As the title implies, I created this just for fun. ^_^ I mainly intend to use this as a means to jot down whatever comes to mind, and (provided that I feel like it) put down some stuff on history. I'll try not to be too judgemental about topics that tend to be extremely sensitive like politics. (No, no, scratch that--especially politics.)

As a side note, I'm also going to start using this as a means to announce when I have updated my story Tides of Fate or anything else related to it.

For those wondering what I look like, here's a picture!

(Surprised that I'm still not showing my real face? Too bad! >D *evil laughter*)

Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful day!

Tides of Fate

Finally, the moment you've all been waiting for: the conclusion to the prologue!!! Yata!!! (*does a victory dance*)

I must say, I'm exceptionally pleased with how it came out--it's certainly way better than I THOUGHT it was going to be! I'll admit though, I beginning to wonder if I'm keeping true to the Disney format of story-telling or not ^^;... (You know, the format that basically says "If it makes a toddler run screaming in terror, then don't do it." ...Waaaaaaaaaaaaait, there are plenty of exceptions to that rule, aren't there? ...*le sigh* =_=;)

It'll be quite some time before you see any sign of the first chapter. To make certain I don't tweak my characters too much throughout the story, I've been in the process of jotting down their basic characteristics and how they're going to "grow"--for lack of a better phrase.

Thank you everybody for reading what I have down, and I promise to announce when I start posting the next chapter! Hasta luego!!


Sorry for not posting much of anything for the past few days! I've been a little preoccupied with homework lately, but that should end soon. Take care y'all!

Just for you jsh21990!

I originally was going to put this down as a comment, but then I realized that it might be too long for that. ^^;

Anyway, I have no problems with commenting when I feel like it. My mentaility to that is, "If you've got something to say, why the hell keep it to yourself?" (Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait; if that something is going to get you decked in real life, then it's probably better for your heath to keep it to yourself.)

Good luch with waiting for Kingdom Hearts III. If it's going to be anything like the wait we had for KHII, then we might need a few oxygen tanks on standby in the event that we decide to hold our breath waiting. (*looks away with faint smile present*)

In the meantime, I'll post an image of The World that Never Was that I found up. Enjoy!

Ahhh, life...

I went shopping with my family today, right? Well, one of the places we went to was Best Buy, which is one of the few stores that I can actually enjoy myself in. (This may sound a little weird coming from a girl, but shopping is usually one of my LEAST favorite things to do... =_=;)

Upon walking in there, the first area I decided to visit was the Nickalodean section to look at one of my all-time favorite series: Avatar: The Last Airbender. (^__^) I've been looking forward to the release of the third season boxset for quite some time now, so I wanted to see how much it would cost. If it was at a price that I could afford at that moment--which would have been less than $40--then I would have purchased it on the spot.

Well... ^^;

My initial thoughts of, "I can't wait to see this!!!" ^___^ quickly turned into, "I can totally wait to see this!!!" o___O;

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not going to cough up $89.99+tax just so the boxset can ultamitely end up back on the shelf collecting dust! That's just plum CRAZY!!

...that's all I wanted to say =_=;...

Background's a Go!

Alright! Now that darn background to Tides of Fate is the way I wanted it! (Not entirely what I dreamed up; but then again, how often does THAT happen?)

That's all I wanted to announce. Later y'all!