Onnechanbara 2

This is frustrating I can’t find any detailed information about this game, just some descriptions about the series of the game. And the game only has a few pictures! agrr! My brother found a summary though in a game forum...

I really love this game. I don’t understand why there aren’t a lot of fanarts, pictures, screenshots, videos or reviews about this game. Well maybe because this game doesn’t have any English version (yeah we played the Japanese version at least I was able to use my little knowledge on the language ^_^).

Anyway since I can’t find any reviews what so ever I’ll attempt to be detailed in this review...

The Story:
After escaping from the temple (Onnachanbara 1), Aya brought her badly wounded sister, Saki, to the hospital. One day she got a call from the hospital that Saki has unexplainable fever and is going to be brought to another hospital. But then Saki disappeared leaving only a bloody ambulance. Aya looked for her sister and found her fighting a mysterious woman. She immediately killed her to save her sister. But then the mysterious woman appeared again and explained that the woman they killed was her clone. She also explained that it is an order from their organization to kill Saki because of the cursed blood that is inside her, the same blood that Aya carries. The organization concludes that the reason for the recent zombie outbreaks is because of Saki’s blood. Aya believed that it isn’t her sister since there are others that carry the same cursed blood that they do. So they joined forces to find out who’s really behind the Zombie outbreaks.

Aya is from a generation sword-wielding assassins, she and her sister are the only ones left from that generation. She wears a bikini, a lacey scarf. She has shoulder length hair and wears a cowboy hat. She carries within her a cursed blood.

Saki is Aya’s sister. She wears a bloody sleeveless white polo, white and blue skirt and a light blue necktie. Her hair is long and tied in two. She also uses a sword. She’s the primary target of the organization because of her cursed blood.

Reiko a woman working for an organization in solving the zombie outbreak (actually I’m not sure about this). She’s initially ordered to kill Saki but because of Aya she joined forces with them to solve the zombie outbreak. She wears a motorcycle suit that is slightly open, her hair is slightly longer that Aya and she wears glasses with yellow rims on top. But in the game her initial costume is the same except that she’s wearing a helmet.

Cursed blood or Alchemy of Blood:
A dark priest conducted a horrific and forbidden ceremony. He killed virgins and collected their blood to fill a coffin. He then took a priestess and impregnated her without intercourse and submerged her in the blood filled coffin for 108 days. This ceremony killed the mother but the child lived by feeding on blood. The dark priest was attempting to use this cursed blood by releasing the ultimate power from the people who will carry the cursed blood and use it against other tribes. Before the ceremony is completed the dark priest and the whole tribe including women and child was killed to erase the tribe’s existence. But the child that has been born out of the ceremony survived from its burial feeding on corpses of his murdered tribe. He grew up and mingled with other tribes and his blood lives on.

Game play:
Some reviews states that this is a simpler version of the game Devil May Cry but this game has a unique feature. (I haven’t played Devil May Cry so I wouldn’t know) The game has different gauges. The gauges for bloodlust that could be seen in the characters picture while playing. When this gauge is filled the character would go berserk heightening the characters power but this also cause the characters life to lose points gradually. To prevent this you’ll have to find statues and simply approach it to clear the bloodlust gauge or use an item clearing half of the bloodlust gauge. Another gauge is for the sword, this would cause the sword to become heavy and slower and when the gauge is really full the sword would get stuck at the enemy giving them a clear shot at you.

Main bosses: (normal mode)
Stage 1: Saki. You’ll be controlling Reiko’s clone in this level.
Stage 2: Reiko. You’ll be Aya and Saki in this level,.
Stage 3: Chiaki and other zombie girl (I can’t read Kanji). You can choose two characters Aya, Saki or Reiko.
Stage 4: a Zombie Bear. Your choices Aya, Saki and Reiko. But I think it’ll be best if you use Aya and Reiko because of the long range attacks, it may not be the strongest attack you could use but definitely safer.
Stage 5: a Zombie Mob. Yes lots of zombies! Choices are Aya, Saki and Reiko. Also you’ll be fighting Chiaki and the other zombie girl, individually of course.
Stage 6:Eva.Choices are Aya, Saki and Reiko. You’ll also be fighting the Zombie Bear with a couple of slightly aggressive spider-like enemies. And you’ll also face (again) Chiaki and the other zombie girl together with a bunch of slightly aggressive crows.
Final stage: Bloodlust Reiko. You’ll be controlling who ever you’ll use in the previous level. But my brother said that Aya and Saki would be automatically used.

To defeat these bosses easily, don’t be lazy and just kill zombies so you can level up. It could get boring though...

Actually I don’t know how to clearly describe the controls since sometimes I’m really suicidal. Meaning when I get frustrated I just randomly press buttons. ^_^ sowee...

Individual ability:
Individual characters have unique abilities too. Aya have long range attacks using knives (I call it kunai without handles, the design is a bit weird). Reiko also has a long range attack using a shotgun which is much more powerful than Aya’s. And Saki, she doesn’t have any long range attacks but instead she has power attacks that could rip off any regular zombie limbs, really helpful against police holding guns enabling them to shoot at you. Saki’s ability could also easily kill spider-like and monkey-like enemies with one thrust.

The graphics are obviously 3-D. The main thing I’m going to describe is the blood. When the character’s gauge is slowly filling, the character becomes get a little redder and they are dripping blood when they are moving. Also when the character is almost filled with blood the character looks heavy I mean they look tried and are arching their backs. The same with the sword it becomes stained with blood and drips blood too. The graphics during bloodlust is a quite good. Its pulsating graphics makes it a bit hard to see along with the aura thingy coming off the character but it’s tolerable.

My Verdict:
All in all, the game is pretty easy (at least for my brother I’m suicidal remember) but you’ll have to repeat this over and over again just to level up, complete quests and collect costumes (the costumes could be disappointing). I’m done playing though I have no desire to play it over and over again. My brother is still playing so I’ll peek just to see the extra stuffs. By the way that only thing that matters to me in a RPG is the story.

originally posted: July 18, 2008
