To Let Go

NOTE: For Nanao44, my freind

"Hey Rukia!" Ichigo nocked on the door, "Hey Rukia! Get up it's noon! Hey Rukia!" 'She deaf?!' finally Ichigo opened the closet door, to reveal that Rukia was not inside, 'Were could she have gone?' he thought, he called Renji, "Hello?" Renji said on the other end of the phone, "Hey Renji, is Rukia in Soul Society with you?" "No, isn't she with you?" "No," "You lost her?!!" "No Idiot! I just don't no were she is exactly," "You moron," "Hey! It isn't my fault that she just up and left wile I was asleep! Wat'd'ya' want me to do?! I mean, she is an adult, if she left there has to be a reason," "Well, you check that world, I'll see if anyone here has seen her," "Alright, I'll call you if I find her," "Same here," "Bye," "Bye," and Ichigo left on a search for the raven haired girl that had left from his closet, little did he no wat would unravel that day, and how one little misunderstanding would change his life forever,

Ichigo and Renji had been looking for Rukia for an hour now, neither one had told anyone that they had "lost her" they didn't want to make a big deal out of it, Ichigo searched in the woods between his house and Urahara's shop, and he found her, but not in theway he expected, Rukia was lying in the snow, in Soul Reaper form, with her sword drawn and clutched in her hand, "Rukia!" he yelled, she didn't move, her body was ice cold, how long she had been there was unnowen, and as he got closer, he realized that the snow around her was red with blood, he lifted her up, the warm flow of blood that he could usually feel, was no longer there, the heat of her skin, the warmth of her eyes, it had disapeared, and the moment that he saw her, the question that first popped into his mind, 'Is she dead?'

Rukia awoke slowly, but waited a moment before she opened her eyes, 'Warm, soft, a bed? My hand feels warm too, is someone holding it?' Rukia opened her eyes and looked over at Ichigo, who was clutching her hand and was slumped over the bed, sitting in his desk chair, and he was asleep, an adoring grin crossed her face, and entered her eyes, 'Ichigo, ounce more you came to my rescue, ounce again you saved me from death, and yet again, I put your heart in termoil, because I couldn't stand up on my owne, Ichigo, I'm sorry, but I'm too dependent on you, I can't fight alone like I used to, I'm sorry, but I can't depend on you anymore,' the girl thought, sitting up, "Ichigo," she wispered, and hoped that he would stay asleep, "I'm sorry, but if I keep depending on you, 'll lose my strenth, I'm sorry Ichigo, but,... Goodbye," Rukia resolved with her final word, she slowly got off the bed, put her sword back in place, and then there was only one thing left to do, she took Ichigo's hand, and slowly slid it off her owne, a ingal tear falling from her eyes and hitting his hand, Rukia opened the door, and shut it quitely behind her,

Rukia walked down the street, wen she looked up she saw a disapointing, and angry, sight, "Ichhigo," "Were do you think you're going?" "Ichigo! I have to leave! I can't stay here anymore!" "Wat are you talking about?" "I've become too dependent on you! I can't do anything alone anymore!" "That isn't true," "Yes it is! Why do you think I went off to take care of that hollow by myself?! Because I wanted to prove to myself that I could!" "I still don't understand! You took care of it on your owne!" "Yes, but then I got wounded and fell uncounciouse in the snow! And who did I wake up with?! You!" "Do you not like me?!" "It's just that I can't do anything without you doing something to help me! And I can't do anything without you anymore!" "I could say the same about you!" "Oh yeah?! How do you figure?!" "Because the only way I could've won all those battles in Soul Society is because everytime I thought about giving up, weather it was giving up on winning or on living, or anything! It's because everytime I thought about quiteing, you came into my mind! Your face your voice, everything! Entered my mind! And so did the thought of loing you, wich made my resolve that much stronger! And you always heal my wounds, so, we're the same!" "That isn't all the time!" "Yes it is! Everytime I fight I think about protecting you! So if you're dependent on me then I'm dependent on you!" Rukia was silent for a moment, "Ichigo let me go, just, learn to let me go!" "No I won't!" "Let go! Understand that we must let go of eachother!" "Why?!" "Because, because, because we just do, it isn't right," "Why? Wat's wrong with it?!" "I, I just have to let you go, and it'll be much harder if you don't let me go," "Let me go, the same way you let Renji go?" Rukia was silent, "Don't you understand? The only diffrence between me and Renji, is that wen you were taken away from him the first time, he let it happen, and he waited a long time that he shouldn't have let you go, but I new it the first time, and don't you understand," Ichigo had been walking towards her, he put his hands on her shoulders, "that if you left, I would just go back and claim you again, bring you back again?" "Ichigo," her head was tilted down, she grasped his hands and lifted them off of her, "I am not your's to claim, and, I would not come back, because, I cannot stop loving you, but atleast I can try, so please, let me go," "Rukia," he embraced her, "Don't you understand, that the first time I had no intention of letting you stay in Soul Society, I had no intention of doing anything but bring you back, and if I hadn't met so many people that cared about you, wen said that you wanted to stay, I would've said no, I would've ignored you and brought you back, the same way I ignored you wen you wanted to die, and don't you get it? That it broke my heart wen you said that? And that everytime you leave, it still breaks me heart? And that, no matter how hard I try, I can never let you go?" "Ichigo, I do understand, and I don't want to hurt you," "Then stay here, and let yourself depend on me a little, just a little, you no how stubborn I am, but I depend on you, not alot, just enough, and I love you, you see? We're the same," "I don't want to hurt you, and that's we have to let go, because if we become too dependent then we'll both die," Rukia was crying, even Ichigo was starting to give in to his overwelming emotions, "Ichigo, me me go, and if you don''t," she jumped back, put ne hand on her sword and one on her sheath, "then I'll make you," they were both in Soul Reaper form, but Ichigo did not grip his sword, instead he only walked foward, "Let me go Ichigo! Please, let me go," he shook his head, "Rukia, can you honestly draw your sword against me?" her hand shook, the metal blade inside shaking as well, "Can you? Can you hnestly draw your sword against me? Because if you can, then I'll let you go, even if I don't want to, I will," Rukia's hand still shok as he got closer, he put his hands on her shoulders again, her hands left her sword and it's sheath, "No, no I can't, I can't do it, I can't Ichigo, I can't" her tears flowed more now, Ichigo embraced her tighter, and she cryed in his shoulder, "Ichigo, I can't let you go, but I have to, please help me, I don't no wat to do anymore, please help me," Ichigo put his head on hers and allowed himself to cry just a little, a few minutes later he lifted his head up, and broke from her, "Rukia please, just do one thing for me," "Wat is it?" "Tell me that you tell me," "I love you Ichigo, I love you," "Then stay, I promise everything wil be alright, just stay," "Ok, it's ok, ok?" "Ok," they cryed a little more, before kissing, "Please promise me something Ichigo," "Anything" "Promise that you'll never let me go, and I'll never let you go," "I promise,"
