Hello Welcome to my Bleach world I love Bleach its one of my favorite Anime/manga. My favorite all time characters are Byakuya, Joushiro.Toushiro, and Kenpachi. Ichigo is ok and so are all the others.

Toushiro Hisugaya

A so called star of hope

Momo and Toushiro

Momo:Captain i thought i could trust you
Toushiro:What a minute Momo,its all Azien falt
Momo:NO!! i dont believe you my captain would never do anything like that.He wouldnt,he couldnt
Toushiro:Momo listien Aizen has deceved us all you have to believe me .Do you honestly think i could pull off something like that.Momo you know me better
Momo:But why Toushiro why would Aizen do this Why!Why!
Toushiro:I dont know Momo.

Momo and Toushiro

My captian I love you.Ill die for you Toushiro.
You were the only one how was by my side when i was hurt, when i was sad.
You Captain Hitsugayagave me hope to strive forward to keep tring my best even if it killed me.
All because of you i can live a life without Aizen.

You fill the same way dont you captain.I hope you do

Toushiro Hisugaya

They call him short and they call him young but at least he can fight
