It took me a while to add an intro to this world. Well, this is my world for Bleach fanfics, and my one random FMA one. I realize there are only a few fanfic in here now, but I have sooo many more coming. Trust me.

Fan Words contests I participated/will participate in:

"*Your* Story"
by Haru93
"Your Best Friend" by Sangome
"Character Creation By the Numbers" by Markus Wolfe

Check them out!

Enjoy my world!

Who Says Shinigami Don't Exist? Ch. 3- Striped Hats and Wooden Clogs: Not a Good Combination

Oh, crap. Not many things were running through my head when I heard my parents pull into the driveway. I really need to learn to think on my feet. But even if I could think on my feet, what was I s...

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