Thanks for reading my blog!*world*
I have another blog for an upcoming manga story(to lazy to start drawing)
BUT what ever.
That by the way is what i live by
Thanks for reading my blog!*world*
I have another blog for an upcoming manga story(to lazy to start drawing)
BUT what ever.
That by the way is what i live by
Hey Hi peoples!
IM sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored so im just writeing about random anyway last night i barely got any sleep (private matter) but anyway i was up half the night. So this morning i fell alseep in my Chrch service (jeez talk about embarassing On the plus side I woke up to this loud thunk and nearly screamed...oh wait....i did gonna hid under a rock now....Toodles.....
Byes and Huggles
wow i hope i can get internet under that rock!
Eye Color-Red~green
OKAY hows everyone doing tonight! A little update on my life so far...Three days ago i got sick with the flu but, Im better now YAY
Last weekend i had a concert with my choir...i think my earddrums stil arent working right. But other than being loud it was fun! Today i woke up with this wierd twitch in my eye. Oddddddd
But its slowed down a bit.
Weather today is windy and rainy (no thuinder though so it can suck i want thunder....
) Oh well tomarrow i have a BBQ for my friends Little Sis First Communion (religion thing its big so) any all my friends will be there
and some guys too but im not single so all those guys can suck thier balls! lol just kidding!
See ya'll gonna go get soem Ice Cream!
I love this pic..but its not mine i found it on deviantart So whose ever it is I LOVE IT
Hey all happy v-day all you couples go make-out! that's what this day is for!!!!! lol jk but go have fun with your bf/gf. I won't cause im outa town this weekend but still! you others go have fun for me!
Oh ya all ya'll singles todays the day to get a girl/guy! Don't be depressed dress your best (casual) and go in search for the other depressed singles!
I just realized something not so important i forgot to do! (oh im so smrt) i forgot to intro myself to all my readers (i doubt i have any yet) but who cares.....OKAY
Name- The Cicadas Cry
Age- 14
Eye Color-it's ever changeing i dont know
Favorite Anime-Ghost Hunt
Favorite Manga-meru puri!
Likes-Manga,anime,Cats,small dogs,strawberries,blueberries,bananas,
TheO,Youtube,apple pie,and horses
Dislikes-Mean people,people who like anime but refuse to cave and admit it, people who think thier better than me when thier not,Pumpkin,Myspace,computer viruses,large dogs whi drool,stalkers,rapist,murders,police men,copiers,and i think thats it!
Favorite color-Orchid and black
Interesting fact- my eyes change colors
Wants to be (fictional char.)- A vampire THAT WOULD BE AWESOME BEYOND BELIEF
wants to be (life)- a artist or actress
Favorite peice of jewlery-my purity ring and a necklace
okay i think thats it!
Oh ya i love Final Fantasy and poems i found this it not mine i give credit to who ever it belongs too!
Okay off the subjects of Infected crap! Im so busy this week! Im going to Fredsrickburg (spelling is wrong i know!!!) With my friend this weekend, cause my choir has a concert there on Sunday. But they were visiting thier Grandparent sand invited me along! YAY ME
but thats also bad cause i wont be here for V-day and it's sad.......
but the good that comes out of missing V-day is.....absolutly nothing!
Bye's and Huggles
This is a Poem i wrote but TheO wont let me uplaod it!