Hello and welcome to my reality post section where pretty much what happens here is what goes on in my life. For starters, yes i am a band geek and have been since fifth grade. I go by Kyarri on my pages and with my friends (sometimes) because my real name sounds too much like other names and is used to much in my school. The people i talk about alot of times are my friends and i use their nicknames to conceal their identity (Kurisu is my little brother, Sora/Immoto is my adopted little sister, and my friends are Rae, Kana, Ryoko, Korasu, Addy, Kira, Rebmafire and Jiao) My favorite Manga/anime are D. Gray-Man, Shaman King, Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Fruits Basket. I am energetic, easy going and love my friends to death and get really ticked when someone disses them or talks crap about themselves. Anyways, i think that is it about me! Kawaii!

Darn school keeping me from posting!!!!!

~falls flat on face once she walks into the house~ Kyuu!

neji: what happened now? wait...do you still not have your flute?

~nods sadly~ it's being rebuilt and now i am stuck with my crappy piccolo! i am back at school as Dr. Kyarri for some people too! and to top that off, i am having a harder time to make time to post! kyuu! not cool!

Sanzo: then update everyone on everything now!

envy; oh shut it and let her


.....well, Horohoro just covered one for me. The lunch lines are getting longer and its getting harder to get food in time before fifth hour.

neji: i also heard that your little sister finally hooked up with kaihina.

yep! they look so happy together! kawaii!

envy: hey kya! you got an email from the band leader! it has the next songs on there!

ooh ooh! me see! ~reads song list~ eh. they ok songs. not my favorite to sing though.

sanzo: .....kya! where is my pistol?

i am using it as a reference for my new fanfic! it's going to be funny!

sanzo: omg. hell no! i don't want any part of it!

neji: wow you are like kanda. lucky for him, he is on a mission so he doesn't have to be part of that. hey kya? you need to take care of something!

kyuu! stupid school! got to go! love ya rae, kana, ryoko and mika chan!

July 4th craziness and thank goodness i am not a hair stylist!

Envy: Agreed with that!

Neji: wow. can you get any randomer?

you wanna see? XD

Neji: O.o no i will pass.

lol! anyways onward to the post. Happy late July 4th to all of you! I hope yours was fun and exciting-

Horo:-and not scary like kyarri's was.

^^; yeah my dad came home for july 4th and we had a few friends over to celebrate with us. Unfortunatley my friends mom and my dad have this sibling like rivalry and will find anything and everything to pick a fight with. Well...the last time my dad was here, we had just gotten a wii and his favorite game on there is bowling ~and he became a pro his first round!~. Incidently, that's my friend's mom's favorite game as well. So there was a huge bowling competiton in my living room, almost as bad as when my mom when she watches the world cup every fours years.

kanda: that's a scary im-


neji: you are kidding right? you forgot already?

~goes into room and grabs it~ the next time you see my wig as an insect, be nice and not throw it on the floor! I work hours among hours on this thing!!

kanda: just looking at it makes me grateful that you are not a hair stylist!

horo: ~pokes it~ what is all that stuff on it that's making it stand like that? gel? hairspray?

^^; i wish! i used the best gel and hairspray we had and it still would not stand up! so i went to the next thing that would help...glue and that failed. almost ready to give up and give it to kurisu to make his tyki cosplay, i forgot about one more item i could use which is what's holding it up now; rubber cement

neji: rofl! don't ever go to beauty school!

don't worry i won't. ~yawn~ darn the valarian root didn't work so well last night! and i couldn't sleep in! what is today...oh yeah! i almost forgot that friday is kana chan's birthday!

Kanda: and what are you going to get her?

can't say! not sure if kana goes on the otaku when ccr is around and reads these posts with her! plus someone in the group is going to blab! ~everyone looks at horo and envy~

horo&envy: darn.

well, i guess i need to get this day started. ja-ne!

Here is the finished cosplay! the wig was really curly so it wasn't very accurate when finished. I am so glad that my real hair is long and not black and that i am not a hair stylist! XD

Spring Has Sprung, Fall has fell, Break is over and i am Back in Hell!

Kanda: i am guessing that this is going to be one of those 'i wish spring break is over when it shouldn't be post'

Envy: No! what gave that away that away emo girl? *knocked out for that remark*

but really i wish break wasn't over! i have so much fun

horo: you call getting chased by your youth pastor fun?!

deidara: hehe that was fun!

oh yeah for got about that! grr! i have to explain this one too. Okay. I think everyone knows what happens to me when i get on one of my caffeine or sugar highs. Anyways, i was on a caffeine high and was playing four square with one of my friends at church. my youth pastor was walking by and we both decided to say hi to him, except i called him a random person which i now know is a big no-no. to make a long story short, he is still after me.

neji: at least it wasn't as bad as that other youth group person last year. She super glueda garden gnome to his driveway!

oh yeah! that was funny!

horo: i thought it was funny when you went to the mall with CCR, Rebmafire, kanakun, and Silvervampireress, especially when you cosplayed as Yuu Kanda!

Kanda: >///
