in our first year at high school, when we got lockers, one of my friends found a rotten sandwich in their locker which had been left in there for three months by the person who had the locker before :O it was disgusting because he then had to take it out himself XD His face was hilarious, he looked horrified :D
It was like 1 1/2 hours-2 hrs. I found one of those peanut bags in my locker while I was cleaning it out the last week. I don't even know how it got there.
a little bag of peanuts? how long was the flight? if I was given only a bag of peanuts I probably would've thrown a tantrum, but only if it was a long flight ;)
Yeah. It's just little snacks you can find in stores that I normally eat. At least they give you more than that little bag of peanuts. I've only been on southwest.
LOL I don't know, I just can never fall asleep on a plane, or in a car etc.
hehe I was never a fan of plane food, it just tastes weird... but I guess it depends on the plane you take >.> do you like it?
Really? For some reason I was really tired on my last flight (it was in the morning) and I fell asleep. my sis fell asleep before me. I was listening to Japanese melodies by YoYo Ma. lol and I missed my drink! But the lady came by later and asked me what I wanted. My sister missed the snack and the drink.
I know what you mean :o I always have a really serious and nervous look on my face when walking through them... I'm always thinking 'what if it goes off, what if there's something wrong... everyone will look' ;) LOL But it always goes fine ^^
I know. I get nervous. When we went to the capitol building, we had to throw some stuff away and that made me upset, so I'm walking through the scanner and the security guard is like, cheer up, it's gonna be alright. lol. Then one time at the airport I forgot to throw away my water so the guards are like what's that in the bag. I was getting nervous. Then they're like, throw away your water. And I'm like, whoops, I forgot.
The bank had a money exhibit and she was handing them to us as we walked out the door. The scanners were like at the airport. The ones for the US mint (like where they make money) had these circular scanners. You put your stuff through a scanner and push a green button and step in this circular tube and it closes while it scans you, it's glass. Then it opens up on the other side. so fun!
Oh wow. hehe. That's like the stack of pictures from our cruise last year. Yeah it was real. It was outdated money. You know how they keep changing them?
Lol I take a lot of pictures when I go on holiday as well, I make sure I don't miss anything :) Last year when I went on holiday we came back with about 700 photos :D lol took a lot of money to develop though! my mum wasn't happy >.> lol
shredded money? was it real shredded money? ;)
No it doesn't hurt. But my mom keeps teasing me about how I get darker everyday. hehe. We took a lot of pictures. But my dad had gotten us souvenirs before from new york so I didn't get anything and we went to the Federal Bank and they gave us a bag of shredded money.
wow that sounds like a holiday you cannot forget! lol sounds like you were pretty busy and had a lot of fun! I hope you brought back some souvenirs from the museums ;)
lol does the sunburn hurt?
We were staying with my uncle in Maryland, then we drove to Washington D.C. from his house because it was close and went to museums and stuff, then we stayed home the next, and then after we drove to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and stayed the night and visited some museums. And then the next day, we caught the bus to New York and took a tour on a double decker bus which was nice, we sat on top, and it took you around to all the sites. Then we took the bus back to Philadelphia and drove another two hours back to Maryland. I fell asleep on the ride back because our flight got cancelled the first time cuz of weather. It was fun, tiring. I got sunburned on my face so it's really dry.
Ma cherie~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/04/11 | Reply
AWWWWWWWW you did it :D lol thanks!
so what do you think? it's such a cute song, do you understand what their saying? I think one with eng subs would have helped those who don't speak the language but this is great too! :P
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/24/11 | Reply
Now that's nasty. I woulda cried. hehe
Ma cherie~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/24/11 | Reply
in our first year at high school, when we got lockers, one of my friends found a rotten sandwich in their locker which had been left in there for three months by the person who had the locker before :O it was disgusting because he then had to take it out himself XD His face was hilarious, he looked horrified :D
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/24/11 | Reply
I know. I threw it away. I could've had bugs living in there and I wouldn't have noticed. lol. my friend found a potato chip in hers.
Ma cherie~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/24/11 | Reply
really? LOL how random, maybe you had kept it for a souvenir xD
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/23/11 | Reply
It was like 1 1/2 hours-2 hrs. I found one of those peanut bags in my locker while I was cleaning it out the last week. I don't even know how it got there.
Ma cherie~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/23/11 | Reply
a little bag of peanuts? how long was the flight? if I was given only a bag of peanuts I probably would've thrown a tantrum, but only if it was a long flight ;)
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/23/11 | Reply
Yeah. It's just little snacks you can find in stores that I normally eat. At least they give you more than that little bag of peanuts. I've only been on southwest.
Ma cherie~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/23/11 | Reply
LOL I don't know, I just can never fall asleep on a plane, or in a car etc.
hehe I was never a fan of plane food, it just tastes weird... but I guess it depends on the plane you take >.> do you like it?
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/23/11 | Reply
Really? For some reason I was really tired on my last flight (it was in the morning) and I fell asleep. my sis fell asleep before me. I was listening to Japanese melodies by YoYo Ma. lol and I missed my drink! But the lady came by later and asked me what I wanted. My sister missed the snack and the drink.
Ma cherie~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/23/11 | Reply
LOL XD same here! I hate long journey's though... I can never fall asleep on an plane no matter how long the flight is :/
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/11 | Reply
lol. Yeah! I can't see my face but I probably look suspicious half the time.
Ma cherie~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/11 | Reply
LOL *high fives* now I know I'm not the only one xD but it's all okay in the end so I'm happy ;)
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/18/11 | Reply
Yeah, me too! I know I don't have anything but what if someone slipped something in my bag. I'm so paranoid sometimes. . .Okay all the time.
Ma cherie~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/18/11 | Reply
I know what you mean :o I always have a really serious and nervous look on my face when walking through them... I'm always thinking 'what if it goes off, what if there's something wrong... everyone will look' ;) LOL But it always goes fine ^^
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/16/11 | Reply
I know. I get nervous. When we went to the capitol building, we had to throw some stuff away and that made me upset, so I'm walking through the scanner and the security guard is like, cheer up, it's gonna be alright. lol. Then one time at the airport I forgot to throw away my water so the guards are like what's that in the bag. I was getting nervous. Then they're like, throw away your water. And I'm like, whoops, I forgot.
Ma cherie~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/16/11 | Reply
oh right, personally I don't like scanners :/ they kind freak me out

Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/13/11 | Reply
The bank had a money exhibit and she was handing them to us as we walked out the door. The scanners were like at the airport. The ones for the US mint (like where they make money) had these circular scanners. You put your stuff through a scanner and push a green button and step in this circular tube and it closes while it scans you, it's glass. Then it opens up on the other side. so fun!
Ma cherie~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/13/11 | Reply
yeah I know :) That's still kinda cool ;)
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/12/11 | Reply
Oh wow. hehe. That's like the stack of pictures from our cruise last year. Yeah it was real. It was outdated money. You know how they keep changing them?
Ma cherie~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/12/11 | Reply
Lol I take a lot of pictures when I go on holiday as well, I make sure I don't miss anything :) Last year when I went on holiday we came back with about 700 photos :D lol took a lot of money to develop though! my mum wasn't happy >.> lol
shredded money? was it real shredded money? ;)
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/11/11 | Reply
No it doesn't hurt. But my mom keeps teasing me about how I get darker everyday. hehe. We took a lot of pictures. But my dad had gotten us souvenirs before from new york so I didn't get anything and we went to the Federal Bank and they gave us a bag of shredded money.
Ma cherie~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/11/11 | Reply
wow that sounds like a holiday you cannot forget! lol sounds like you were pretty busy and had a lot of fun! I hope you brought back some souvenirs from the museums ;)
lol does the sunburn hurt?
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/11/11 | Reply
We were staying with my uncle in Maryland, then we drove to Washington D.C. from his house because it was close and went to museums and stuff, then we stayed home the next, and then after we drove to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and stayed the night and visited some museums. And then the next day, we caught the bus to New York and took a tour on a double decker bus which was nice, we sat on top, and it took you around to all the sites. Then we took the bus back to Philadelphia and drove another two hours back to Maryland. I fell asleep on the ride back because our flight got cancelled the first time cuz of weather. It was fun, tiring. I got sunburned on my face so it's really dry.
Ma cherie~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/11/11 | Reply
A vacation? Nice! where did you go? did you have fun?
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/10/11 | Reply
It's fine lol. I just came back from my vacation.
Ma cherie~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/10/11 | Reply
oh right, but when you do I'm sure you'll like them :)
yeah I think that's a great idea :) oh and sorry for lage reply, I've been busy and stuff ^^;
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/04/11 | Reply
I like it! I didn't know what they were saying though. I'll have to look up the lyrics. I could post them under the video later.
Ma cherie~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/04/11 | Reply
AWWWWWWWW you did it :D lol thanks!
so what do you think? it's such a cute song, do you understand what their saying? I think one with eng subs would have helped those who don't speak the language but this is great too! :P