Looks like two years is not a very long time to be gone. Germany was amazing, a piece of my heart belongs to Berlin, but I'm glad to be home in Australia.

Two years of soul searching and stretching and tramping around in cold, damp and snowy weather has given me a lot of time to reflect.

What does that really mean for my cult reader base?

I purchased a small moleskine notebook in my early days in the city of Werdau, Sachsen. I began to write and fill it with a multitude of story ideas that started flying into my head as I made my way through the dark winter streets of a country still recovering from communism. I met and served with an amazing selection of hilarious and deep people who have seen hardship and sorrow in their lives and had chosen to enjoy life despite it all.

I have ideas. I'm going to write them and post them here.

Let's see what happens.

Don't worry, there'll be explosions and excitement

SYF Update 02

Well the title is misleading, but for the sake of what is being included in this update, it was appropriate. Basically I'm going to ramble for a little bit about new Australian Crime Drama. Personally I think that the Writer's Strike in the...

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SYF Update 01

Well you'd think that SYF would be well and truly dead considering how long ago it ended...but it didn't. Asphy and myself continued to write and theorise on it for quite some time after. It was a fun exercise and we loved our characters to bits, ...

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