Soji: Hold on a sec ok? Mimic Destruction! *kinda like a grenade and blows up the house* Mimic Hachimata! *makes a Hachimata out of the mimic material and it eats the House* feel better? Cuz I feel a lot better now heh....
Soji: *kicks down the door* Get the hell off of her perv house! *starts destorying stuff* I am going to smash you and break you and set you on fire and then throw your ashes in the middle of nowhere *realizes she's ranting* sigh now if only I had a kunai.........
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/22/08 | Reply
sniffle....yesh ^-^
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/21/08 | Reply
Soji: Hold on a sec ok? Mimic Destruction! *kinda like a grenade and blows up the house* Mimic Hachimata! *makes a Hachimata out of the mimic material and it eats the House* feel better? Cuz I feel a lot better now heh....
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/21/08 | Reply
TT^TT sniffle sniff...thank you Soji...*hugs* YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND IN DE WHOLE WORLD! D:
~WARNING: there is such a thing as Sake' poisoning
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/21/08 | Reply
Soji: *kicks down the door* Get the hell off of her perv house! *starts destorying stuff* I am going to smash you and break you and set you on fire and then throw your ashes in the middle of nowhere *realizes she's ranting* sigh now if only I had a kunai.........