Last Top 5 for a month or 2

So yeah and i won't be able to add parts with Yowai story ethier. So no more depressing stuff on to the Top 5. follow the link to watch the video

1. just freaking funny
2. hahaha best amv ever
3. If you haven't seen Potter Puppet Pals your missing out on life! This when he got the YouTube award.
4. I'm getting the FLCL (Fooly Cooly) box set yyyyeeaaaahhhhzzzzzz.
5. There is no 5 because I'm leaving you guys and i've been sad all week.
Well i give you all these YouTube videos so that you will be bizy with those till i get back. BBBBBBYYYYYEEEEE ( trys to disipears into smoke) (falls into hole) aaaaaahhhhhh

Top 5 things of last weeK

This is where i Sasuka14 will wright something that i thought was awesome this week. If you don't like it PM me write away.
1. We got our first fan Hatchi84.
2. I whatched Pricness Bride with some of the best qoutes ever. Like when i was whatching P.o.T. (Prince of Tennis) when he switches to his left hand is i could only think of "What you do not know is that im not right handed" even thoe he says hes right handed in the movie it was still funny.
3.I finshed FLCL. One of the BEST anime ever. Canti rocks!
4. found a awesome FLCL amv with the song Letterbomb by Green Day.
5.I got to whatch Farris Bughler Day Off since i have no channles at my house.
