!!!!WARNING!!!! My world contains random posts that my not make sense to many. So enjoy the randomness!

Some things you should know about me:

1. I am a girl, not a boy!
2. I have three friends, one girl and two boys!
3. I like cookies,cupcakes and so on... =(^.^)=
4. Even though I look like an punk/goth person I'm not!
5. I have one doggy and some KOI!! YAY PUPPY
6. I have cool glasses, that are in deep fashion... not really
7. I like random things!
8. I also have two older sisters!
9. I love cats even though my mom, me and my older sister are allergic
10. I am taller than both of my older sisters and mother.
11. I'm a black belt (dont get me mad.)
AND . . .
12.there ain't anything more to say . . .just wanted to add it in.

Well, there you go! Twelve things about myself! (Not that it's very important.) But, there ya go!
