Nori Mutsu's Secret Santa Gift

Captain Mutsu,

This wallpaper is from your present for Christmas. To get to full size image you will need to figure out who I am. All you have to go on is the technique used to make the image. No hints will be given. Good Luck!

Secret Santa.


If you're not part of the on going 'Bored RP' this don't concern you. So you don't have to read:

To all this may concern:

I saw a glitch for our posting of this 'Bored RP' *grins* ((Sorry Karmira it has stuck as that name with me)). Toshiro is in my shop (in comment) with Tsukiro while he is past out and having a vision of Kita and talking to her. Now to the normal people – hell even to the odd people, Toshiro can’t be in two places at one time. What are we going to do about this? We have to get him out of there before the release of Kita is posted. That’s going to LOOK FUNNY.

I can go in and RP with him via comment and then post it that way he will be back in Las Noches or if someone has another idea I am all ears to hear it, but let’s do something and SOON.

Let’s talk peeps and get this straightened away and quickly.


RP Date Reminder:

Aizen' RPer here:

Alright people we now have an RP Date and here is what we got that everyone seems to be good with.

The RPer's needed for this RP are as listed and the RP we are doing:

Kita's Release RP:

  • Aizen
  • Ulquiorra
  • Nnoitra
  • Toshiro/Zeshin
  • Kita

Date and Time are also as listed:

Date: Saturday Night the 26th

Central Time: 10PM or Later


We will see you Saturday night. Come ready to fight *smirks*

Aizen's RPer

Thank You!

I want to say a HUGE Thank you to Toshiro for the idea of this account. I think it is going to help bring things together much easier than the way it was before. So Toshi *bows* Again...

