Hello and welcome to my reality post section where pretty much what happens here is what goes on in my life. For starters, yes i am a band geek and have been since fifth grade. I go by Kyarri on my pages and with my friends (sometimes) because my real name sounds too much like other names and is used to much in my school. The people i talk about alot of times are my friends and i use their nicknames to conceal their identity (Kurisu is my little brother, Sora/Immoto is my adopted little sister, and my friends are Rae, Kana, Ryoko, Korasu, Addy, Kira, Rebmafire and Jiao) My favorite Manga/anime are D. Gray-Man, Shaman King, Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Fruits Basket. I am energetic, easy going and love my friends to death and get really ticked when someone disses them or talks crap about themselves. Anyways, i think that is it about me! Kawaii!

Summer School Dropout

Neji: kyarri! get up! you are going to be late for summer school!

envy: kya is sleeping in? holy crap! that's a news flash!

~get up groggily~ what's going on?

kanda: you have somewhere to go you dork!

...bashas? i thought mom already got the groceries?

all: NO!! SUMMER SCHOOL!!!!!

what summer school? i am not in summer school anymore!

horo: you finished early?

heh. that would have been awesome! no i dropped out because a) i was failing all my tests and quizzes, b) the class was way to fast (we finished half a chapter the first day, had a quiz the second day of school, had the test the next day and finished half of the new chapter, had a quiz the next day etc) and c) my stress level peaked and i finally blew up at home.

Kanda: is that what happened while i was gone?

neji: i wasn't here either, so...

horo: what could we have done?

you guys cut the crap! besides, i feel alot better now, more relieved actually. i sent a thank you card to my teacher because heck he was awesome! he had a genuine concern for my mental well being and told mom that in my best interest, i should drop the class. ~looks at time~ well that's pretty much it for me. i will keep you posted the rest of the summer! ja-ne!

Time of texting is over. The Three week period of Summer School has begun

Neji:...you watched lord of the rings again have you?

nope! but the MV library center has alot of lord of the rings stuff and i saw that truck that said mithrandir on the license plate again so it's putting me in the LOTR Hype. but seriously, summer school has just started.


...can someone duck tape his mouth so that i can hopefully keep mine? sadly yes, my teacher is really loud and i am in the front row. but fortunatly he's a prankster.

kanda: in an immature way. i feel bad for the woman who kept coming in.

horo: idk, the roach, mice and snake trick is still funny but then again it is old school.

eh. man i wish i could text though. yeah this is once again a really short post but the purpose for it was to tell all my friends who have my number that i will not be texting for the next three weeks so that i may have total focus on my educational life (per se mi madre) i will try to keep you updated though...it homework permits. luckily i got two out of my four assignments done at school. talk 2 ya later! ja-ne
