- Created By Bleach Universe
A Wonderful Complement:
Tonight I was chatting with a TheO member and the comment back to my PM was this. I have removed names to save face. Some things just don't need to be known by the masses.
Re: Subject Removed
Sent By *TheO Member*
Date Sent 04/13/14
Sigh, you guys really are the best internet family anyone could ask for. I know *add name here* is in good hands and we'll all work together to make him smile again.
Okay, I'll keep an eye out.
That makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over. I try my best to be here for my online family. Though sometimes life can get in the way I NEVER STOP thinking about them. They are always in my prayers and thoughts and I know for a fact I can say that for the others as well. At least the ones I know really well I can say that for... heehee...
I love you all very much and even though I am not there physically I will ALWAYS be there spiritual...
Love ya all,