"Ymir," The tiny blonde glanced up from her work, her face brightening up once she saw the older woman walk through the door. Their eyes met, and Ymir gave a soft smirk before shutting the door, a soft click sounding behind her. Krista stood up, watching as her friend and lover took off her shoes, and instantly reached out for a hug once the woman reached her vicinity. They held each other for a long while, both enjoying the quiet of being the embrace.
"Did you have a nice day?" Krista asked as she released Ymir and headed to the kitchen to prepare a simple snack for the both of them to share before dinner was to be served. Ymir gave out a sigh, smiling all the while as she plopped into Krista's abandoned chair. Krista returned the same smile as she approached the table, a plate of biscuits in hand.
"Originally, it was very crappy; Shadis was chewin' off my ass again because I hadn't been paying attention. Bastard should clean his eyes, since I was damn listening to his shit and focus his attention to Sasha. She keeps fuckin' eatin', that goddamn glutton," Her tone let on a bit of an enraged note as she recounted the highlights of her day, inserting exaggerated gestures when she felt was necessary. Krista quietly listened, adding quiet questions of clarification before urging Ymir to continue (which she happily did).
"It sounds like a real rough day," Krista muttered, placing her small hand over Ymir's. She squeezed it softly, and Ymir raised her eyebrows in exasperated agreement.
"You have no idea, Krista. Anyways, like I said, it was originally crappy. That was," An almost malicious smirk crossed her face as she leaned in, elbows on the table to support herself. There was a red smear coloring Krista's face, and Ymir took the grace to enlarge her smile. "until I saw you when I walked through the door." She finished with a quiet voice, taking Krista's warm face in her hands and placing a soft kiss on her forehead. "You never fail to cheer me." She mumbled against the other's forehead, going in for another peck.
Krista on the other hand was dying of flattery and embarrassment. She was thankful for having such an amorous lover, but she thought Ymir's compliments were a bit too much. She moved away from Ymir's grasp a bit, her bright cerulean eyes drifting to the table, to those charming brown that Ymir sported.
"A-All of that can't be true…" Krista muttered insecurely, her cheeks burning and her face getting splattered with red paint of embarrassment. Her eyes settled on Ymir's face long enough to watch it morph into an expression that she couldn't quite name, before she barked out a laugh. Krista tilted her head to the side, her confusion and curiosity overruling her previous emotions. "W-What…?"
It took a while for Ymir to calm down, and by the time she did, she was having trouble breathing while clutching her stomach as she released random fits of laughter. "Ah man. You did the thing again." She grinned a lazy smile, slouching in her seat.
"W-What thing?"
"The stutter thing! It happens when I just shower with comments of affection. I find it quite cute really." That trademark smirk of hers appeared again on her face. "Makes me want to get on one knee and propose to you."
"Oh Krista, just marry me already."
"S-Shut up!"
X Just a Dream
"Krista! The hell are you?" Ymir bellowed, flinging the wooden door to the dorms. It was mostly empty, with neatly made beds and sheets. But there was a small lump near the back corner that no one really noticed unless you looked very carefully. Walking up to the buried person, Ymir yanked off the covers, revealing a curled up blonde, sleeping peacefully on her side. She let out an aura that pulled viciously on Ymir's cold heart, beckoning her to lie next to her. It was tempting, to say the least.
"Mm, Ymir…" Her tone was soft, with a hidden erotic note hidden somewhere. Ymir's eyebrow twitched up, a burning feeling in her chest. Who knew innocent Krista could sound like that.
But Ymir wasn't here to listen to Krista's case of somniloquy. She needed to wake her up in time so that the both of them wouldn't get yelled at by Shadis and eventually be denied food. So she shook the girl, softly at first to eventual shoves. Once Krista woke up, she was on the floor.
"What was that for?" She called out, climbing onto a kneeling position as she glowered from the opposite of the bed. Ymir rolled her eyes before turning to leave the collapsed blonde behind.
"Just waking you up to tell you that dinner was ready. Better get your ass in gear before Shadis finds out that we're both gone and forbids us breakfast and dinner for the entire month." Ymir recalled such a punishment when the strict instructor caught Sasha eating again during the morning routine. The girl had barely survived, and hung on to the dear bread that Krista had kindly provided (with Ymir's help).
By then, Krista already remembered the said consequences and was behind her tall companion. She muffled a quiet yawn, and wrapped her arms around her friend's waist.
Ymir stopped. She took a quick, bored glance at the fingers that were intertwined together, holding her close to the small, petite body behind her. She placed her larger hand on top, covering Krista's two. Offering a faint squeeze, she felt a soft hum of appreciation and the tightening of the other's grip.
"You know Ymir, we should sleep together tonight."
There was a brief pause. And then a, "What?"
"Because we should share a bed together. Isn't that what people do when they like each other?" Aside from curiosity, there was a mischievous tone, one that only appeared when they were alone together.
Ymir stayed silent, putting two and two together, before pursing her lips and slowly turning her head to look at Krista.
"What were you dreaming about?"
Krista offered a soft smile before releasing her and exiting the dorms without another word.
X I'm Yours
"Piss off, Braun!" A tan shadow loomed over the sitting blonde. Krista watched with fear, anxiety, and a tad bit of awe as she saw Ymir throw an impressive right hook to Reiner's jaw. The muscular male flew back a bit, landing on his back with a groan. Ymir cackled, spitting on Reiner's face before turning to return to her spot next to Krista. A small smile was on her face when she saw her friend backing away from the fight, but now it faded away immediately when she saw how quickly everything had escalated from a simple punch. Soon enough, she found herself trying to pry off the taller girl from Reiner.
"Ymir, that's enough!"
Ymir turned to Krista with a vehement stare, and the blonde instinctively backed away, hands up in a gesture of surrender. She chewed the inside of her bottom lip, almost positive that Ymir was going to try to punch Reiner to death, but sighed a breath of relief when she saw her wobbling to her feet. She threw the male a last glower before limping her way to Krista, wrapping her arm securely around her shoulders. It was an obvious gesture that yelled out, "Back off douche, she's mine."
"Let's go, Krista." Ymir blatantly stated, not giving the bleeding male behind her a second thought.
"You overdid it again, Ymir. If Reiner returns with injuries like that to class, who knows what's going to happen to you," There was a worried tone in her voice as Krista help support the taller's weight. There was an occasional grunt, and Krista couldn't help but wonder if Ymir was going to be facing expulsion; Ymir had one too many suspensions throughout the year, and it seems that the staff was starting to become exasperated with the delinquent. "Honestly, you should learn how to restrain yourself from getting into unnecessary tiffs."
Ymir slipped her arm away from Krista's grasp and allowed herself to flop onto the grass. It was a foolish move, and the impact only made her hiss in pain. She groaned out her exhaustion and agony, petting the spot of grass next to her. Krista just looked down on her with a look of disapproval on her face. Ymir fidgeted subtly under the heavy gaze and silence, flitting her eyes here and there.
Krista broke the silence. "You knew that was unnecessary."
Ymir bristled. "Unnecessary?! Krista, Reiner was trying to get his grubby hands on you again. The bastard needs to know to fuck off."
"He was just asking the homework for Levi's class!"
"And I bet that includes calling you endearing names like 'Angel' and 'Goddess,' yeah?" She spat out blood, the spittle foaming a bit. She turned her glare up to the tiny blonde, who had decided against a retort. The wind blew a bit, annoyingly mussing up their hair and sending chills up their arms.
"I'm yours."
Ymir quirked an eyebrow while giving Krista a confused glare. "Excuse me?"
Krista extended her arms out, to cup Ymir's bruised and bloody face in her hands. Her touch was gentle and comforting, to say the least. "I said I'm yours."
"And that means?"
"It means that I'm yours no matter what." She gave one of her sweetest smiles, and Ymir's cold heart seemed to melt a bit.
"Marry me." Ymir blurted, giving in to a rare smile.
Krista blinked, a rising blush filling her cheeks. "What?"
"Nothing, my little Angel."
"Oh God, she's here again," Ymir groaned, shifting her bag up her shoulder. She gave a menacing glare at the small blonde that waited for her beside the open gate, a giddy smile that just screamed excitement. Unlike the jubilance the girl expressed Ymir scowled and shuffled past the blonde.
"Good morning, Ymir!" She chirped, skipping alongside the taller girl. Ymir gave a grumble as greeting and picked up her strides to lose the girl. As usual, it was a vain attempt and Ymir found herself half-listening half-ignoring the girl's morning rants and rambles about various subjects. A small hand clasped around her forearm, and she looked down on the small girl beside her.
"What do you want?" She grumbled, stopped in her tracks. Her bored eyes trailed the head of blonde hair as she stood in front of her. Ymir thought she was going to go blind by the way her blue eyes shone in the dim light of the school building. Looking down, she saw various math problems, and a space that was left blank near the bottom right corner. The answer was very apparent to her, but Ymir knew that the blonde had a difficult time understanding this particular subject. "You didn't get it?"
The blonde smiled sheepishly. "A bit…?"
Ymir raised an eyebrow and snatched the parchment out of the girl's hands. "God, how'd you manage to get to this grade?" She mumbled under her breath plopping into her designated seat. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a mechanical pencil. She clicked it several times before the lead poked out, and she went on to solving the problem, roughly describing her procedure to the girl, who nodded in understanding.
"Oh, I get it now!" She exclaimed. Ymir rolled her eyes.
"Whatever Krista," Krista giggled and took her homework away from the tanned girl, shoving in the front pocket of her book bag.
"Did you do the homework for Hanji's class?" She asked, sitting in the desk beside Ymir. The tanned girl made a guttural sound of approval before turning her head to look out the window, her chin resting on an open palm.
"She hardly assigns anything when compared to Levi and Shadis." She commented, her tone deadpan. There was some sort of finality in her voice that stopped the conversation, leaving an awkward silence in its wake.
"What period do you have her?" Krista asked.
Each word seemed like an added weight, and the silence grew heavier. Long minutes passed before Ymir turned her head to look at the blonde. Krista was reading a book, but raised her head when she noticed the movement in her peripheral vision.
"Why do you always talk to me?" Ymir asked, her monotone voice hiding a note of curiosity. "I mean, there are other people that you could talk to like Reiner, Connie, Sasha, and all of them," Ymir furrowed her eyebrows together, narrowing her eyes at the blonde. "But out of the entire fucking school, you decide to talk to me, one of the most intimidating girls here."
Krista fidgeted, folding the corner of her page before clapping the book closed. "I do talk to them, but I don't exactly enjoy it as much as I enjoy talking to you," Krista offered a small smile. "There's something about our little talks that I enjoy."
The bell rang, it tinny squeals echoing through the room. Krista stood up and walked over to her own desk in the front of the room. Ymir watched her sit down before averting her gaze to the morning view.
"Something about our little talks, huh?" Ymir mumbled into her hand.
Ymir didn't know exactly what, but that phrase had a nice ring to it. Maybe there was something about their little talks that Ymir enjoyed to. She smiled into her hand, watching the sun poking out.
"Yeah, that's probably it," she finished quietly.
X Six Weeks
It has been six weeks. Six fucking weeks since Krista had left on her business trip. With no other way of entertainment aside from the bland channels on TV and the repetitive songs on the radio, Ymir was dying of boredom as she lied on the couch, staring at the white ceiling of their apartment. A leg was dangling off to the edge, while the other was resting on top of the cushions. The dangling leg was swinging softly, a steady metronome that kept a steady beat of boredom.
Groaning, she heaved herself up and made her way to the kitchen; if there was nothing to do in the living room, there must be something to do in the kitchen. Or at least she hoped so. Once she opened the fridge, her dream died quickly as she stared at the emptiness that occupied inside. Ymir slammed the door closed, rattling the half-empty jars that were inside. Sighing, she opened a door that housed packaged foods. Ymir reached for the ramen package, tearing it open.
By then, Ymir had the suspicion that someone was in her apartment. She was positive that she locked the door. Or at least I think so.
A scuffle of feet and Ymir's hand flew to the handle of the pot and she brandished it like a long sword. A whimper of resignation came from the small blonde in front of her, who had her tiny hands covering her face. Her cerulean eyes poked out from their lids, and an unsure yet greeting smile was on her face. It nothing more than a split second for Ymir to recognize who she was, and the blonde was crying in delight as she swung around in Ymir's arms.
"W-Why are you back early?" Ymir asked with a rare grin on her face as she placed the petite woman on her feet. Krista had the same expression.
"I asked Erwin for a leave early since we did so well with our negotiation with Pixis," Krista loosely explained, knowing how easily bored her tall lover can be when she talked about her business. Ymir nodded her head enthusiastically, not understanding a bit of what the petite blonde had said. But who gave a damn? She was back!
"Okay, okay. So the question is, how long are you staying before you go on your other trip?" Ymir asked, her grin rushing off and her ardor trampled. Krista still had her smile on her face, and it grew impossibly bigger.
"Two months or so."
"Two months," Ymir's jaw slacked. Krista laughed at her stupid expression. She nodded, and Ymir's grin came running back.
"So now we have more time to ourselves, hm?" Krista mumbled, pulling her lover close to her. Ymir hummed, enveloping her arms around the blonde.
"You just ate fast food and ramen when I was gone, didn't you."
Ymir scoffed. "You know I can't cook for shit, Krista."
Krista laughed and pulled away from the embrace, making her way to the stove. "I know, I know," she said, as she opened the fridge door. Clicking her tongue at the lack of ingredients, Krista turned to Ymir. "You wouldn't mind buying some stuff for me, would you?"
Ymir grinned, grabbing her keys that were on the counter. "Of course, my little Krista." They returned a grin to each other, leaning in for a soft peck on the lips before going their separate ways.
Six weeks of boredom ain't so bad if Krista comes back early, Ymir bemusedly thought, closing the apartment door behind her.
X Dirty Paws
Krista scowled as she gazed on Ymir's bloody and muddy palms. Disappointedly, she looked up at the taller girl, who had averted her gaze and decided to look at the plain wall of the infirmary. Sighing heavily through her mouth, Krista reached out for a cleaning cloth that she had already soaked. Delicately and deftly, she wiped away the crusty grime on Ymir's hands.
"How'd you get like this, Ymir?" Krista asked as she turned over Ymir's hand. There was less dirt on the back, but still dirty nonetheless. Ymir mumbled something that sounded faintly of "It's none of your business." Of course, Krista would have none of that, and asked the question more firmly.
Feeling like she had no choice but to comply with the blonde's demands, she answered the question. "I got into a fight with Connie and Reiner," she mumbled below her breath. Ymir glanced at Krista, expecting to see her wrath glowering furiously in her eyes, her shoulders quivering with suppressed anger. Instead she was met with a worried and almost scared look, and it caught her off guard.
"You weren't hurt, right?"
Krista let out an air of relief. "Good," Ymir offered a smirk, but Krista shot it down with a maternal glare. "But going into another fight isn't going to help solve things. If Shadis gets whiff of this, then you're head is going to be gone." She shivered at the thought, and went back to cleansing Ymir's hands.
"It's their fault for starting it," Ymir interjected softly. Krista paid her no mind.
"You keep getting your paws dirty," Krista sighed for the umpteenth time, throwing the red and brown cloth in the basin of water. It sloshed about before settling a moment later.
Ymir gave silent thanks before raising an eyebrow. "My paws?" She asked, glancing at her clean hands. As far as she knew, she wasn't an animal. Of course, I'm not necessarily human either, she quickly thought, before pushing it away.
Her cheeks burned, and Krista turned away to prevent Ymir from seeing her red cheeks. "Yeah, 'cause…I get the impression you're like a wolf, you know. And if you're a wolf, and you keep getting your hands dirty, then you have dirty paws…" She mumbled incoherently to herself. Of course, Ymir was a sharp person, and managed to capture each word Krista was saying.
"So if I'm a wolf, then you're the little innocent bunny, right?" Ymir had a lazy grin on her face, and Krista whipped her head around, her cheeks fuming red, while wearing an adorable pout as an expression.
"F-Forget it!"
"My little bunny," Ymir teased, laughing.
A headbutt from the blonde made her shut up.