Hi! I'm Panou!
*UPDATE* This world is currently INACTIVE.
Most of my current creations are posted in my Instagram now HERE!
Please enjoy your stay here! What? Are you a hotel? This is where I ramble and blabber about what I make and create! Whether it's art or using FIRE!! <--- baking. Enjoy your time here!
Usually I'll post references to what I make, but if you don't see it and would like to know how I made a particular item, feel free to comment to me or PM me for information!
Be prepared to look at this horrid thing~ xDD LOL!

A cake I made for a girl's hangout two weeks ago. Yes, it's look funny, but it tasted soooooo good~ *o* The top ones are the ones I baked, and the bottom one is one my little brother baked, and I just used the leftover frosting and made the strawberry glaze for it.
A slightly sweet bready inside and cream cheese frosting, with fresh strawberry glaze. My brother's was chocolate. ^^
Recipe came from here in Gourmet Gaming, but I totally didn't prepare! So I improvised the whole way through basically~~ ^^' Whoops~~

Yay! I finally sewed something that would fit all my precious Prismacolored pencils~! Since my metal container was too small to fit them all~~ (I had extra random colors before my sis gave me the whole pack on Christmas) This is so much easier than rummaging for them in that container~ >u<
So, I made some fried dumplings yesterday! They were really good~~ Made about 3 big bowls of them to feed the hungry little ones last night~ There was about 1 bowl leftover and in the morning, all gone except 3 dumplings saved for me. -_-;
What I used:
- Pork, chopped
- Cabbage, minced
- Mushrooms, minced
- Green onions, sliced thinly
- Soy sauce
- Oyster sauce
- Salt
- Pepper
- Wonton wrappers
Mix ingredients except last one, and folded in wrappers with sealing of a fork and water. Fried in corn oil until golden brown. That's basically it. Really easy to make~ Just the preparation takes forever~ ^^' I really want to buy a food processor now~ xD
So, our church had a mission conference earlier this month and our youth group individually had a country to represent. I had CUBA! ^^ So I sewed up this skirt to wear out of childhood clothes~ xD I should have took a pic of my whole outfit but I forgot~ @_@ Or maybe I lied xD

If you're wondering what cuban traditional clothing looks like, it looks something like this (I actually used these pics as a basic template for the skirt):

I told myself if I had Korea, I'd totally go all out and make something like this...

But I didn't. ;A; Let's see about next year... kekekeke... I definitely have to get Korea... xD

Yes, I'm so loving that princess pillowcase right now. *u* I've been sleeping better lately too xDDDD *shottt*
Reference tutorials courtesy of: