Suicide Mission
" A highly dangerous or suicidal duty or function enthusiastically accepted or assumed by a person."
Kai sighed heavily as he leant against the metal rail overlooking the cliff. Some would say it was a beautiful day but for Kai, it could be his last. He turned and surveyed the forest and road before him. His murderers would soon be here and then it would only be a matter of chance if he lived or died. He wondered what Zephyr would say if she knew what he was attempting. He knew though,
'No Kai, it's too dangerous…I don't want to lose you.' He could hear her saying it as clearly as if she were there. He couldn’t worry her like that. If he lived he would tell her then, if he didn't… Kai shook his head. It was no use thinking about it now, he had made his mind up and that was that. He thought back to the scene in Mr. Dickinson's office the day before, Mr. Dickinson was another person who thought it too dangerous, then again who wouldn't think that? Still, only Zephyr could have stopped him from doing this and he wasn't about to tell Mr. Dickinson that…
'I called you here for a reason Kai.' Kai turned away from the window, shaking himself from a daydream. He looked at Mr. Dickinson expectantly.
'It's about your Grandfather…' Kai interrupted him harshly,
'He's not my Grandfather.'
'Even so Kai, I have received…disturbing reports about his latest actions…'
'It seems that he's given up on getting you back in the Abbey…instead…he has ordered for you to be killed on sight.' Kai sighed. He had vaguely suspected that this might happen eventually, but not now. Not when he was finally…happy. He turned back to stare out the window, watching as the sun set blood red on the horizon.
'Kai, this is important! You have to hide, I've made arrangements…'
'No!' Kai turned back sharply, 'Not this time!'
'But...but Kai!' Kai strode angrily towards Mr. Dickinson, his eyes filled with rage.
'Mr. Dickinson, I can't run forever. If I hide they will find me, no matter how long it takes! I'm sick of running away from him, do you understand?' Mr. Dickinson spluttered slightly with surprise,
'Kai, if you don't hide they will kill you!' Kai sat down on the sofa, all the rage drained out of him.
'What if I let them kill me?' Mr Dickinson took a step back, shock on his face.
'No Kai, You can't give up!' Kai smiled mirthlessly,
'I'm not giving up Mr. D. I'm just getting rid of a problem.'
End Flashback
So here he was, 'Getting rid of a problem.' When he had told Mr. Dickinson his plan, the old guy had nearly had a heart attack!
'It's a suicide mission, I can't let you Kai!' That had made Kai laugh, He would do what he wanted and Mr. Dickinson wouldn't stand in his way. Of course his plan depended mostly on the old man's help but Kai had easily guilted him into it!
Now all he had to do was wait, and when they came, as they surely would; seeing as they were Voltaire's henchmen, they would shoot him. It was up to Kai to time it exactly so they just missed but it had to look like they hadn't. It had to seem like they had killed Kai. A suicide mission indeed.
Once they shot him the only thing that would save him would be Mr. Dickinson, standing by, with ambulances ready to come to his aid. Of course even then he might not live. Kai shook his head, he would live, he had to live, or Zephyr would never forgive me, he thought with a small grin.
Suddenly he heard a shout, and he turned to see someone running out of the forest, off the shortcut.
'Zephyr?' The small grin faded quickly from his face and he felt suddenly cold as shock flooded through him.
'What are you doing here?' She was still running and he could see her face now, it was panic stricken. Could she know? How was that possible?
'Z…Zeph, What's wrong?' he asked, How could she know? Out of the corner of his eye Kai caught a movement that made his blood run cold.
'No, not now,' He whispered in shock, Zephyr was getting closer, shouting his name.
'KAI!' He backed away from her, trying to think of anything that would stall the situation, the black car came slowly into the overgrown car park, its windows were tinted black and he knew it was them.
'ZEPHYR, GO BACK. Please…go back…' But she kept on running desperation in her eyes, he knew she had seen the car as well.
He watched in horror as time seemed to slow, the tinted window slid down and the nozzle of a gun poked out, the click of a safety catch was lost in the sound of the ocean.
'KAI!' Gasped Zephyr as she finally reached him, spinning him around as the shot rang out.
There was a muffled curse as the two sank to the ground.
'Zephyr?' She opened her eyes slowly and looked up at him, a kind of peace blazed within her.
'Sorry Kai...' she murmured weakly, Kai shook his head in denial.
'No, Zeph, you have to live, don't give up, it's gonna be okay Zeph. It's gonna be okay.' From the distance there came the sound of ambulance bells, so far away though, they seemed so far away.
'Kai…you know…I love…you…'
'No Zephyr, don't say that, you can't leave me now. Please Zephyr, don't die, I love you too much to lose you now.' Tears fell down leaving a silver trail across both their cheeks.
Zephyr smiled serenely,
'I know…it'll be alright…it'll be alright…'
In the golden light of the dying sun, Kai wept as he held Zephyr's limp body in his shaking arms. It was all so wrong, everything was wrong…