- Created By avi101
Alright, I have been inspired by the challenge at
. I submitted this,
http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/view/296800/ilisten .
But Drawing the piece and then uploading it to the computer to do the coloring is a pain, so I will be releasing a series of wallpapers in the theme where I go straight from a picture of the show. I have several ideas, so keep a weary eye on the horizon. And no, I cannot get any more self-important, thank you very much
Hmm, I sit here thinking and pondering. On what? you ask. Well, there is a contest over at http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/challenges/view/98/ianime/ by Miffykitty123. It's like one of those iTunes iPod stills but with anime.
I have over a dozen solid idea, but one of my greatest ones will go unfulfilled because there are no deaf characters in anime, which is quite disappointing. iRony and all of that jazz. Well, back to the decision making
Edit: Alright, I have it down to 6, including a non-deaf iRony idea
Edited Edit: Alright, 3 ideas:
In the black trunk, from the world of Trigun, we have
Nicholas D. Wolfwood with his cross bearing (Pun fully intended) the line "iRony"
And from the world of Avatar, we have the Toph Twin Ideas.
First off, in the black trunks and the line "iRock"
Toph either playing the guitar or holding a rock
Lastly in the Green trunks, with the line "iListen"
In this one, she would either be plugged into a rock, or be holding her arms out to the side, holding a rock in one hand and an ipod in the other.
I may or may not use the body-haloing affect that is sometimes sen in the show when she's listening to the earth, probably though.
Perhaps I should sleep on... I suppose my bed would be more comfortable to sleep on, though. Yes, my humor is terrible when it's time for bed