
Well, this is just a small tribute to my secret love of Beyblade and the two greatest characters ever, Kai and Rei! (why weren't they the main characters?) So yeah, if you're not really a fan of beyblade or those two folks aforementioned, then, you're really in the wrong place!^^ If you are a fan however then feel free to enjoy a variety of exciting fanfics (they're not yaoi folks, just friendship!) I'll probably also use this space to pimp some great Beyblade fanart by various talented artists and maybe have other bits and pieces of Beyblade treasure for you guys to enjoy so stick around and enjoy yourself!

Featured Art: "Damn fools" by Bibi-chan
Todays art is froma talented Deviant artist, bib-chan, while she hasn't done any new Beyblade art recently, she does have quite a nice collection of old Beyblade art in her album which is well worth having a look at (She has a very adorable and cute art syle!)

Featured Video: "Right where I belong, Kai!" a TyKa tribute by Setsuna

I'm not much of a TyKa fan but this video was really well made so maybe some of you will enjoy it! (Not to sure about the song though...)

PS. For more Beyblade pics check out the stories below.

Parallel Chaos

A series of experimental one shots exploring the huge difference one simple choice or event can make in a person's life, with the mass of parallel universes pl...

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