The Albino Mosquito

Interval- The Blade Breakers

Together, the three Blade Breakers walked down the hall away from Rei's room. Max broke the thoughtful silence.

'He seemed…happy.' Kenny shook his head.

'Too happy. It's the drugs they're giving him. I suppose its better than…than before.' Tyson changed the subject.

'We should go home and get some rest. We can come and visit Rei tomorrow.' The others nodded in agreement. They

had reached the waiting room by then and, together, they started towards the front entrance. They could hear the

sound of an ambulance pulling up outside and they stood by to let some doctors out the door. As they walked down

the steps, Kenny took a casual glance in the direction of the ambulance and stopped. His face paled.

'Oh no.' he gasped in dismay. The others stopped walking and looked to see what Kenny had spotted. Their mouths


'Kai!' Exclaimed Tyson in a hushed voice.

Lying, deathly still, on a stretcher outside the ambulance was Kai.

He was covered in blood.

The three remaining friends stood and watched in shocked silence as Kai was lifted up in his stretcher and carried

into the hospital. Finally Kenny managed to pull himself together and dragged the other two with him after Kai.

They ran up the steps and rushed into the Waiting room just in time to see Kai disappear around the corner on a

trolley. Running to follow him, they found their way blocked by one of the hospital attendants.

'I'm afraid you can't go this way. Is there something I can help you with?' He said calmly.

'Our friend!' exclaimed Kenny breathlessly. 'He was just taken in on a trolley….'

'The lad with the greyish blue hair?' the man asked. The three blade breakers nodded silently.

'Do you know what happened to him?' asked Max fearfully. The man hesitated a second before answering.

'I heard that a couple found him in a nearby street a while ago. It looked to me like he'd been attacked by someone

using a Beyblade. He's just been taken to the emergency room but he should be okay. I doubt you'll be allowed to

see him before morning though.' Tyson, Kenny and Max looked at each other in dismay.

'we'd better go home then.' Said Kenny wearily. 'Thanks for your help by the way.' The man nodded to them and

strode away on another errand.

'Come on guys.' Murmured Kenny. 'let's go home.'