Welcome! I, Twin Fenrir, have decided to create a fan World for the greatest series of all time: Resident Evil. Here I will post RE pictures, information (good information), and other things... Join me in being a RE nerd! :D
PM me to join, and all that stuff :P

I made a video :D

Yes, yes indeed... I have finally made a Resident Evil AMV :D
Ima post it now.

Tell me what you think :D

Also, I've come up with some things to post, so stay calm :0 (?)



New Look

Yes, yes... I have updated the look of my beautiful world. I likes it :3
Do you, my faithful members, likes it? :0

Anyways, on to the post... Not long ago was Easter, as you probably knew (maybe). But more importantly, it was Resident Evil's 12th aniversary! HAPPY RE-VERSARY EVERYONE!!!

To celebrate, I got some classic, creepy Resident Evil music for you to listen to :3


The Umbrella Corp. thanks you for your cooperation.

Warning: Challenger(s) Aproaching!

Wow :0
I'm sure glad I made that post XD
New members are: Hatchi84, LuckyChan101, and TrinityLight.
Thank you all :D

Also, Hatchi84 joined literally 15 seconds after I made yesterday's post (O_o)
So I think she deserves free acess. All the rest of you need to pay $600.00 Canadian. Thank you very much.
I'm kidding! (or am I?)

...Anyways... I'm still thinking of ideas for this magnificant club, so that'll be something to look forward to XD

~The Umbrella Corp. thanks you for your co-operation.


Welcome! What are ye' buyin'?

Yes, the Merchant and I welcome you! I'll be honest, I have next to no idea what I'm doing. But don't worry, you can trust 'ol Fenrir to make a great RE fan World (or die trying).

First of all, if you make some sort of crazy art request, you won't get it for a while because I can't draw that well. I'll try, but don't expect a masterpeice.

In this World, I will ocasionally post RE pictures that may be interesting, and ask your opinion on them. I will do the same with videos as well. I'll also post some quizes, to test your RE knowledge. It's awll good, mate.

Anyways, PM me to join (only join if you're a RE fan, obviously).
I hope to see some of my friends joining :D

Let's start off simple... What is your favorite Resident Evil game?
Mine is the first one, remade for the Gamecube. I just got it not along ago, but let me tell you, the Spencer Mansion never looked so real.

This is a picture of the Spencer Mansion's dining room, taken from the japanese "Trevor's Journals".

Come back anytime.

