Welcome to the liberation. This world is celebrate and discuss world conquest, fan fiction, pictures, etc... of Code Geass Lelouch of the rebillion and Code Geass R2. Other similar manga/anime such as Death Note are acceptable as well or any with some type of liberating effort.

Well have fun liberating the world.

Any suggestions, Just PM me.

Will try to start regular updates bare with me if i am unable.

Hope you enjoy this world.

note: all images borrowed unless otherwise stated.

Fate or Destiny?

Ergo proxy even more emo and darker then death note. Its a cryptic tale about life. Setting takes places pretty much after the world has seemed to ended.
Vincent; the face of a citizen they say, but what is a citizen, you can look at that many ways. I wont go it to much detail on how to define a citizen. Our liberator Vincent who has seemed to lost his memory walks an eriery path to the truth. He was betrayed by Mayor, who trys to make up for what she has done. Vinncent is ergo proxy but at the same time its also his alternative ego. He betrays his other self and trys to leave in the forgotten world. The proxy the fight for freedom from this world to get to heaven, they are trapped here on earth until there calling.

-thats is it for now of my shallwo response.
