hi hi! Im Beverly, Ck's homegirl and partner in crime lol. lets start out about me:
name: Beverly
alias: Mizeri B, loki, ann, Bev.
hair: Blonde
eyes: hazel
age: 15
likes: emo guys (shane <3), singing, taking pics, drawing, painting, writing stories, partyin, weed, vodka and sex.

dislikes: fakes, bobby, dutch, the sun, hannah montana.
tattoos: ankle: kanji of midnight. wrist: pentagram.

Add me on myspace: www.myspace.com/mortal_sin666
or Yahoo IM: xxmiseryxx@ymail.com =]

Bev <3 shane


Yo ppl its loki!
Um my grandma died like just thursday so like today....I went to my gramdma's veiwing, but tommarow im going to the actual funeral so yea.
Right now im bored cuz my lil bro is watching tv and briana is passed out cuz i gave her some of my meds that i just happen to make alot of money off of lol. But I dyed and cut my hair =] its the exact same color as pains off naruto *drools* with blonde highlights and the cut is really cute! Ill have pics up soon though.

my perspective

I feel so alone. Back when i was "happy" i didnt need drugs to make me happy, i allways had brandon, or eddie, or someone who could take my mind of the bad things. But after they were gone and i was alone, i hit rock bottom and wasnt sobar but 3 times in 4 months. Even now, even though i have shane and i love him i just dont have that same feeling; that same happyness or shyness has before. Ed and Brandon taught me not to trust and that loving was a weakness and i was to pay for it. I only drink and do the things i do to fill the black hole that is my heart and to block the pain of love. My best freind Anthony taught me that there is 100 ppl who are your true loves; some maybe as bestfreinds or lovers but they are the ppl you can trust. But now i know i can trust some ppl like anthony or joe cuz they both do anything to make me happy and I have ck and shane. so yea

talk to me

i need to talk, cuz im in one of my moods. all i think about is why it never worked betwen me and any of the guys that i actually liked. listening to p.s im stil not over you


grr im bored, on myspace and high as hell... hows every body out there then? =]


Yo ppl, its loki of course! Mums finally got a laptop so yea im on it. My mums taking me shopping tommarow but she wanted me to try on a bra thats like a 32 C and i told her it wouldnt fit. but she still made me try it on, and when i did i broke down crying cuz she knows im really self-conience about it cuz im made fun of alot.
but anywayz hows everybody tonight?