SYF Update 02

Nonsense aside, here's the next SYF update. SYF was originally inspired by "Spy Kids" way back in '01, when I thought it was ridiculous that kids should be used to such little effect. I wanted to show that, if children were used as espionage agents, they would be much more potent and lethal and certainly less "kiddy."

My youthful brain decided it would be totally rad to make it more real by using my own name. Which makes it kind of hard for me to introduce SYF with a straight face to people who know me. This Liam, while written by me, is a whole separate entity now. He's been growing for the past seven years and has certainly matured on his own. I can still remember vividly the very first scene I wrote, however. I may have to revisit that some day.

Natasha's story can be found here, in her introduction into the SYF series