SYF Update 01

Well you'd think that SYF would be well and truly dead considering how long ago it ended...but it didn't. Asphy and myself continued to write and theorise on it for quite some time after. It was a fun exercise and we loved our characters to bits, so it seemed logical. Anyhow, I picked up the pen again so to speak, and planned on writing updates here...but I realised that I've manage to cover 30 pages of material pastwhere it finished on the boards.

So basically, before I post the new new material, I'll post the old material. The plot hooks I had been building up to for an absolute age actually come about in these few pages. I would like to put up all 30 in one go...but that's just crazy. Week by week I'll put up a few pages until we're up to date. How does that sound?

Arthur turned out to be one of my favourite supporting characters. A representation of a true reporter. For a reminder of where he fitted into the story, see here