A slight shuffling is in my ear, the rustling of leaves or maybe someone in the house. My eyes snap open and I search the dark room with my eyes, looking for a burglar who would dare break into this house and this room. I hear another noise by the...
I feel warm. The sun hits my face and the hot sand warms my feet. “Come on in, the water is great,” someone yells from the waves of the ocean. His voice is alluring in every way; telling me to come closer because he wouldn't...
Shrouded in shadows, my eyes move up his back. I can see his blond hair falling in waves to his neck, and reaching down to touch his nose. He shivers as if he knows I'm there then looks around to see Jenny walking up. I casually flip my sho...
My body is frozen and I can’t move, I know my brother would never try to commit suicide. Oh wait; he did mumble something to me about school. Oh my gosh! Everything is my fault! I could have saved him! I beg mother for the hospital’s n...
“Justice has been served,” I yell. Three girls are on the ground, but one is missing I could have sworn there were four girls. A quiet clap comes from behind me and a turn around to see Jennifer Ackermann with her phone in one hand. I...