Ok!So "Ask Asagi!" wasn't doing too well, (I'll still do birthdays here! Don't worry) But I'm going to turn this into a more seriouse, yet fun world, I've created anime-campaighns on major issues and want your opinion! Speak out! And a quick note only the text on these campaighns are mine, the images are not, images and videos on ALL my worlds are property of the artistso let me here your voice! I'll explain things, with or without illistration

Strangest Ideah Contest

Alright, who can come up with the strangest ideah for an IchiRuki? I get inspired by alot of weird things, so here's the challenge, come up with a very uniqe ideah, the winner will have the most uniqe, weather I can actually do it or not, the rules, the dead line for entry is July 20th, MUST be IchiRuki, please be pacific, as in, don't say, "lollipop", say "Rukia getting a lollipop stuck in her hair and Ichigo having to get it out," also, no plagerisum, and you can submit more than one entry, the prizes, 1. If possible I will write your ideah, if you have stumped me, I will do a request for you, 2. I'll give you a request, 3. I mention your ideah on a card
