“Mr. Lewis? I don’t get this,” Lauren said, making sure to bend over and show her cleavage. Howard ignored the obvious flirting and showed her how to do the worksheet that would introduce her to the class. Mr. Lewis is what she called him, obviously, because he is a teacher at Maldovia High School. This all-girls school was quite happy to hire this young science teacher and the students swoon at his grace and looks.
Mr. Lewis taught wonderfully and easily ignored the flirting his students did, oh-so-obviously. He sighed as 5th period came around and removed his glasses to clean them just as a rush of students came in. The tardy bell rang and Mr. Lewis started teaching.
“Mr. Lewis? Do you have a girlfriend?”
“What’s your sign?”
“Do you like chocolate?”
“What about your favorite color?” the girls asked him in the middle of class. Mr. Lewis answered all their questions truthfully and made sure to keep a smiling face on front of his students. “Yes I do,” all the girls groaned and pouted, “I’m a Scorpio, I love chocolate, and my favorite color is… velvet red,” Mr. Lewis answered. The girls seemed satisfied for now and went back to the fun that is the first day of school. Yippee. The bell rang and 5th period ended.
All through 6th period Mr. Lewis had to fight off hoards of girls and still was able to teach properly. Once the bell rang to dismiss his class, he opened the first drawer in his desk and pulled out the picture he brought from home. He stared at the woman and gently sat the picture back in the desk. His class of girls walked in and he noticed two girls with the blue eyes that were so familiar to him. Maybe Victoria has come back so see me, we finally meet after 1043 years, Mr. Lewis thought. He immediately dismissed the idea and started class.
“Mr. Lewis, how old are you?” a brave girl asked, she looked to her friends for support and they nodded enthusiastically. Mr. Lewis took a marker and wrote “21” on the whiteboard. The class of girls squealed and giggled. They asked him more questions and he answered best he could. “I don’t like when people sleep through my class since I think my class is quite fun,” Mr. Lewis said in a rhythmic way. All the girls were entranced and slowly looked around the room for someone who dared to sleep on the first day of school in the new, young, male teacher’s room. He seemed to float up the isle beside the desk in the second to last row. All of the seats were taken; the room was full, as his other classes, with female students.
The girl who was sleeping had brown hair with honey blonde streaks that were, most likely, natural. Her long black eyelashes were not tainted with make-up and her head rested on the hard, wooden desk. Mr. Lewis bent down and blew into her triple pierced ear. She immediately shot up and shouted out, “Wah! What the heck! Can’t you see I was sleeping! Who is-,”. Natalie looked up at Mr. Lewis and blushed a light shade of pink. “I’m really sorry I didn’t mean to, I was up really late last night and-,” Mr. Lewis held his hand up and stopped Natalie’s ranting. “Detention,” the girls gasped as they watched the entertaining show. “Next time I catch you sleeping in here. That goes for everyone,” Mr. Lewis walked back to his desk then looked at Natalie one more time. He saw her eyes and sighed, Another mistake, it’s not her.
The girl beside Natalie seemed to be giggling and joking with her. "Nice one Nat," The girl said while laughing.
"Stop it Jenny! That was so embarrassing..." Jenny noticed that her teacher was staring at her, she looked into his eyes as if asking, “What?” Mr. Lewis stood up, his chair crashing back into the wall. He left the classroom in a flurry of papers, falling to the floor. “Free period until the bell,” he managed to mumble as he left the room. He briskly walked to the teacher’s bathroom. He splashed water on his face and studied himself in the mirror. Slowly, but surely, his green eyes started to change into red, it looked as though a drop of red food coloring was placed into his irises and changed then. No matter how much he loved the velvety color of blood he could never like these bright, red eyes. His throat burned; he needed more blood, and soon.
The bell ran, dismissing the students from school, while he stared at himself and he finally walked back to his classroom. But only after the footsteps that had stampeded the hallway stopped. He reached into his desk and pulled out the picture and muttered, “Victoria…”.