lol! don't feel bad, i do the same thing. my oc character Jett was inspired by a background character i saw in a pokemon episode! i remember it was a mr.mime episode in the circus.
and Deacon's dad is inspired by a character i saw in a magazine, i think his name was "Dextera" from kiddy grade. If i find the pic I'll show it to you!
but think of it as being inspired instead of cheating, *grin* like "that looks so good, I want my character to look like that!"
did i mention it was craply drawn though she liked (i belive cause the story was good) but thanks. oyeah and the guy (de'mon) was inspired by a character from ragnorok. i sorta cheated
whoa. it slightly reminds me of inuyasha, just a little. i kinda think the guys i draw look the same somehow. i gotta vary it up!
ah, but thanks d.s! you drew a comic in 7th grade, i think all i did was doodle. you should try and create a series, maybe start out with short strips, get a little dialogue going, i bet it'd would help with getting ideas on what to draw
hey thats awsome this guy looks an character that i use to draw for comic that i made in the 7th grade for a girl it was called Angel-De'vil. these two angle siblings (Brother and Sister) who grew studing the progress of human and destroying demons. But there was the two specific Demons that that caught the of the angles first the Angle Guy (Terry) met the Demon sister (De'vil) she tricked him into thinking that she had fallen in love with him they even "did Things" that angel and demons should not One day while thinking he was goin to meet her she killed him. while in the middle of terry and de'vil's relationship Angel met De'vil brother de'mon (that who your character resimbles) he had truly fallen for angel and begun to reject his duties and stopped at nothin to get her. this had enragged de'vil becuase he never put anyone before her she then went after angel(the fight between then was inspired by) Angel-Dust. Though angel had won the battle she could not kill her becuase de'vil was "carring a child of royalty" this further enragged de'vil as she found that the feelings that she thought were false were real she the killed angel while a single crimson tear flowed down her face. de'mon left de'vil never to speak to her again. and she bore terry's child and him... i forgot. sometimes i seem to ramble but i hope u like story
dark shryuuoken
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 11/07/09 | Reply
ok thank u
The Elusive (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/07/09 | Reply
@dark shryuuoken:
lol! don't feel bad, i do the same thing.
my oc character Jett was inspired by a background character i saw in a pokemon episode! i remember it was a mr.mime episode in the circus.
and Deacon's dad is inspired by a character i saw in a magazine, i think his name was "Dextera" from kiddy grade. If i find the pic I'll show it to you!
but think of it as being inspired instead of cheating, *grin* like "that looks so good, I want my character to look like that!"
dark shryuuoken
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 11/07/09 | Reply
did i mention it was craply drawn though she liked (i belive cause the story was good) but thanks. oyeah and the guy (de'mon) was inspired by a character from ragnorok. i sorta cheated
The Elusive (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/07/09 | Reply
@dark shryuuoken:
it slightly reminds me of inuyasha, just a little. i kinda think the guys i draw look the same somehow. i gotta vary it up!
ah, but thanks d.s! you drew a comic in 7th grade, i think all i did was doodle. you should try and create a series, maybe start out with short strips, get a little dialogue going, i bet it'd would help with getting ideas on what to draw
dark shryuuoken
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 11/05/09 | Reply
hey thats awsome this guy looks an character that i use to draw for comic that i made in the 7th grade for a girl it was called Angel-De'vil. these two angle siblings (Brother and Sister) who grew studing the progress of human and destroying demons. But there was the two specific Demons that that caught the of the angles first the Angle Guy (Terry) met the Demon sister (De'vil) she tricked him into thinking that she had fallen in love with him they even "did Things" that angel and demons should not One day while thinking he was goin to meet her she killed him. while in the middle of terry and de'vil's relationship Angel met De'vil brother de'mon (that who your character resimbles) he had truly fallen for angel and begun to reject his duties and stopped at nothin to get her. this had enragged de'vil becuase he never put anyone before her she then went after angel(the fight between then was inspired by) Angel-Dust. Though angel had won the battle she could not kill her becuase de'vil was "carring a child of royalty" this further enragged de'vil as she found that the feelings that she thought were false were real she the killed angel while a single crimson tear flowed down her face. de'mon left de'vil never to speak to her again. and she bore terry's child and him... i forgot. sometimes i seem to ramble but i hope u like story