Strangest Ideah Contest

Alright, who can come up with the strangest ideah for an IchiRuki? I get inspired by alot of weird things, so here's the challenge, come up with a very uniqe ideah, the winner will have the most uniqe, weather I can actually do it or not, the rules, the dead line for entry is July 20th, MUST be IchiRuki, please be pacific, as in, don't say, "lollipop", say "Rukia getting a lollipop stuck in her hair and Ichigo having to get it out," also, no plagerisum, and you can submit more than one entry, the prizes, 1. If possible I will write your ideah, if you have stumped me, I will do a request for you, 2. I'll give you a request, 3. I mention your ideah on a card
