~Welcome to Blogging Blowup!~

Hi, I'm ForeverOtaku and you can call me Ri-chan for short. ^^

september 26 | unicorn | otaku | 14 | ouat & pll ♥
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Do you want to stalk me? Well, you've come to the right place! Make some popcorn and enjoy my boring life. And bonus, here is my address... lol no. If you have stumbled across this world for the first time, click here to know who I'm exactly talking about in this blog.
PM me anytime, I don't bite. *thumbs up*


My Other Worlds
Quote Crescent
Meme Tower
AN-IMEzing World!

Last updated: Jan.3/15



Today was absolutely insane. I went by car to school today and when I stepped out of the car, all I see is girls running around screaming. I was really confused and I walked toward my friends... then I started screaming too. lol

There were bees and wasps EVERYWHERE. I'm not even exaggerating. Like legit, all the f-in bees were stalking everyone. So the whole time I was outside, I was being hunted down by a whole hive.

It was really scary. ;_;

Also, last night I was on the laptop and my window was open. Then I heard these really loud sounds from outside. I thought it was a firework but then I realized it sounded kinda off and not quite like it. And the sound happened again and again, multiple times. It echoed. Very loudly. Like a gunshot.

My eyes widened and I went to the window and looked around. The sounds stopped. But then I saw an ambulance and a firetruck coming near. So I think it really was a gun shot. *Is scared*

AND... IT WAS SO F-IN HOT TODAY I WAS DYING OF BOILINGNESS!!!! And my stupidity actually got me to bring a sweater to school. Yes, I'm so smart.

So that's basically what happened today. Nothing else really. :T

