The Albino Mosquito

A Losing Battle?- The Blade Breakers

Yawning loudly and stretching, Max sat up in bed and looked around. In the two beds next to him were Tyson and

Kenny. When they had gotten home the night before, they had decided that it was probably safer to stay in a group.

They rang Mr. Dickinson together to explain what happened. Then after a quick call home for Kenny (Max was

staying at Tyson's anyway.) They all went to bed. It took a lot longer for them all to go to sleep though and the

effects were showing this morning.

Max got up and wandered into the kitchen. He decided he would wake the others later. For now, he wanted to think.

After making some toast for himself, Max leaned back in his chair and gazed into the distance. There was only the

three of them now and who knew how long it was before they were attacked again. What was the point of it anyway?

What did the attackers actually want? Then his thoughts turned to Kai and Rei. Would Kai be awake by now and how

did he get attacked in the first place? Kai was easily able to look after himself, so how did he even let them near him?

And Rei…Rei is blind. Would he be able to Beyblade again?

His morbid thoughts were interrupted by Kenny with Tyson yawning behind him.

'Hey Maxie.' Said Tyson. 'Why so gloomy? We're gonna see Rei and Kai today. They'll be okay.' Kenny nodded his

agreement and Max smiled, slightly reassured. Kenny and Tyson started making themselves breakfast and Max got

up and walked over to the window to look out.

He groaned.

'Oh no. Guys? You'd better come and look at this.' The other two got up and moved beside him. Tyson's jaw dropped.

'What do they want?' exclaimed Kenny.'

'All the gruesome details of course.' Replied Max. Just outside the dojo, a small group of reporters were waiting, like

cats for a mouse.

'How are we supposed to get to the hospital now?' asked Tyson in annoyance. The phone rang just in time to stop

him launching into an angry tirade and Max started to get it. Kenny pulled him back.

'Wait max, it could be reporters. If it is, just hang up okay?' Max nodded and picked up the phone.

'Hello?' he asked. 'Oh, Mr. D. it's you. We thought it might be reporters….what? You're out there right now?…Oh,

cool…thanks Mr. D.'

He hung up and turned back to the others.

'That was Mr. Dickinson.' they nodded impatiently. ' He said we should go out the back and he'll collect us from the

road behind the dojo. He'll be there in five minutes so we'd better get moving.'

'Awesome!' Said Tyson. 'Let's go then!'

Five minutes later, they were all seated in the back seat of a limo, talking to Mr. Dickinson.

'You should be able to see Kai today.' Said Mr. Dickinson. 'I was thinking of going to see Rei first so you'll have Kai all

to yourself.' He smiled.

Max nodded,

'Thanks Mr D.' the limo was slowing down now and it quickly stopped just outside the hospital entrance.

In the waiting room, Mr. Dickinson soon disappeared to find Rei. Kenny approached the front desk to ask about Kai.

'Excuse me?' the woman looked up from her papers.

'Can I help you?' she asked.

'Yes. Our friend was brought in last night and we were told that we could see him this morning?'

'What's his name?'

'Kai Hiwatari.' The woman looked up sharply, frowning slightly.

'Your friends of his?' they nodded, slightly scared by her reaction.

'He's been a bit of a problem since he woke up. Did you know he has a severe needle phobia?' The three of them

looked at each other with slightly guilty faces.

'We only found out last night, just before he was…attacked.' Answered Kenny, finally.

'Hmm… well, I'm afraid we've had to sedate him, although he is surprisingly immune to that, but you can go up to see

him in a few minutes. Does he have a parent or guardian that his doctor could speak with?' The Blade Breakers

thought for a second.

'I guess…the best person to talk to would be Mr. Dickinson.' Said Max after a while. The woman nodded and wrote

something down before shooing them away.

About ten minutes later a young man came up to them.

'Are you Kai Hiwatari's friends?' They nodded.

'You can go and see him now. He's room 256.' He said quickly before walking away with a slight grimace on his face.

Tyson, Max and Kenny looked at each other and shrugged their confusion before starting off to find Kai's room.

They walked down the halls in silence, stopping only to ask directions every now and then. After taking at least two

wrong turns, they finally arrived outside room 256.

They looked at each other nervously. Each of them was waiting for someone else to open the door. Finally Tyson

grimaced in disgust.

'I don't believe this. What do we have to fear from Kai? (Apart from the obvious!) He's our friend. If neither of you is

going to open the door then I will.' He pushed past them and shoved open the door. The others trailed behind him,


Sitting in one of the chairs beside Kai's bed was a nurse. She looked up as they came in.

'Are you his friends?' she asked. Her tone was strangely accusing. The three boys nodded.

'Then do us a favour and take him home, pronto. We've had to have people in here all night keeping him under

control. The longest any tranquilliser lasts on that guy is about half an hour. One of the guys even got a broken nose

trying to keep him still.' She grumbled. They looked down at Kai, not doubting a single word even though his skin

was paler than ever and he had bandages covering him everywhere.

Suddenly Tyson jumped.

'Hey, I think he's waking up.' The nurse looked up, A look of annoyance on her face.

'Not again!' she groaned. Grabbing her pager she sent for help. Then she moved over to the bedside.

'Here, quickly, help me hold him down before he becomes too alert. Tyson and Max hurried to the other side of the

bed and took hold of Kai's arms and legs. Kenny sat down looking slightly ill.

Suddenly Kai's eyes shot open. His body began to tremble, as he became more aware of his surroundings. His mouth

opened in a terrified yell and he began struggling violently in a desperate attempt to escape.

'NO! Please, let me go. Don't hurt me. Please don't hurt me. Why won't you leave me alone? JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!

LET ME GO!' his struggles knocked Max off balance and he fell back, landing heavily on the floor. For a second it

seemed like Kai would escape and Kenny stood up in horror. Then about five more medical staff rushed in and

grabbed hold of him, quickly sedating him.

Kai's struggles rapidly became more feeble and most of the staff left the room, confidant that he wouldn't cause any

more damage.

'No…don't do this…wait…someone…help me…' mumbled Kai feverishly before he trailed off, falling into a drug

induced sleep, the bandages hanging off in trails and the IV cord ripped right out of his arm.

Tyson helped Max off the ground.

'I think it would be best if we took him home.' Murmured Kenny in a queasy voice. The others nodded shakily in
