hey, Asagi-Taichou-san, i was hoping to get another view on something bleach related that i have been speaking to a few other otakus about.
Kenpachi and his zanpacto.... is his sword already in shikai? i mean, i thought u had to know the name of the sword in order to have it in shikai, and i know that in the manga and the anime he tried to ask it its name, but he cant hear the voice of his sword. mind helping me out here?
Senior Otaku | Posted 11/25/08 | Reply
Yeah, but I think it fits, there's a little girl in Skip Beat! named Mariea and I thought it was cute
Spectre Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
hey, Asagi-Taichou-san, i was hoping to get another view on something bleach related that i have been speaking to a few other otakus about.
Kenpachi and his zanpacto.... is his sword already in shikai? i mean, i thought u had to know the name of the sword in order to have it in shikai, and i know that in the manga and the anime he tried to ask it its name, but he cant hear the voice of his sword. mind helping me out here?