life was in no danger, part of her wanted to leave that letter, and walk away slowly, just so he could come after her and yell at her for being stupid and running away, she wanted to see the concern in his eyes, she shook the thought from her head, she was being stupid and selfish, she wanted to finish the letter, but her hand just wouldn't move to write, she looked at her watch, 'I'll finish this later,' she thought, and stuffed the letter on the top shelf, she hated being a burden, hated needing to be protected, she tilted her head to the side, thinking about wat she should do, then she tilted her head forward, her eyes were filled with tears, waiting to escape, she shok her head, stepping out of the closet, "Hey," she heard, looking at the man infront of her, "I'm going to go for a walk," she said, jumping out the window, hoping to clear her head, Ichigo looked at the closet, "She forgot to shut the door again," he said to himself, he steped in for a moment to see how hard it was to shut the door from the inside so he could yell at her later, he shutit, the shelf rattled, he opened the door, "Hm? Wat's this?" he picked up a peice of papper with a bunny in the corner, he rolled his eyes as he read, "Ichigo, I can no longer be a burden to you, you deserve to have a normal life, not a ruined one, I'm sorry, don't come after me, I just," that's were the letter stopped, he ripped it to shreds, 'She's leaving?!' he thought, he wanted to stop her befre she did, 'But not now, because she didn't finish the letter,' he watched the shreds fall to the floor, and onto the stain, that stupid stain that would never come out, and it was all because of her! He remembered well how that stain got there, they were fighting as usual, over the dumbest thing he could have immanged, it had been a year now and Rukia still couldn't put a straw in a juice box, she wasn't that ditzy, she just had other things on her mind, and apparently Soul Reapers aren't used to poking with anything other than their swords, well, she was trying, he was going to do it, but then thought that she's never learn so he made her do it, BIG mistake, she accedentily ripped the box and juice went everywere, he remembered her licking the bac of her rist were some juice had gotten, "Sure is sticky," she mumbled between licks, "Idiot! Don't lick it!" "But it tastes good," he laughed to himself, he had always been so devistaed about his carpet that he never noticed her child like response, how could he let her go?

She sat there on the hill, staring at her cut arm, she looked at the one on her other arm and on her legs, she felt the dirt on her face and hands, she pulled her dress down as far as it would go, still not covering up the marks, 'Wat will I tell him? It's things like this that make me a burden, I was so deep in thought that I tripped and rolled down the hill, maybe if I clean off the dirt a little, h won't notice? No, he's not that stupid, right?' "Hey," she shot up, it was him, "Wat?! Wat happened?!" "Wat are you doing here?" "No! You answer first! And wat's with that stupid letter?!" she wouldn't answer, "Answer me!" she turned around, "I'm taking you home," 'Home' "Were?" "Home!" she sort f half smiled, so were ever he took her was home, she understood, "But first we're going to Orahime's, and on the way you're tallin' me wat happened!" after a few minutes of walking, he said, "Tell me Rukia," "Why shoud I?!" "Because you may be stubborn, but sooner or later I will find out, and because the more you don't tell me the more I wanna no," "Fine, I tripped and fell down the hill, happy?" "No, wat's with the letter?" "I was really depressed last night," "Maybe, tel me the hole truth," "That IS the hole truth!" "Nope!" They arrived at Orahime's door and read the sighn, "Out shopping for Soul Society clothes, will return wen suitable dress is found," Ichigo hung his head, "That could take all day, women shop like there's no tommorrow," "Well one day there won't be!" he glanced down at Rukia and dragged her back home

"Geez!" "Wat?" "You sure injure easy!" "Wat's that supposed to mean?!" "Well, if I had fallen down that hill I would've gotten one, maybe two, small cuts, but you! Man your cut all over! You bruise like a peach!" "Don't you mean strawberry, Strawberry?" "Oh shut up!" he walked out of the room, Rukia layed on her back, her bdy hurt, so did her heart, she tried to ignore the pain by thinking about a memory, she remembered wen they had gotten home, "First aid treatment? I don't need it!" she had said, "Yes you do! If you wait for Orahime things will get worse!" "I don't care, I'm ok," "Oh, alright then," Ichigo had presed on one of her injuries, she fell over and moaned in pain, "Are you still ok?" "Shut up," she laughed to herself, wat a fool she could be, why did she always want to push him away? Was she always that afraid? Why couldn't she just admit it? She shook her head, she new wat she was going to do, wat she had to do, she heard the door creak open, "Wat are you smilen' at?" he asked roughly, she only smiled more

Her lip trembled, she was scared, she was worried, and she was hurting, she had to do it, she had no choice, she took in a deep breath, and climbed into Ichigo's bed, he turned over, "Wat are you doing?" "Just shut up," "Hey, are you ok? I mean, is everything alright?" "I'm fine Ichigo," "Is that so? Then get outta my bed!" "No!" "Why not?!" "Because, well, uh, I'm having nghtmares?" "Oh, well, I'll let you stay in my bed, wen you come up with a more convincing answer!!" "Isn't it possible that I just want to be around you?" "Sure, if you have amnesia, or were hit by a car, or have a high fever!" "Look, not that you deserve to no or anything, but I just wanted to be next to you," "Ok, now I'm worried, did you hit your head or something?" "Just forget it," she got up and started walking towards the closet, but she felt a strong tug on her arm, "No, I mean, you just usually don't act like this, are you sure you're ok?" she got back in the bed, "I just wanted to stop being a burden, stop being a weight on your shoulders," "You aren't anything like that Rukia, you're the best person to enter my life since, since my brother died," "Ichigo, I-" He silenced her, pressing his lips against hers, Rukia didn't expect this, but least of all that he was such a light kisser, "Rukia, don't say anything else, ok? Theres only one thing, just tell me that you love me, and nothing more," "I love you, but-" "No," he pressed his finger against her lips, "Nothing more, I love you, and I only want to no that you love me as well," Rukia smiled against his finger, nodded lightly and kissed him again, before sleep entered their minds, all their pain was gone, all the love was here, and all their desiere was filled, THE END

One Little Candle

NOTE" IchiRuki from Rukia's POV

One little candle,
Lighting my way,
Untill you came along,
And took it away,
One little candle,
Gone from sight,
I was in complete darkness,
Untill you came with another light,
One little candle,
Don't no were it went,
But with the new light you gave me,
I don't car were it was sent,
One little candle,
No longer needed,m
Because the brighter light you brought was your love,
Wich is always heated,
Because of you,
There is no longer darkness,
So I no longer need,
That one little candle