It's become more and more obvious to me as this semester goes on that I've become something of a grade whore. And I was the complete opposite during high school, my freaking SPECIAL PRIVILEGED KIDS ONLY GEE AREN'T WE SMART high school, so believe me, this is a surprise for me too.

The practical, logical reason for this is that I'm heavily considering majoring in International Studies (I don't want to say it's set in stone b/c that's scary, but I'm definitely heading in that path) probably with a minor in Chinese and maybe a concentration in Asian Studies. And if I decide to follow that track, I'll probably (eventually) want to go to graduate school at someplace like Georgetown's School of Foreign Service or other highly competitive places that are basically feeder schools for state department jobs. So I'm guessing overall GPA probably matters more for me than it would someone who's planning to enter the workforce right after undergrad school?

Though the much less rational reason is that a lot of my friends here are grade whores too, whereas my closest friends in h.s. were more laidback with grades (which was NOT that typical at my old school esp. amongst the Asian females, but I guess we were just that crazy rebellious.) My two closest friends in my hall, DHB and a girl I'll call NicoNico, are both currently straight-A students (prob not for long, but hey). And even though my current grades are great, they're not as great in comparison. Even the fact that I'm on Merit List was made not as great ever since I found out that every single Asian I know is on that list. I didn't think I would be the type to be so susceptible to this kind of "peer pressure," though at least I think it's a mostly positive kind of pressure since it's self-motivated. It's not like I feel ashamed of telling people that I got a B+ on a paper, but I'm not completely satisfied with it anymore, whereas in high school I definitely would have been.

Though I guess at the same time I should try to not be quite so obsessive as, say, DHB, who worries and frets over a take home Bio quiz that he gets a 99% on. That boy worries me over how much he worries. -_-;;

EDIT: Oh and btw, Chinese is busting my nonexistent balls. I hate being forced to speak Chinese on the spot because I'm so bad at it, which is what my TA class in particular makes me do everyday. But I know that people like me only get good at speaking languages through this kind of intense suffering, so I guess I'll try to get through it.

说中文让我的脑子疼死了。 :(



Friday & Polaris

It's always weird at first whenever DHB goes back home on weekend because I always find myself just being like, "...Well now what do I do?" Last weekend was horrid because it was the first time in a long time that I had a DHB-less weekend and ended up spending my Saturday not doing much of anything and being the most lethargic I've been in a really long time. But this weekend was much better!

  • Mostly wandered around and did things solo on Friday night: took the shuttle into town and ate decent Chinese, went to a recital, saw a comedian.
  • ...And then when I got back to my room, I accidentally walked in on my roommate making out with her boyfriend on her bed. Apparently I had missed the facebook message she sent me about needing the room that night. Whoops. >_>;;
  • Called a friend from home who I've been neglecting since the start of semester and had a fabulous three-hour long conversation! (Mostly just to avoid going back to my room for a while, hah.)
  • Yesterday night, went to a shopping area in Columbus called Polaris with my mentor, his friend, and my old roomie.
  • Ate shrimp tempura at the food court, and the Asian cashier was particularly interested in my mentor and I because we were clearly ethnic... which still kind of weirds me out. This wasn't the first time it's happened here, but Asians in Chicago typically don't give a shit which country I come from, esp. since I don't look mixed and am almost always mistaken for being 100% northeast Asian. And it got kind of weird when my mentor said that he comes from Pittsburgh, and she asked, "Which country is that in?" >_>;;
  • Bought a shirt/really short dress and two thin sweaters for under $50! :)
  • And I still prefer shopping alone than with people, which seems to be the opposite case for everyone else. I just feel like I don't need other people's opinions when it comes to shopping. I know what I like and that's what matters! For example, when I dropped by Claire's with my mentor and his friend, they kept pointing out how ugly most of the stuff in there was. I agreed with most of what they said, but I was scared that I would point out something I like and they would think it's horrid or overpriced and convince me not to buy it. :/
  • But the best part was that I finally managed to watch Coraline! There was a bit of drama at first because we had missed a lot of the last showings for that day of the nearby theatres, and I could tell that my mentor didn't want to drive ten miles to the theatre showing it at 10:30PM. But we couldn't find anything else to do, so he did eventually, though all throughout the walk to AMC, he kept teasing me about being a bother. >_>;;
  • Coraline was amazing! It started out a little weird, though it's the type of movie that gets much better after its opening scenes. And the animation is gorgeous throughout!

Recent Texts

Because I am easily amused? At how well these little texts depict my college life, haha. All written from me to the people in the ().

(DHB) There's a fucking spider on my desk.

(DHB) No I can't! I relocated to my bed. :(

(DHB) Of course.

(DHB) Yes

(DHB) Hey, I won't be able to eat lunch before class b/c I have to go to a keep meeting...

(Male Chicagoan) ? I didn't know that was my responsibility. :/

(DHB) You awake?

(Old Roommate) Sorry for the late response. I was sleeping when you sent this and had to do work when I woke up. I want to go... do I need to register at the activity center?

(DHB) Text me if you go to breakfast tomorrow!

(DHB) Don't worry, I'll already be awake. :P

(Old Roommate) Does it cost anything?

(Old Roommate) Don't patronize me. :(
btw did you hear about josh and ryan being roommates again?

(Old Roommate) They're already roommates again! Josh moved in two saturdays ago. :P

(Old Roommate) Josh doesn't like norton anymore so he moved into gund. And even tho they don't like each other they can function as roommates so...

(DHB) I guess... even tho there's no reason for me to go since they don't have pb&j sandwiches

(DHB) I guess :(

(Mentor) You guys signed up for me! And you don't even know my last name!

(DHB) Were you just knocking on my door or was someone else messing with me?

(DHB) wtf

(DHB) I said to come in. o_O

(DHB) o_O

(DHB) o_O

(DHB) ( o )( o ) your english prof's breasts :O!!

(DHB) From the side they look like fish lol (This sounds terrible out of context)

(DHB) Foob.

(DHB) Foob!!

(DHB) Are you in peirce?

(Old Roommate) Watch my back?

(Old Roommate) Forget you?

(Old Roommate) Is it tonight?

(Old Roommate) I'm too busy!

(Old Roommate) O?

(DHB) Go to AT! :)

(Old Roommate) Watch your back?

(DHB) You awake?

(DHB) Read your book! :)

(DHB) Do you want me to get you a ticket for oleanna? Try to respond before 8!

(DHB) Your roommate is a lighting technician! :)

(DHB) Yeah, dj sometimes doesn't have a sense of humor about things...

(DHB) It's definitely "ask the grinning bobcat why he grinned." I'm listening to it right now. :)

(DHB) If you go to breakfast tomorrow, text me!

(DHB) I'm sorry, david. :(


(DHB) Shut up, you lie!

(DHB) I didn't even have this phone a year ago!

(DHB) My old phone couldn't take pics. And I didn't even have this laptop a year ago!
Just shut up. ó('~')ó

(DHB) External Image

(DHB) I will no longer respond to you. I don't have time for this foolishness.
Go suck a big one.

IT'S 6:21AM



Him: *sees my youtube username bellbanana* It seems that all your usernames are bell + some phallic fruit. Or thing.
Me: I'll make my next one bellhotdog just for you.
Him: bellcorndog. bellbottle. bellwaterbottle.
Me: bellDHBspenis.


And then we kept sending dung to each other on Neopets, and I got a warning for writing wtf. :(