Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!
And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),
- Created By AsagiTaichou
Being Selfish
He had no clue how this had happened, he barely remembered how it even started, he had said something to her, he didn't remember wat, and she had said, "Oh? Then maybe I should just go ahead and end it all hm?" she had even LAUGHED about it! Ichigo could honestly say that he had never been so mad at her in his life, "How can you say something like that?" he wispered, "Ichigo, don't you understand? I deserve to die, I shouldn't-" "Stop being so selfish!" he finally shouted, he just couldn't take anymore of this, he was just so mad, at Rukia? No, not really at her, just mad at the world, at every power that had ever put such thoughts in her head, she should never think such things, she should never doubt her right to life, her reason to live, her right to be happy, he wished that he could erase her life and let her sart over, let her start all over with her eyes being as blind as every other child's should be, not seeing all this blood and death and famine and war and everything else that had hurt her, erase every harsh word every person that ever hurt her, just erase it all, every little bit, she shouldn't have to live the way she had lived, not someone like her, and he would never tell anyone, but sometimes, wen she looks at him, he just aches, because her eyes could look so tired and so wise beyond their years, so tired and hurt and in danger, he hated it wen she looked at him that way, but now was not such a look, he watched the anger flare up in her eyes, and her teeth gritted slightly, "Selfish? SELFISH?! I-" she paused, in a moment of anger she had started to let her tounge slip, "Yes?" he smirked, her eyes trembled with fear, he hated seeing that, but he had to keep his cool, this was NOT an argument that he could loose, and he was about to win the moment she finished that sentence, "I, I have nothing else to say," she wispered, she had never had to look down in shame or secrecy before, but she wouldn't look at him now, if she did, she new that she would be locked under his gaze, "Yes you do, you're suicidal, you no that and so do I, and you were about to say it too," he had learned through his days as a Soul Reaper that sometimes, he had to act cold as stone, he had never used that trick untill now, and he hated it, "I have my reasons," she wispered, the anger in him just kept riseing, "You realize don't you, that I'm nothing, absolutely nothing, espically compared to you," he pushed the anger down, he had a new way of winning, his eyes seemed to smile with him, "If that were true, then I couldn't do this," he said, and that's wen the impossible happened, the barriers broke down and his lips met her's, only a slight struggle emitted from the small woman before she allowed him to kiss her, he was mad, but his kiss didn't show any such emotion, only passion and desiere and love, and it surprised her, but he was such a gentle, soft kisser, and after a short time they had to part for breath, "Can't," she wispered, looking guilty and sad, his hands engulfed her's, "Yes, we can," he promised, "No we can't!" She protested, slideing away from him and swinging her legs over the side of the bed, "Why? Why can't we be together?" he asked her, she didn't even glance his way, "Is it because of Soul Society? Do you think I care about wat they think?! If I have to I'll take you away, I'll kill 'em all, I'll do watever I have to as long as-" "Stop it!" She finally shouted, "It's not Soul Society! It's not you! It's not anything! It's me," she wispered, "I don't deserve you, I don't deserve happiness, or love, and espiically not you, I'm nothing but a selfish murderer, I've already done too much to you," with that he grabbed her rists, pinning her to the bed, "I-Ichigo?" she wispered, "Stop being so selfish," he wispered, before kissing her forcefully, this time his anger was visable in his kiss, he made his purpose clear as he abused her lips with his own, it was the sweetest torture,
Rukia loved this, even wen he was mad at her, his kisses were still so soft and gentle, and she could just sink into him, but she couldn't, she wanted him, she wanted him for so long now, been in love with him for so long now, but she couldn't, she just couldn't keep being selfish, she peeked her eyes open slightly, just enough to see down his t-shirt, looking at the dozens of scars that littered his chest, and that's wen she noticed it, the skin on his hands was so much rougher than his lips, wich incedently, tasted quite a bit like strawberry lip bomb, but she couldn't concentrate on that now, it was all her fault, the scars were her fault, the pain was her fault, the hate was her fault, it was all her fault, but she wanted to be with him so badly, the confussion,she could honestly say, was the most painfull thing she had ever experinced
Ichigo hadn't noticed untill she started hypervenalateing, but she was sobbing uncontrollably, he immediatly sprang up, she hadn't noticed, she was still crying and unaware of the world around her, and that's wen it hit him, it was something that he had done, he had hurt her, he had hurt her pretty badly too, "I'm sorry," he wispered, stareing in pain at the petite woman laying next to him, crying her eyes out, her chest heaving with every short, smuthered breath, "I'm so sorry!" He shouted, and that's wen she awoke from her state, she opened her eyes to see Ichigo looking guilty and unbareable, immediatly, her other emotions were pushed down by her riseing confusssion, her breath steadied and her tears stopped, "Ichigo? Why are YOU apoligizeing?" she asked, "I'm so sorry, I really didn't no I was hurting you, I didn't mean to I swear, I'm so, so sorry, I'll never hurt you like that ever again," he promised, but Rukia still didn't understand why he thought that this was HIS fault, "Hurt me? You didn't hurt me," she replied simply, "Then why were you crying like that?" she looked away, "It IS my fault," he wispered, "No it isn't!" She shouted, "Then why won't you tell me?! Wen you start crying in the middle of a kiss and then won't talk to me, wat am I supposed to think?!" he yelled, "It's all my fault," she wispered, "Those scars, they're my fault, all the pain, my fault," "But you-" "Shut up! Let me talk already!" he stopped, stareing at her intently, "I didn't even give you a choice wen I did that to you, I shouldn't have turned you into a Soul Reaper, those scars, no one should ever have that many, they shouldn't be that deep either, no human, no Soul Reaper, even Renji and my brother don't have that many scars, I'm just so sorry, I should've thought about how this would ruin your future, I mean, these scars will never disapear, wat are you going to tell your children wen they ask about them?!" "Rukia you don't GET IT!" He shouted, "I had every choice in the world to say no! Get it?! I didn't have to take your powers that night, I didn't have to go after you, I didn't have to get my powers back, I didn't have to save you," he grinned, gently pushing her down onto the bed, wrapping his arms under her tiny back, and wispering in her ear, "But I did, you no why?" she shook her head, unable to speak, "Because I wanted to, just like I want to be with you, just like I love you," she shoook her head, "I don't deserve this! I don't deserve to be loved! Or to be happy! Just because I love you dosen't mean that I deserve you!" Ichigo rolled his eyes, "You silly, silly girl, you just don't no wen to shut up, don't you get it yet? I don't want your opinion, I don't care that you think you deserve to die, but most importantly, I DO care about YOU, I want YOU, I love YOU, and my dear, as long as you love me, I'm not letting you go, so you can just forget about this self-hate crap, because it's just meaningless," he wispered, "Although, you DID give me an awfull lot of trouble, you should be punished for that," he wispered, gently nipping her ear, she shreiked quietly, Ichigo grinned, getting up, "You no, .. that's how they repremand dogs," it took a moment before Rukia realized that she had been insulted, and she immediatly yelled, "Wa- who are you to compare me to a dog?! I mean geez! YOU wear lipstick!" "It isn't lipstick Moron! It's chap stick! There's a huge diffrence!" "Sure, Miss Strawberry Lips," Ichigo laughed, admittedly that was pretty clever, he shook his head, laying beside her, "Go to sleep you idiot, it's getting late," she closed her eyes and felt Ichigo pull her next to him, "And by the way, to answer your question, wen my kids ask about these scars, I'll tell them that I got these, because I wanted to rescue their mommy, and that I don't regret anything," Rukia grinned, "Now who's being selfish?" she mocked, "No," he said simply, "That's still you,"
Coldness Of Winter
It had just started snoweing again, how ironic, snow was her elemant, something she had always loved, but now it had taken something preciouse from her, she wouldn't go so far as to say that the Espada had been too much for him, but he had been injured previously and now she wished that she had taken on the stronger of the two, she neeled down in the snow, she woundered then, if she would dispise the snow and ice the way she did the rain, she had once loved nothing more than to twirl and spin and laugh on a rainy day, but now everytime she saw the sky water she just wanted to scream! The rain had taken the only person to except her since she had become a Kuchiki, and now the snow was takeing the only person that she ever truley loved undyeingly, besides her brother and Renji ofcourse, oh how she hated herself for telling Orihime to stay home! She bit her lip, wat was she really but snow and ice? Would her element, the very thing that saved her from life in Rukongi, now make her blood boil with anger? She wanted nothing more but to stop the snow fall, she glanced at Sode No Shirayuki, such a kind sword, but right now she didn't care about anything except for him, she was filled with anger and greif and every raw emotion in between, and the feeeling of those things evolving inside her brought forth the most sickening feeling she had ever felt! It was unimaginable, the pain, the confussion, the simple sickness that flooded her, she wanted to end it all! But he had always cherished her life, why- then she thought of something, the great Romeo and Juliet, she hated tragic love stories, but such an exception as this one must mean something, before she could think she had grabbed Sode No Shirayuki and pulled her next to her, she didn't want to prolong this, after all the sword had always held the better part of her soul, she didn't want to wake the slumbering spirit, she then tugged his head onto her lap, but she stopped, her hand lingered on his face, he was so...cold, not once had he ever felt like this, he had always been so very warm, everything he touched was always warm, everytime he touched her....for a breif moment she remembered his soft touch, how it melted the ice right off of her, but noow he was as cold as the snow surronding her, how she hated the forces that took away the warmest person in her world! No one had ever felt like him and now he's gone! Not even his warmth remained, he was so sickeningly cold, she shook her head vigerously and lifted her blade to her throat, but before she could make that fatal cut, the strangest thing happened, she heard "Silent Night" blare over the speakers of the square, and her blade fell beside her, she broke, the once proud standing Kuchiki, always bent but never broken, had been reducved to a heap of tears laying in the snow, she had no choice but to cry, she would do it, she wouldn't live without him, but for this moment she would mourn, ironically she had never liked the word "mourn" and now she was postponeing her death for it, she wasn't exactly sure wen it happened, but at some point she had fallen asleep,
Warm, she was suddenly so warm, but then she remembered the night before and cracked her eyes open, glanceing around the room, she realized that she was in his room, and in HIS bed, her heart skipped more than one beat wen she realized that someone was tightening his grip on her tiny frame, "Finally awake are you?" he sounded terrible, hoarse and unnaturally quiet, "I-Ichigo?" then again she didn't sound any better, "Don't wear your voice out with stupid question Rukia," she shot straight up, but immediatly regretted takeing her body out of his hands, wen everyone told her that the outside world was cold they meant as litterally as they could, "H-how?! I thought you were dead!" she rasped, she regretted doing that too, Ichigo sat up slowly, "I went to Orihime's after I woke up and found you nearly frozen, I cecked your pulse and wen I was sure that your midget heart was still beating I took off, then we came home after Orihime and fell asleep, by the way, is that why you were crying? You thought I was dead?" "I-I wasn't crying you Idiot!" "Rukia, yes you were, it was so cold outside that your tears froze into icesicles," Rukia cringed, "Um, Ichigo, why are we both..." she trailed off, not noing how to put it, "Oh this? Simple, we were cold and I didn't want you to get hypothermia," "Wat's 'hipo-therma-riha'?" "Hypo-therm-ia! And it's wen you pretty much freeze to death, geez, we really need to sighn you up for a modern health class, who nos wat you'll get into this time of year,"Rukia grinned for the first time in 24 hours, she haad been so stupid the night before wen she- her thoughts stopped, "Sode No Shirayuki!" she sqweaked, "Is safe with the rest of your Soul Reaper powers," he noted, Rukia then realized that she was in her gigai, "I'm not even going to ask how you did that," "Good," a moment passed before he finally decided to take the fatal plunge and ask her, "Rukia? Why were you crying last night wen you thought I was dead? And why did you have Shirayuki next to you?" "I can't live without you Ichigo, it's that simple, so make your own conclusions," she wispered, "Expand that info a little more will ya'?" "I love you you Idiot!" "That's all I needed to hear," he smirked and before she could ask why his brain was suddenly missing, he had locked her in his arms and he was kissing her, they stayed like that for wat felt like too short of time, but then they saw that they had both turned blue, "By the way Midget, I love you too," Rukia smirked now, and curled up next to Ichigo, she was so happy that he was here as her sorce of warmth in this dead coldness of winter
Trust Thy Heart
*Beep beep! Beep beep!* Rukia flipped open her cell phone, well, the hollow looked weak enough, she decided not to bother wakeing Ichigo, after all why wake the sleeping dragon right? So she hopped out of the closet and headed to the window, popping a Soul Candy in her mouth and comanding Chappy to go to sleep before jumping out the window and heading towards the hollow,
Ichigo woke up slowly, there was a draft, he slid out of bed to shut the window and, wile he was up, decided to check on Rukia, he had a feeling that he needed to, so he creeked open the closet door, and to his surprise (and delieght) there lay Rukia, sleeping sweetly in her makeshift bed, something seemed wrong though, but he couldn't help but smile at the image, after all this was a rare sight, here was the tough and rough Rukia Kuchiki curled up in a ball, sleeping like an angel, he grinned, if he only had a camara... ohhh the black mail! Although his smile faded wen the Soul Reaper's bright amythist eyes fluttered open and an unusually large grin spread across her face, she leaped up, "Spying Stwabewwy Pyon!" the mod soul sqweaked, "Oh you're Chappy! Were's Rukia?!" "Went to fight hollow, Pyon!" Ichigo maneged to claw the little pyon-ing thing away from him long enough to leap out of the window, searching for this midget would be a real pain and you better bet she was getting a real good tounge-lashing as soon as they got home!
Blood trickled down Rukia's arm, the hollow had gotten in a lucky shot, her radar said there was only one hollow but there were actually TWO, and ofcourse she was looking at getting yelled at by Ichigo the very second she entered the room, perhaps she could delay the royal lecture if- "RUKIA!" she breathed an exasperated sigh, he had woken up, he had come after her, he had gotten VERY mad, how very lovely, she felt his hand slip over her shoulder (not the injured one though) and sqeezed it tightly, "Let's go," she could tell that he was saying it through clenched teeth, his tone was very angered, she started to wounder just HOW mad she had gotten him, but guessed that she would find out soon enough
"How STUPID can you be?!" Rukia sighed, watching Ichigo pace around the room, "Wat do I keep TELLING you abuot fighting alone you little twit?!!" She really wasn't paying much attention, "HELLO!? Are you going to answer me?!" "I didn't think you wanted an answer to a rhetorical question," "You weren't even listening!" "Oh? I suppose I missed something, wat did you ask?" she could see Ichigo becomeing more and more annoyed by the second, his eye was twitching and the big vein in the middle of his forehead was throbbing and bigger than she had ever seen it, Ichigo neeled down on the floor and rolled up Rukia's sleve, "I asked if you even HAVE a conciouse," he mumbeled, cleaning the blood from her arm (and not bothering to be gentle like he normally would) "Wat do you mean?" she asked, the question takeing her by surprise, "I mean, don't you no how torn up I get wen you make me worry like this?" "Ichigo," Rukia winced, "Am I wrapping it too tight?" "Y- yeah, a bit," "Good, you deserve it," Rukia glared at him, although, it wasn't that bad,
They sat there for a few moments, neither tired enough to go to sleep, "You're too overprotective," Rukia stated dully, Ichigo looked at her, surprise written on his face, "I can take care of myself you no," Ichigo glared at her, "Then wat do you call this?" he sqeezed her arm and she winced, "It's just a scratch," he sqeezed her again, she winced again, "Stop doing that! You're hurting me Moron!" "Then it isn't just a scratch now is it?!" She bit her lip, he was just being mean now! "Why are you acting so obnoxiouse all of a sudden?!" she spat, "Because you made me worry! You're SO inconsederate sometimes!" "Inconsederate?!" "Yeah! You never think about how YOUR actions affect ME!" "That's bull! I think the vein is speaking now!" "Really?! You didn't seem to think about how much it would hurt me the night you left and were taken! And the VEIN wasn't too happy about THAT either!" "That was a long time ago!" "And you STILL don't think about me! I bet you didn't ONCE think about how much it would hurt me wen you screamed at me to go away! All those days locked in that tower did you ever ONCE consider that?! And don't even TRY lieing because you're a terrible lier!" she was silent, "Did you ever think about how scared I was?!" "Ofcourse I did! Wat a stupid question!" "Scared for YOU Moron! Did you ever think about how terrified I was that I was going to run out of time and loose you?! Huh?! I'm waiting for your snarky answer Rukia! Don't tell me that you've finally run out of things to say!" He was geneinly angry now, not just angry because of her fighting on her own, or ignoring him, but he was angry because she obviously didn't comprehend her importance to him, "You complain that I didn't think about your feelings?" her tone was low and dark and just above a wisper, "You think that I really didn't no you'd be comeing after me?" her tone was riseing, "Or that I would jump into your arms like some fairy tale princess and beg you to save me?! Do you really think I would want you there?! I always say that Soul Society is a wounderfull place and for most it really is, but for others it's like a torture chamber! I should no! I've been on both sides of the line! Do you really think I didn't consider how badly I was hurting your feelings?! Wat about MY feelings?! I new you were comeing I just hoped against it! I couldn't die peacefully with your death hanging over me! One was enough! Two was unbearable! You talk about ME being inconsideret, YOU'RE the one who's being inconsiderete! Did YOU ever think about MY feelings?! You said that you were worried that I was going to die! Well if that DID happen didn't you ever think about my inability to rest in peace with your death hanging over me?! Don't you ever THINK?! You're such a JERK! Don't you understand how crossed I was?!" she paused, tears begining to cloud her eyes, "You just don't understand, I wanted more than anything to be with you and no that everything was ok, but I new that I couldn't do that, I just, I just wanted your safety that's all, and I only wanted to be away from you so that you would be ok, don't you get it?" "Then why do you keep doing this to me? If you realize how much it hurts to see you in danger then why don't you let me protect you?" "For the exact same reason, I want to protect you too, and I want to be equal to you, Idiot, you can't possibly understand,"
There was a long pause, "Ichigo, I want you to be safe, I want you to have a better life, and so, I guess wat I'm trying to say is that, I'm causeing too much trouble, I need to leave," but before she could say anything else Ichigo's lips were crushing her's, at first it felt like he was pressing too hard, that he just wanted to shut her up, but after only a second, he seemed to lighten his hold, makeing the kiss less demanding and more pleading, it became very soft and he eventually pulled away from the stunned girl, leaving her laying across his bed, "Why.... did you do that?" "How else could I shut you up? Wat was I gonna do? Slap you or something?" "...You could've," "I wouldn't," "Ichigo listen to me, I don't-" wat was she going to say? 'I didn't enjoy that'? Lie, 'I don't want to have that relationship with you'? Bigger lie, 'Don't kiss me'? Yeah right, 'I don't love you'? That one would make a lie detector go berserk, "You don't wat?" "...I don't no," she sqweaked, "Rukia listen to me, I love-" "Stop, don't say it, please, don't say that, my heart can't take it," "Rukia, I love you," and that was that, the final string snapped, she couldn't take it anymore, and she started crying, "I told you not to say it," "I wish you felt the same way, Rukia," "I DO you fool!" "Then wat's the problum!?" "I don't.... deserve you, I shouldn't-" but she was cut off again, he was holding her hands tightly in his, her lips being pressed shut by his, her eyes lingered on his orange hair for a moment, and they finally slid shut, "Listen to me Rukia, if you are good enough to make my heart go all jumpy, and to fall in love with, then don't you think that's good enough?" "...I don't no," "Well guess wat? I DO no, and I say it is MORE than good enough," "...ok," "Well, it's good that you finally understand," "Ichigo?" "Yeah?" "By the way, I love you too,"
The Rain Has Finally Stopped
'My chest hurts, it hurts so much, no, it isn't my chest, it's my heart, it hurts, I new wen I started feeling like this that making it go away would hurt more than keeping it, but I thought that it would go away on it's owne, and I had no ideah that it would be this painfull, that's why I have to leave now, I can't stay any longer because it'll just hurt even more, so I have to leave now, I can't tell him, it'll only hurt him more, but I wounder, will it hurt him more if I tell him I love him, then it will if I lied and said that I hated him? I don't no, but, if I lie, then the pain will eventually stop and I'll go numb, but if I tell him I love him, and he rejects me, then I'll always be in pain, and the same goes for him, so this is better, it'll be so much easyer on him if I leave now, the only reason that he's putting up with me now is because he promised that he would always protect me, but he only did that because he felt responsibe some how, so this'll be easier right?' Rukia thought, sliding open the closet door and getting out quietly, she opened the window, then felt something tightly grip her arm, 'I didn't even realize that he was behind me!' she thought turning around, "Ichigo," "Were do you think you're going?!" "I- I'm leaving Ichigo!" "Why?!" "Because I, I can't stay! I can't keep doing this! It hurts too much!" "Wat are you talking about?!" she took in a deep breath, and pulled his hand off of her arm, then, with all the strenth she had, she looked up and yelled, "Ichigo! I hate you!" and jumped out the window, she didn't want to see his face, she didn't want to see the hurt painted all over his face and stained in his eyes, her legs were trembeling and she could only run a few blocks before they gave out, she crawled into an alley and pulled her nees to her chest, her body was shaking, she was actually trembeling, normally she would've been mad at how weak she was being, but right now she hurt just too much, it all hurt now, not just her heart anymore, it was her hole body that ached and she suddenly craved the comfort of his arms around her, she new it was the only thing to stop her trembeling, she hid her head and cryed, yes, Rukia Kuchiki was crying, but she didn't care, right now, it all hurt too much to care, and it hurt more than any sword or any hollow could inflict, the pain was so much worse, her shoulders shook as she went into slow hystariea,
Ichigo felt himself trembeling, she hated him? It was true? It was his worest nightmare, only this time, she really hated him? But if she hated him, why did he see such hurt in her eyes? There was something wrong with this picture, she looked hurt wen she said it, did he do something wrong? Wat had he done? He wished he new, he watched the rain as it began to fall, and then he made up his mind, he was going after her, even if she did hate him, he had to no if it was something he did wrong, he had to no, so he left to go get her,
She was still shaking, but this time it was because she was cold, she ran out of tears, she couldn't speak, she couldn't move, she just layed in the alley in a curled up ball, waiting, waiting for something, but she didn't no wat, she was too tired to keep crying, she suddenly felt someone standing over her, but she didn't bother to look up, she wasn't that weak that she had to, "Hey Midget," he spoke, she wanted to run, wanted to avoid him, but she was too tired, and right now, she just craved his touch, and that craving overwelmed her, "You alive?" he asked, "Yeah," she wispered, her voice quiter and much weaker than she had intended it to be, she felt him pick her up and start walking, she leaned her head against his chest and listened to the soft, steady beating of his heart, felt his warm breath on her neck, and his soft hands under her body, she breathed in his nice scent, he smelled like strawberries and some kind of spice that she couldn't put her finger on, but it was a very nice blend, "That was a really stupid thing you did Rukia," he stated, she loved his voice, it was soft and it was like a smoothe stream, even wen he was angry or upset, his voice still carried a sweet, soft, gentleness to it, and she loved it, she glanced up at his strawberry hair, she grinned a little bit, she traced her finger (wich was already pressed against his torso) and traced the muscels of his body through his wet shirt, she looked up at him, and there was worry on his face,
"Well, talk to me Rukia," she glanced up from her cup of hot choclate, she was in her jammies with a towel over her head, and she was sitting at the foot of his bed, she wasn't going anywere tonight, he made that obviouse, he was sitting opposite her in a simaler state, "I'm so sorry," she had regained her voice, "I don't hate you, I didn't think it would hurt you that much if I told you I did, I'm sorry," she didn't look at him, "Why would you think it wouldn't hurt me that much?! It's the worest pain I've ever felt! A million times worse than your brother's sword!" "I'm sorry," "Rukia, why do you want to leave?" "Do you really think I want to?!" "Wa- no, are they making you?!" "No, but, if I stay here, it'll just hurt more," "I don't get it, aren't you happy here? Did I do something wrong?" "No! But, Ichigo, I'll hurt you if I tell you why," "You can't hurt me anymore than you already have," "Ok, I'm in love with you, happy?" "Very," "Wat?!" "Rukia, you idiot, I love you too, so why do you want to leave?" "Because, being in love with you, I was so scared you'd reject me," "Rukia," he smiled, pulling on her hand (their cups were on the night stand) and laying her ontop of him, he kissed her lips gently, "Why would you think something so stupid?" "Because, why would you love someone like me wen you could love someone like Orahime? She likes you alot," "Because, there's a dier diffrence between you and her and every other girl, no wat it is?" "Um, you call me Midget?" "That too, but Rukia, you see, the diffrence is, wen I scowel, Orahime is upset, scared sometimes, but you think it's funny and laugh at me, I don't have to put on an act to make you happy, I can say anything and everything and you'll respond accordingly, responses come naturally to you, I'm me and you're you, it's that simple," Rukia smiled, and gripped his shirt tighter, "Look at that, the rain has finally stopped," he said,
Don't Cry
The rain was soaking her clothes, but she stayed there anyway, her hands gripped and ungripped the fence she was leaning against, it was a repeat, it was the same, there were few diffrences, but those diffrences, were everything, there were no sounds except for the gentle rain fall, no metal scraping against leather, no rapid footsteps, no screaming, no breaking bones or spilling blood, no evil laughing, no voices, there was nothing there, just her and the rain, but she could still see his face, how utterly hurt it had been, how shocked and betrayed and-, that's why she did it, maybe if he was that hurt he would hate her? Maybe if he hated her, he wouldn't try to save her? And he would be ok? Maybe, not likely though, that wasn't the kind of man he was, she heard it, sloshing of water, soaking of shoes, stepping and splashing of puddles, "I figured you would be here, can't we do this tommorrow? It's raining, you'll catch a cold," he said, she didn't even look up, keeping her eyes locked on the indent in the ground, "You figured right, no, we can't do this tommorrow, don't state the obviouse, and no I won't," "Talk about in seqence," "Well, did you expect diffrent?" "No, I didn't," "Do you to try to come earlier?" "No, it would've been weird like that," "As if this wasn't aready weird?" he laughed slightly, "Yeah, I guess you're right, this is weird," "Are you worried like you were the first time? Are you scared?" "I wasn't- no, I no you're safe," "Were you scared of dieing then?" "No, I was scared of you dieing, and yourself?" "Cheater, you took my answer," "Rukia, you should've been more worried about yourself," "That's wat you said the first time you tried to rescue me, and the second, and the third, and how could I worry about me wen you were laying there bleeding in front of me? Your blood is actually stained on this pavement, Ichigo, did you no that?" "Yeah well, that was the first time, wen I was weak and bleeding, how do you explain the other two?" "You were all cut up, I could see the blood, even though the bandeges covered it pretty well, how much blood do you even have? You certainly lost more than I ever thought possible and yet you STILL have some to spare, you should really consider donating blood, you'd make a foutune," "Is that so? Well to answer your question, Ms. Rat, I have no clue, it might be because of my spiritual pressure though, and really, I could never donate blood no matter how much I have," "Why not?" "I'm, uh, scared of needles," Rukia giggled, "That's so stupid! Needles scare you but going through a city of professinal warriors with yourself, a young woman, a young man, and a cat, ok?! You're just stupid!" "Well that's diffrent!" "Oh it's very diffrent!" Rukia still didn't look up, "Do you think this is really that weird? Visiting our owne graves and all," "Rukia! This isn't- we aren't- I wish you would shut up with that, we aren't visiting our owne graves," "Then wat do you call it?" "This isn't a gravesite, we aren't even dead, and don't get techinical," "But, part of us died here, right?" "Did it?" "Yes, a part of you, a part of me, and a part of US," "Don't we have it back though?" "Ichigo, wat's dead can never come back to life, you should no that as well as I do," "Then, do you atleast mind reminding me wat it is that we lost?" "Ichigo, there was a time full of simplicity, don't you remember it? A time that you were a Substitute Soul Reaper, it was temporary, it was safe, and I was eventually going back to Soul Society, it was all simple, it was all temporary, I guess that's why it was so much easier then, easier to look weak, easier to not care, easier to talk but say nothing, it was all so easy, and it could've been SO easy to,- never mind, we lost that easyness, that part of the relationship, it can't come back now," she lifted her hand to the air, starring to the sky, she clenched her hand in a fist like she was trying to grab something, but couldn't, "And you lost the possibility of having things normal again, and I lost that heartlessness that I had tried to devolp, it broke as soon I met you, but I had had hope of regaining it, but I couldn't, I broke the cardinal rule of being heartless, I cried for you," she looked over at him, "I still feel it, that aura is still here, that drop, that... suffocating feeling, it's still here," "Yeah, I no, I still feel it too, it feels awfull dosen't it? Let's go, no need to stay here and feel depressed and catch a cold," "Just a little longer," "Why?" "I don't no, I just feel like it I guess," "Ya' no, we should be happy," "Happy?" "Yeah, this day celebrates one year of being alive since the real begining," "That certainly is a way to be positive about it, wat happened to your negative outlook on everything?" "Tch, who nos," "...Yeah, that's true," "Rukia?" "Hm?" "Come here," she looked up a bit surprised, "I'm standing right next to you Dumbmy," "Rukia," but before she could say anything else, he had her rist in his hand, he was pulling her into him, holding her close, holding her tight, unwilling to let her go, unwilling to let anyone have her, just, so unwilling, "Ichigo, why-" "Rukia? Can we go home now?" "Is that all you wanted out of this?" "No," "Well, fine, we'll go home,"
"Ichigo, do you still hate the rain?" Rukia asked toweling off, "Yeah, kinda, why?" "No reason, but, do you, still hate me?" "Wat?! I don't hate you and I never did!" "Come on Ichigo, you have NEVER hated me? Not even ounce? For one second? Never?" "Never! Why on earth would you think that?!" "Because if you have any sense you would hate me," "Yeah, and if you had any brain you'd stop going suicidal," "I am not!" "Listen Rukia, there's no reason for me to hate you, only for me to-," "Wat? For you to wat?!" "To love you," Rukia sat down on the bed infront of Ichigo, and she, was she crying? Was the great Rukia Kuchiki actually crying?! "Hey, don't do that! I mean, um-" Ichigo protested, "And all this time I thought you hated me!" she sqeaked, rubbing her eyes, Ichigo twisted his arms around her waist and pulled her down, "And all that time you were being stupid, Rukia, why would I save you, if I hated you?" "Temporrary insanity?" "No," he leaned his head down to her face and wispered, "This," and kissed her sweetly on the lips, her hands reached up and started to play in his hair, his hands had to support his weight so that he didn't fall and crush her, wen they finally both ran out of breath and had to come up for air, Rukia smiled and said, "By the way Ichigo, I love you too," "Ok, but, just don't cry anymore,"