I don't hate Orihime. What I hate about her, specifically, is the fact that she is treated as such a useless character. I think if her abilities were utilized, she would be amazing. Kubo's wasting her, in my opinion, but there's not much we can do about it.
Geez, now im depressed. JK, i loved this story (gotta love angst). i also think orihime is underrated. some of my friends hate her just because she never has cool fights (idiots). anyway, great story!
Oh, wow, I'm glad you liked it so much! I definitely agree. The only reason I'm not an Orihime-hater is because I know what she's capable of. She has the potential to be more powerful than anyone else.
You have an Ishida fanfic? That's cool. And I'm glad I could help ^^
It's really nice..... The story is very realistic! I understood Ishida completely. Ichigo is really a baka! *nods* Orihime is really a strong character..... but how she's shown in the anime....it made a lot of people Orihime haters....And the story does revolve on Ichigo too much. Hope those two(ishida & Inoue) have more air time....
Make more Fan-fics please!!! ^^
And thi9s made me pumped up to finish my fan-fic on Ishida....XD
I believe that the way Orihime is shown in the anime is such a waste of a very strong character. She only had one battle of her own(her first one, against that octopus-like hollow), and then she was left to play the part of the "damsel in distress".
When I read your fic, I almost felt like Ishida was making the same critics I make to Bleach, like the fact that everything revolves around Ichigo, LOL. Well, it's Kubo's story, not mine.
Good job!
Thank you so much. Yeah, I liked writing Orihime particularly- I think that, in the right context, she can be a very strong character, but she is generally portrayed in the anime (I don't read the manga) as weak and "girly" when she has proved herself otherwise. I hope I live up to your expectations in the future!
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
WOW! You pulled us right into Ishida's world and portrayed a very believable scene of Orhime and Ishida's conflicts. I want more of these two characters from you, friend. Your writing brings them to life so well.
This makes me want to start my fan fiction soon, but I need to wait until I have more time.
Tee hee! Hi there cherri-chan! I love the fanfic! WRITE SOME MORE!
You're really good!
Thanks! You really thinks he like Orihime more? I can't really tell. I don't think they'll end up together, though, regardless of who Ichigo likes more right now. I think Orihime gave up on Ichigo, anyway.
Raid Boss (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/09/09 | Reply
Nice! I totally agree with you on the pairing implications (though I do think these days Ichigo likes Orihime more than Rukia ;) ) Nice bit of angst here, I enjoyed it!
Otakuite | Posted 10/14/09 | Reply
yeah, its not her fault she's useless lol
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/13/09 | Reply
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I don't hate Orihime. What I hate about her, specifically, is the fact that she is treated as such a useless character. I think if her abilities were utilized, she would be amazing. Kubo's wasting her, in my opinion, but there's not much we can do about it.
Otakuite | Posted 10/13/09 | Reply
Geez, now im depressed. JK, i loved this story (gotta love angst). i also think orihime is underrated. some of my friends hate her just because she never has cool fights (idiots). anyway, great story!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/03/09 | Reply
Thank you!
Otakuite | Posted 09/03/09 | Reply
Love it, nicely written, very sad. 2 thumbs up!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/11/09 | Reply
Hehe!!! Really??
Me too!!! And you're very correct there!!! And she's gorgeous too....XD
Hehe!!! Glad you did!!!!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/27/09 | Reply
Oh, wow, I'm glad you liked it so much! I definitely agree. The only reason I'm not an Orihime-hater is because I know what she's capable of. She has the potential to be more powerful than anyone else.
You have an Ishida fanfic? That's cool. And I'm glad I could help ^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/23/09 | Reply
Aww.... I almost cried!!! (really!!)
It's really nice..... The story is very realistic! I understood Ishida completely. Ichigo is really a baka! *nods* Orihime is really a strong character..... but how she's shown in the anime....it made a lot of people Orihime haters....And the story does revolve on Ichigo too much. Hope those two(ishida & Inoue) have more air time....
Make more Fan-fics please!!! ^^
And thi9s made me pumped up to finish my fan-fic on Ishida....XD
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/04/09 | Reply
@Sole Storyteller:
Thanks! I was hoping to get that point across, and I'm glad someone agrees with me.
She has so much potential, and I hope that Kubo utilizes it.
Last edited by cherrichan13 at 11:13:58 PM EDT on July 4, 2009.
Sole Storyteller
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/04/09 | Reply
I believe that the way Orihime is shown in the anime is such a waste of a very strong character. She only had one battle of her own(her first one, against that octopus-like hollow), and then she was left to play the part of the "damsel in distress".
When I read your fic, I almost felt like Ishida was making the same critics I make to Bleach, like the fact that everything revolves around Ichigo, LOL. Well, it's Kubo's story, not mine.
Good job!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
Thank you so much. Yeah, I liked writing Orihime particularly- I think that, in the right context, she can be a very strong character, but she is generally portrayed in the anime (I don't read the manga) as weak and "girly" when she has proved herself otherwise. I hope I live up to your expectations in the future!
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
WOW! You pulled us right into Ishida's world and portrayed a very believable scene of Orhime and Ishida's conflicts. I want more of these two characters from you, friend. Your writing brings them to life so well.
This makes me want to start my fan fiction soon, but I need to wait until I have more time.
Wonderful story, cherrichan!
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/06/09 | Reply
I love the fanfic! WRITE SOME MORE!

Tee hee! Hi there cherri-chan!
You're really good!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/10/09 | Reply
@red tigress:
Thanks! You really thinks he like Orihime more? I can't really tell. I don't think they'll end up together, though, regardless of who Ichigo likes more right now. I think Orihime gave up on Ichigo, anyway.
red tigress
Raid Boss (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/09/09 | Reply
Nice! I totally agree with you on the pairing implications (though I do think these days Ichigo likes Orihime more than Rukia ;) ) Nice bit of angst here, I enjoyed it!
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/08/09 | Reply
That was really good! I only know a little bit about Bleach, but this pulled me in and I enjoyed it a lot!