Detective Conan: Kudo Shinichi's Written Challenge

In celebration of the 10th anniversary of Detective Conan, a drama special is made entitled “Detective Conan: A challenge letter to Shinichi Kudo”. Oguri Shun played the famous 17 year old high school detective, Kudou Shinichi. Kurokawa Tomoka played his childhood friend and love interest, Mouri Ran. And Jinnai Takanori played the ‘famous’ detective and Ran’s father, Mouri Kogorou .

The story is set before Shinichi Kudo is drugged and discovered that he shrunk into a 7 year old boy. As a treat for their graduation, their class is going on a school trip. Shinichi decided not to go but when he received a challenge letter from the ‘kidnapper’ saying that one of his classmates is going to be kidnapped. He accepts the challenge and decided to go on the school trip.

Detective Conan is one of my favorite anime and the fact that Oguri Shun played Shinichi Kudo makes this more enjoyable to me. Half way in the story I kinda figured out who the kidnapper was, I thought maybe I’m watched Detective Conan too much that it became a little predictable. So if you’re a fan too you’ll maybe figure it out by that particular scene. Anyway they kinda spoiled my discovery anyway *sigh*, you’ll know what I mean if you watch it. But of course I only figured that much and the trick is still a mystery to me until the very end.

The story closed where the anime started. They went to Tropical Land in celebration of Ran’s victory on the Karate completion and if you remember the very first episode of the anime you’ll instantly recognize the clothes that Shinichi is wearing. It’s amazing that they went down to the very details. There was actually a scene where, Genta, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko appeared and Genta tripped on their way to the roller coaster… wait… I’m wasting my time here again, telling you details you already know.

Anyway, this is definitely worth watching especially for those big fans of Detective Conan. And yeah according to some fans, Kogorou should have at least one drunken scene and I totally agree. But at least they pointed out the he’s a big fan of Youko. That particular scene is so ‘him’, her posters on the wall and rushing in front of the TV just to watch her. ^_^

Title: 名探偵コナン- 工藤新一への挑戦状
Tagline: さよならまでのプロローグ
Title (romaji): Meitantei Conan: Kudo Shinichi he no Chosenjo
Tagline (romaji): Sayonara Made no Prologue
Title (English): Detective Conan: Kudo Shinichi's Written Challenge
Tagline (English): The Good-bye Prologue
Broadcast date: 2006-Oct-02

originally posted: July 24, 2007
