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Hi, I'm ForeverOtaku and you can call me Ri-chan for short. ^^

september 26 | unicorn | otaku | 14 | ouat & pll ♥
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Do you want to stalk me? Well, you've come to the right place! Make some popcorn and enjoy my boring life. And bonus, here is my address... lol no. If you have stumbled across this world for the first time, click here to know who I'm exactly talking about in this blog.
PM me anytime, I don't bite. *thumbs up*


My Other Worlds
Quote Crescent
Meme Tower
AN-IMEzing World!

Last updated: Jan.3/15

Summer Is Here! BP #7


Today's the first day of summer vacation!! Happy, but sad.
As for yesterday at the dance, I was trying to be nearby with T for some songs but that's pretty much it. And G (remember that she has a crush on A?) was really sad because A is lying a lot and he's being mean to her when M.V(initials for another girl since 'M' is taken) likes him and he knows and he's being nice to HER. So G is feeling jelly and extreme sadness. :( Oh yeah, A knows she likes him as well.
At the end of the day, when A and T were about to go down the stairway and leave (my school has 3 floors and we were on the 3rd floor), I just wanted to say something. So as they passed by, I said "Bye A, T" but they probably didn't hear me because they didn't respond. So as I watched then go down the staircase, shyness about to take over me again, I was like "You know what?! *Opens door opening to stairway* BYE T!!! *Closes door*" My 3 friends who were with me looked at me like ":o '-'" It felt really good inside to say something to him though.
Outside, at the front of the school, as I hanged out with my friends,I felt an urge to say bye to him again. So I dropped my things, and ran to the parking lot, where T and A take the car home. But they were no where in sight. I walked back to the front, sad. But that moment sank in way to fast and that's when I broke down. While I (I'm going to use bold and underlined for 'I' so it shows better if I'm talking about me or my friend) and R (a friend) were just standing there calling me cute. ._.

I'm going to miss all my friends at these 2 long months pass by. And T too... :'(
But I know one thing for sure, I'll see them all (except for one, K) in September. :]

