A1la1ding1. :P

So instead of reviewing for my final exams, I've been watching this clip of a Chinese fandub of Aladdin over and over and over again. It's so high quality! And the voices are really pleasing to listen to, esp. Aladdin's. I even looked up the guy who voices him and apparently he's an internet celebrity who's well known for his singing. ^^;;

It's basically the same as everything said in the English version. Though there's one thing that I think is actually better here than in the English version. At one point, Genie tells Aladdin to compliment Jasmine and then lists a bunch of things he could say. In English, Aladdin ends up saying, "Punctual." But then corrects himself and says, "Beautiful." But in Chinese, he first says, "清洁 (qingjie)," which means 'clean.' He then says the similar sounding, "纯洁 (chunjie)," which means pure/innocent. :)

The conversation bits I could understand with the help of my trusty online dictionary, but the song lyrics are waaay beyond me. Though I can tell that this fandub used different lyrics from the official Chinese version of the song and that these lyrics are closer to the English version. One part of the song that I also like better in Chinese: in English, Aladdin says, "Over, sideways, and under on this magic carpet ride," but in Chinese he says, "Over, sideways, and under; I will fly you to the ends of the Earth." (It sounds better in Chinese: over = shangbian, sideways = pangbian, under = xiabian, ends of the Earth = tianbian.)

Actually, I've been watching a lot of Disney movies in Chinese lately. So far, I've watched Tarzan, Mulan, Beauty and the Beast, and The Little Mermaid. I'm now scared of adding Aladdin to the list because I've grown accustomed to these fandub voices. ^^;;


Only one week of testing left, though I'm honestly not worried about it. In exactly one week, I'll already be heading back home. <3

As I noted last post, last Saturday was the Chinese school's Talent Show, and it was genuinely impressive. I did a search on youtube just now and found one of the music videos that was made for the show!

This was made by the fourth-year students, who are at the highest level. The song is about how to become cool like them. :P

In the beginning, they're saying:

"We're in the house!"
"Listen up!"
"Listen to your mother."
*"We're not Jay Chou!"
"I know... so what should we say?"
"We could tell our own story."
"Sounds good."
"Can I start?"
"Let me think... let's START."

*One of Jay Chou's songs is called "Listen to Your Mother."

Then the song is about how cool and handsome they are, haha. At one part, they talk about how they were stupid and useless when first arriving, and that they spent too much time studying. Then realized that they "only have one short life to live" and so in order to be cool, they had to change everything about themselves. One of the lines in the last chorus goes: "We're just too cool | You can't handle our superiority" xDDD

So yes, it was a fun night. And I only have one week left hereeeeee. Even though I do want to go back home, I definitely know that once I do leave, I will remember this place fondly. <3

EDIT: Forgot to add that the guys who made the video did a Google translation of their song. My fav part:

I can not relax just begun, I particularly stupid and useless
Woman said: You both hot-tempered and warlike, how can I go to bed with?



OMG. Now I almost don't even regret the fact that I will undoubtedly have to wait until winter to play this game because my PSP will be BANGIN, YO. When my PSP goes to other PSP's parties, it will roll in like a G. Shit.

On that note:

Why do Terra and Aqua SOUND AS IF THEY HAVE NO SOULS??? ARE THEIR VOICE ACTORS EVEN TRYING? This is especially worrying for Terra, since his story is supposed to be absolutely amazing. If he sounds DEAD throughout the entire thing, I imagine it will lessen the impact. :((((

EDIT: On second listen, I do think Aqua's voice actress is trying, but she isn't as convincing as the others. Terra, on the other hand...

Though at least the rest of them sound good. I don't even mind Leonard Nimoy's voice like so many others seem to, since Xehanort looks like the type of guy who would have a weird ass voice anyway.

Quick thought: I was looking at the KH:BBS website's Worlds section, when I realized--if Prince of Persia is now a Disney movie, does that mean KH will one day feature a Prince of Persia world????

Another quick thought: You know how Square likes to include little FF tie-ins in the KH games? What I would love most of all is for Emerald Weapon to appear in the Little Mermaid world or something. He doesn't even have to be a boss. He could just be creeping about in a cave somewhere for no reason. IT CAN BE DONE, SQUARE. DO IT FOR ME.

Life notes:

  • My Chinese listening comprehension has gotten sooo much better. :)
  • Chinese School Talent Show is tomorrow! I'm very excited. Not performing myself, but a lot of people I know here are. It should be interesting, lol.

Quick Updates

  • More specifically, I only have TWO WEEKS left of classes. The last week is just exams. :O
  • This is a cute video. Midd staff asked several people from the Chinese School what their favorite Chinese words are. I just ate brunch with the first guy who speaks in it. xD
  • Started reading the Pandora Hearts manga yesterday. It's... interesting. I love Gill. He's such a tsundere, haha. <333
  • Okay, so has the release date of the Haruhi movie DVD SERIOUSLY NOT BEEN REVEALED YET?? Does it normally take this long?? Seriously, KyoAni, wth. :((

Useful Chinese sentence of the day: 在中国大众的想法不重要,重要的是经济很好。In China, the views of the people are not important; what is important is that the economy is good.



Sorry for the double post, but THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS TIMES A MILLION: